Evil Break

Chapter 382: : Galaxy and Double Knights

The star map provided by the pioneers is far more numerous and detailed than the monarch showed me last time, and there is no such large black cover, which is completely open to Hu Feng to observe at will.

The Star Zone of Extinction Curtain is actually not far away from the solar system. If the main prosperous star area is regarded as a huge circle, then the solar system is located in the ravine and ditch area on the outermost edge. The outer part of this circular area is backed by the solar system, and there are several abandoned dead star fields filled with asteroids and cosmic debris.

No one came to this area, and no one dared to come, unless it was deliberately seeking death.

Massive asteroids, various kinds of rubble, and spacecraft wreckage flew out of the star field of the curtain of extinction, flooding all the star fields around, turning this into a completely useless and useless star field.

Coupled with the cosmic storms that occur from time to time and the fluctuations of the sunspots scattered by unstable stars, any spaceships here will basically have instrument failures and malfunctions everywhere. The final outcome is not destroyed by the impact of asteroids or spacecraft wreckage. It was torn to the same debris by a cosmic storm.

Needless to say, within the star field of the Extinction Curtain, it is entirely the universe version of the end of the earth ’s ruins, with asteroids and countless spaceship wrecks everywhere. prior to.

The harvesters are stationed in the deepest part of this star field. The natural barrier here is the best disguise to hide their existence, so that the life cycle after each big explosion, few people believe that the harvester is real, but It was a imagination of a group of mad archaeologists.

To put it in a more specific example, if this circular prosperous star zone is compared to a flowering and prosperous world within the Great Wall in ancient times, then the world outside the Great Wall is a rough place with the solar system as the boundary.

Hu Feng looked at the holographic star map in front of him, thinking for a long time, his hands kept zooming in and out of the scale of the star map.

The solar system is located on one arm of the Milky Way galaxy, and there are three neighboring galaxies next door.

The curtain of the Perseus, the curtain of the Andromeda and the distant edge.

These four galaxies are like a long wall, blocking the extinction curtain star field outside the prosperous star area.

Hu Feng also showed a large spot of light on the holographic star chart of the curtain of the constellation of Andromeda, that is the firelight of civilization and technology, and that it is a colossal space horror fleet with a huge scale as a whole.

The Quillians, this group of cosmic wanderers were driven out of their home planet and all colonial planets by the intelligent aI they made that year, and now they ca n’t go back to their hometown of the curtain of Perseus, they can only wander in the next room. The curtain of the constellation, looking for an opportunity to counterattack the parent star, although this opportunity is extremely slim.

They have long appeared in the solar system, but the aseptic life of the spacecraft for many years has caused them to lose all their own immunity. The only livable planet in the solar system has also been made into an endless ruin by the four knights of the apocalypse. The apocalypse is everywhere. Rampage, when it comes to death, so the solar system has thus escaped the alien race invasion.

As for the farthest distance from the solar system, it is completely a semi-abandoned galaxy that is not suitable for colonization. Except for various archaeological teams, interstellar pirates or various small groups of illegal mercenaries who will visit here, there is no one at all. Willing to come here to suffer.

Oh, there are also space prisons of various races, holding a large number of inmates of the host star and the colonial planet, they will never be able to return to their hometowns.

So Hu Feng looked around this way and probably understood it.

Cooperating with mankind is in a ravine ditch of the solar system, and is a neighbor with a group of marginal groups. The best thing to mix with is the group of wanderers like the Quillians, which is simply not upscale.

Ok. . . However, the overall size of their space fleet is still the largest, after all, they boarded the ship.

However, after the sixth Chengdu belongs to the civilian fleet, the space battleship is not at all high-grade, and the main battle type fearless class battleship is even more pitiful.

Their civilian spaceships are large, with a rectangular hull in front and a giant steel ring attached to the back. A steel sphere is fixed in the ring, like a miniature artificial planet, simulating gravity and self Turn.

Sure enough, it is a unique universe, living a strangely shaped organism race.

"Okay, you know enough, now ..."

Before Hu Feng finished, he felt a strange sense of familiarity sweeping the spirit.

That was the fluctuation of the plague knight. At the moment, there was another knight. At the same time, there was another knight. It should be a war knight. The plague knight is not so big. It can be called to death to support the scene.

Feeling closer and closer to finding fault, Hu Feng could not help but open a small gap.

Who said that the remote mountains and valleys must be weak, it is estimated that there is no such stubble as the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse in your prosperous star zone, which can turn the entire planet into a huge ruin of despair.

Ok. . . Although it doesn't sound like a good thing, it at least proves from the side that our earth is so violent.

and also. . . The two poor boys didn't know what they were about to face. The food they brought to their door could not be wasted.

It is estimated that the plague knight was constantly anxious due to the continuous loss of source energy. This is no way. If you do not act, you will have no chance of action, and you will be sucked into a dead body by the boss Hu.

"You hide it for a while, don't be seen by my two guests, when the time comes to scare people away, how can I still suck."

Hu Feng said to the eyeball robot.

The pioneer who stayed outside in the shallow water immediately suspended again, and then plunged into the deep sea.

Okay, this time it really became a deep sea squid.

"Wait for the elder sister, you can help me hold one, don't let them run away, today I want to eat two at a time, it's pretty beautiful."

"Incomparably weak breath, as my servant, you are too embarrassing for me to wait for me to return to full state. I can give you the power of the void that is many times stronger than this." Sister Void shook her head disdainfully. It seemed that the lady didn't have the presence to watch.

"Come on, when you return to the heyday, my child is estimated to be soy sauce, well, I go out, remember to seize the opportunity to shoot."

After all, Hu Feng teleported to the edge of the cliff directly above the Endless Road Refuge, watching the vast green-green plague disaster cloud rolling in the distance.

The sky on the other side is occupied by scarlet flames, like a tsunami formed by flames.

War knight, he came on a red horse, holding a long bow, and has a crown to give to all beings ~ www.readwn.com ~ He won and won, he spilled the war on the earth.

The war knight of the parallel world appears on his own initiative, which is exactly what Hu Feng intended. If he swallowed him, then he does not need to find the war knight seal cage of the main world, he will slowly in his seal dog cage Being sucked dry by myself, and has no power to fight back.

"Hu Feng of the parallel world! You must die today!"

The Plague Knight rides his turquoise armored warhorse, suspended in the air, the two broken chimneys behind him are still very happy, and they have no face to show the entity.

Hu Feng tweeted a few times as he looked at the rage and rage of the Plague Knight.

It seems that he really sucked this young man.

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