Evil Break

Chapter 377: : 1 shot through the cloud and temporary retreat

At the gate of the Endless Road Refuge, at this moment it has been completely corroded by the void, and the surrounding cliffs and large areas have been wiped out, attributed to the dark nihility, as an area on the canvas is burned to burnt black.

The endless void that originally occupied the sky is fading and dissipating at a speed visible to the naked eye. The energy is all concentrated on Hu Feng's super energy spear. The dark sky has now become dark gray, and the color is much lighter.

The monarch of course discovered Hu Feng's movements, but his body was too big, although now he slowly started to rise again, it didn't help.

It ’s hard for anyone who wants you to be thousands of meters tall.

The flying speed of the Void Spear is average, not very fast, which also gives the monarch time to lay out defense, and there is no egg energy shield to cover one layer after another, and the internal area of ​​the battleship is estimated to start. Prepare to extinguish the fire and close the destroyed area.

Then, the black spear hit the monarch head-on.

Layers of energy stand shields are directly penetrated, as if there is no general, this feature of the void energy is simply a destructive weapon.

There was a harsh voice from Zrazra, and the spear of the Void quickly corroded the armor of the warship in front of the monarch, and then continued to penetrate deeper into the interior.

The surface of the steel squid was corroded into a large hole with a diameter of more than 20 meters, and this range is still expanding with subsequent corrosion.

Through this large cave, Hu Feng saw the scene inside the monarch, that is, a very cold and dim space warship corridor, covered with various cables and pipes, and now a lot of sparks are constantly blowing in the corrosion of the void And current.

The spear of the void did not disappoint himself. He successfully shot the monarch with a pair of punctures, blasted from the rear of the battleship, and then turned into countless small energy arrows. Areas are corroding.

The next thing is fooling, seeing the monarch is accelerating, the young man seems to think that something is impossible, so he wants to retreat temporarily.

Gathering all the remaining void energy again, another spear of void energy slowly condenses out.

Scared to death, do you want to go? Do you want to go! You will shoot you again without leaving Lao Tzu!

The monarch is very good, as an absolutely sensible intelligent steel creature, adventure and gambling are never his choice.

Does Boss Hu have the tactics of pretending to be a fake and awesome? Yes, the monarch was naturally discovered through the changes of the endless void around him.

But who knows how many more attacks he can make? Once or twice?

At this moment, a large area inside him was completely blown up, and the corrosion of the void is still spreading to the surrounding area. The situation is not optimistic. According to the comprehensive calculation, staying and continuing to desperately win is very big, but the retreat is the most stable.

On the ground battlefield, a lot of tentacles of the ancient gods have been entangled with a ground-type reaper, and they are constantly tightening, making a piercing friction sound. The void energy flowing on the tentacles is also corroding the ground reaper Surface armor.

On the other side of the fortress, the forces of the pure demon successfully blasted a mechanical leg of the ground harvester, the unbalanced steel spider crashed to the ground, and a group of vandals were releasing evil rays and eyeballs at his scarlet mechanical eye. It was about to be exploded soon.

Without the ground reaper, the army of enlightenment will no longer be a threat, and the victorious balance has completely tilted to Boss Hu's side.

Super AI Veronica is manipulating all the still intact fel artillery, and bombards the monarch who is pulling up and evacuating.

Make you more advanced than me. . . Make you higher than me. . . Let you harvest Dan Kaza. . . Blow you to death. . .

Women's revenge is long-lasting, and female AI is no exception.

While firing, he also showed a huge palm through the holographic projection tool, posing a pose of the **** of the organism.

"You will be harvested again, the new Dan Kaza, you should not exist."

The monarch gave a ruthless remark, and seemed very dissatisfied with Veronica's brutal AI.

Immediately, the giant intelligent warship disappeared instantly like a jump, and left the battlefield, it should be back to the refuge No. 0 in the north of the frozen ground to repair itself.

As for the enemies that are being defeated and annihilated, the monarch does n’t even care, the number of such troops is too high, that is, the ground-type reaper is more difficult to build. With limited resources, the monarch has only produced four, now Half of them are here.

Hu Feng, who stood at the door of the Endless Road Refuge, was relieved, watching the flesh and tentacles of the ancient **** as a wall, re-sealing the entrance and turning back to walk inside the refuge.

At this moment, the corridor was also severely corroded by the void, and the doorways of many rooms were open. All the prisoners in it were already dead and could not die anymore.

The feeling of opening and hanging disappeared, and the Void Majesty ended his complete possession with Hu Feng. The black void with his fingers out of his hands quickly rushed back to the bottom of the endless road. The incarnation of the Void Royal Sister once again condensed and appeared in Hu Feng. before.

"It didn't satisfy me that I didn't kill the reaper. This big annoying cockroach will make a comeback. You have failed my gift to you!"

As soon as Sister Void began to speak, Hu Feng was completely immune to this.

"Okay, you can't boast me a few words, but this time I tried hard to save you, you little girl really ungrateful."

"As the mortal ants I chose, this is your mission."

"I'll let you call your dad in a moment ... Let me be arrogant first ..."

"what did you say?"

"No no no ~~ www.readwn.com ~ I said it was my honor to fight for you, my lady." Boss Hu shook his head immediately, and his progress in educating the Sister Void had reached a critical moment During this time, she completely followed her, she relaxed her mental precautions, and the speed of education was much faster.

"And just rest assured, the monarch has no second chance, the reaper who supports me is coming soon, so no one will come to fight your idea."

Sister Void nodded with satisfaction and nodded. What she needs most now is time to restore her injury quietly, but now. . .

"Now, meet my pleasure needs."

"Come here and come, isn't it just a pop, but the **** pouted, and Dad let you know what is cruel."

At the same time, on the plateau north of the frozen soil in the north.

The monarch stopped silently, and a large number of brain container people and repair robots were busy repairing the two large caves that were pierced by the spear of the void and the warship armor that was corroded by the void on the surface.

Not a fatal wound, the monarch didn't care, what made him care about the inexplicable change of the main force of the reaper.

We are coming to the solar system through the quantum repeater, why do we suddenly retreat?

At this moment, the monarch suddenly sensed the same kind of signal, and a harvester who turned off identification passed the quantum repeater and came to the solar system.

This is very abnormal. All the reapers are unanimous, as if there is one, and no reaper will actively close the communication link and identification.

According to the route prediction, this kind of unknown target is also the earth.

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