Evil Break

Chapter 379: : Various treaties and factions

With the red tide clone army retreating irrevocably and starting to guard their refuge Lao Chao area, this war will have no suspense.

Under the control of boss Hu, the pure demon army that completed the mission began to withdraw through the army portal and returned to the planet of Argus in their main world, a world full of evil energy.

If you want to say that a creature like the pure demon, then it is really desireless, as long as they satisfy their desire to kill and destroy, they do not need anything else.

Resources? land? population? Don't care at all! Do not take a glance!

They are fighting for the sake of war and destroying for the sake of destruction, just to make this universe burn out.

Of course, Sargeras, the Lord of Destruction, has a higher ambition. He formed the Burning Legion to burn out the universe, so that the Void Majesty loses all living soil, and then completely destroys the existence of the Void Majesty, so that the universe can get Rise from the ashes.

The demons under their hands don't care why their supreme masters are fighting. Anyway, it means where to fight and where to destroy the past all the way. The purpose is the same, no problem.

So he killed a satisfied demon who patted the **** obediently and left, leaving behind the evil energy and massive corpses.

The rest is the war on the negotiating table.

The Red Tide Refuge must publicize its cloning technology, and then sign a series of treaties designated by the old mobsters of the power clubs.

Of course, in order to prevent the persecution of the dogs from jumping too hard, all parties agreed that only the Red Tide Refuge can make combat-type clone soldiers, and other forces are only allowed to make non-combatants who will serve in spaceships in the future.

Then the red tide regulator came to interest. After learning what was going to happen in the future, the red fan said immediately that the red tide refuge should also participate. For this reason, he was also willing to sign all the treaties that attacked and defended the alliance. Spring and autumn dreams.

Oh, this supervisor uncle has given up his name, he is now called Chi Chao, and I have to say that sometimes you are in a fanatic brainwashing environment for a long time, you will also be brainwashed yourself, even if you are this kind of brainwashing The initiator.

This man was as fanatical as the clones under his hands, shouting various slogans every day, everyone holding hands and shoulders together, striving for life for the red revival, even if this persistence had become somewhat distorted.

After signing the soul contract, everyone can't repent and make small moves, and everyone dare not do it.

After all, they are supervising each other, who dares to break the rules of the game, drill holes and engage in small actions, then other forces must not recognize them, and then they will attack together.

Especially in the Angel camp, they have set the focus of supervision in the future. If humans and **** demons dare to make battle-like clones, they will jump out and stop the first time.

After all, cloning technology is useless for angels. They are intelligent war machines and synthetics.

At present, they are contacting Narumua on the side of Hu Feng, hoping that he can share the angel manufacturing technology to heaven, in order to cope with the massive personnel needs of the universe.

Mua is naturally unhappy. This group of war machines wants to make more of their own kind without authorization. This is simply a great rebellion, so the two parties have carried out endless whipping under the mediation of boss Hu.

Heaven wants to be completely independent, and it is a kind of family mind. Now it is well known to Sima Zhaozhi's heart. The purifier Rasha has been elected as the first Nintendo leader, which was impossible in the past.

The leader can only be the creator of Naru, the Archangel of Light is only the commander of the army, and is not qualified to lead the entire army of angels.

But now that Rasa has become a leader in heaven, this transformation can be said to be the first step for the angels to become completely independent.

Although they still carried out and believed in the will of the Holy Light, they no longer obeyed the orders of the Naru Creator, and began to think for themselves, forming a set of their own doctrine of the Holy Light, which is very different from the doctrine of the Holy Light of Naru Place.

So Orthodox Paradise belongs to the reformists.

Alettoya ’s new paradise for freedom is called radicalism. Their thinking and doctrine are more open-minded and casual. They have abandoned most of the previous shackles and burdens, solely for the development of themselves and their believers. Lazy ignore the outside world.

They fixed the will of the Holy Light in their own small circle, and kindness and salvation were only regarded as internal welfare. Whatever justice and purification in the world had nothing to do with themselves.

They are even more ruthless towards the enemy, whether you are righteous or evil, anyway, since the enemy will kill you, even if you are also the agent of the will of the Holy Light.

The reformists and the radicals have come, and naturally the traditionalists are indispensable. This role is of course Narumua and the angels under his command.

The doctrine of the Holy Light of the Apocalyptic Pure Church fully complied with the orders of the Naru, and was exactly the same as the doctrine formulated by the Holy Light Legion for thousands of years. traitor.

However, the three-party angels still agree on the clone treaty. Humans and demons must not create combatants without authorization, and only allow the creation of a massive warship service personnel gap after entering the universe.

The only exception is the Red Tide Refuge, they will be self-contained, after entering the age of the universe, they will use their human strength to reach an offensive and defensive alliance with all forces from the earth.

The non-my family must have a different heart. This sentence is also applicable in the age of the universe, but it has changed from the race in the planet to the relationship between one planet and another planet.

Everyone comes from the earth, and their mutual understanding is very clear.

But the alien race is different. After all, the technology you are about to obtain is a fault-type development that is fuelled by seedlings, so you must hug together and fight the enemy together, and then come to concentrate on fighting and splitting the money.

Ok. . . At this point, boss Hu played a slick head. Strictly speaking, the character has not yet been swept away. He hasn't even reaped the harvester. The earth can't get out. Where can he go to engage in aerospace and spacecraft manufacturing technology.

I do n’t know where the pioneers are now. I am now looking forward to the stars and the moon, just waiting for this guy to come to earth.

All in all, the author of Hu Feng thinks in a daze, and the discussions around him are much warmer. Everyone believes that Hu Feng will not fooling himself in this kind of thing, that is, waiting for a period of time, so the topic has been dangling on the outer planet of the universe, The Red Tide Refuge agreed to the disputed treaty.

An entire colonial planet and a certain area on a planet's continent ~ www.readwn.com ~ As long as it is not a fool who knows which one is more important, the red tide regulator is now completely immersed in the establishment of an all-planet red G * and the beautiful YY of the country. Extricate themselves.

The lively Leviathans said they would also play with them. They don't care about colonial planets and high technology. They care about what aliens will taste like.

The representatives of the Xiuli Society were also present. Naturally, this group of Fascist remnants had great interest and desire for the colonization of alien planets. They were going to establish a Fascist dictatorship of the Fourth Empire.

Therefore, a good surrender and surrender meeting was held openly as a lively and harmonious chatting tea party. Friends from all over the world gathered together and talked about the evil plans in their hearts.

"We want to turn the entire planet into a prey farm. The drugs and food that originally affected humans can be targeted." The Leviathans were drooling and looking forward.

"The superficial beast, the authoritarian empire is the right way, and any aliens who dare to rebel against the heads of state must be shot!" The demon of Xiuli Society immediately sprayed Leviathan's face.

"The justice of the Holy Light will spread to every corner of the universe, and any evil will be purified." The angels said that they would burn the Holy Fire to the aliens.

"Aliens should be able to trade souls as well. They don't have demons, it's a vast and untapped market." The demons have already begun to designate related sales plans.

Ok. . . All in all, on this magical earth, there is a group of not-so-friendly creatures, and now they want to harm the whole universe.

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