Evil Break

Chapter 390: : Munich Blood Night and the purpose behind it

The German public's atmosphere reached its peak, especially the people who attended the event in person and watched the live broadcast through live broadcasts. The identity of the attacker was quickly identified. It was a group of extremists who were extremely repulsive and alert to intelligent aI (seems that their fears were not wrong?), As well as a group of Middle East dissatisfied with Ambrella ’s disapproval of refugees Refugees co-planned. There seems to be a handful of white Virgins, who are extremely disgusted with Ambrella's cruel behavior. The three parties hit it off, they rushed into the scene halfway through the cloth meeting, and fired at aI Veronica who was speaking personally and Hu Minghan standing next to him. Then the situation suddenly went out of control, and Xiuli Club was already very concerned about the ambiguous auntie of her master, and the security work has always been top-level, so the demon bodyguards were quick-sighted and rushed to be a human shield. Anyway, they were demons. , A few shuttle bullets still can't kill themselves. Plus the security robot immediately released a circle of current shields under the control of Veronica, blocking subsequent attacks. This scene was shot by some dead reporters. "Abrella's aI Veronica, regardless of the risk of being fired, gives priority to protecting human beings. Those radical anti-intelligent aI elements should be ashamed!" The news and images spread throughout Europe immediately Anbrella users who are very fond of Ronica, are angry at the moment, and have asked Veronica's status, fearing that she will be damaged. The feminist organization immediately popped up, and they were extremely angry about the attackers who wanted to kill Hu Minghan, plus the excellent performance of the security robot, so the women's public opinion fell all the way to Ambrella . As for the meeting, the emotions here are out of control several times. "Kill them! Kill the refugees! And the trash that helped the refugees!" "Where are the police? The Merkel government has no power to protect our personal safety!" Oh, this is the pot of Xiuli. They deliberately delayed the actions of the police, but instead sent a large number of security personnel to cooperate with the security eyeball robot to maintain order and safety at the scene, and the remaining attackers who were running after the pursuers. Most of the attackers have been killed on the spot. After seeing that there were Germans among the attackers, the people present were more excited. "Why are they attacking me? Am I doing something wrong?" Fine Veronica started the performance again at this time, coupled with a frightened tone and a puzzled expression, immediately got a lot of sympathy. Some literary youths and "thinkers" sighed and expressed emotion at this face, and expressed that human nature is sinister, so that a purely intelligent newborn program was hurt, and then hated that group of anti-artificial intelligence groups even more. Immediately following the instigation and instigation of the intentional people, a large number of people accepted the call of cooking and began to flood the streets towards the news media companies that supported the gathering of refugees from the Middle East. The intentional people also provided part of the Virgin ’s family. At the address, the marching masses separated a few vanguards and rushed to the communities where the Virgin lived. Then the scene went out of control again, and the act of cooking was born on the streets of Germany. Those news media companies that support and sympathize with the refugees were smashed crazy, leaving only a mess in the end, but fortunately they did not use a burning bottle, otherwise the nature would change, which is something some intentional people do not want to see. At the same time, the dwellings of the Virgin were also surrounded by groups, and the excited people began to throw things at the house, and picked up spray cans and sprayed various insulting languages ​​on the walls. The Madonna hiding in the house was trembling, and all he could do was call the police for help over and over again. After the main parade smashed the news media company, they confronted the armed police who arrived. The police held a transparent explosion-proof shield to form a human wall. One of the police officers with a loudspeaker continued to appease the restless people opposite. Because the parade, besides smashing the media company, did not have any other acts of violence, nor any weapons or burning flasks, it was considered to be of extremely high quality, so the Munich government decided to focus on appeasing. "Merkel would rather let that group of refugees rob and **** our compatriots, and also condone those hypocritical fools, and oppose the private security measures that Embrera gave us, look at this smart program! Where is she harmful? She is just a Newborn babies are now seriously injured! It is still to protect our safety! "Munich's night was extremely chaotic. Under the covert interference of Xiuli, the number of police was far from controlling the scale of the march. Then the Middle Eastern refugees who were still in the city were out of luck. As long as the excited people saw these Arab faces, they were abusive and physical contact. However, boss Hu still wanted to put some gold on his face, so Ambrera ’s security robot began to stop this riot and conflict. Veronica fell in love again and played a good-hearted girl. Tonight she It's enough to perform. "They are pitiful and haven't done any harm to women. Why should they be attacked?" Then the excitement of the people began to subside slowly, and their favorability for the aI of Veronica tonight has skyrocketed. She is a good girl with a kind heart and a very pure heart. "Veronica is right. There are also high-quality groups among them. It's all wrong to be general. Women and children are not wrong." The nurseries of Xiu Lishe immediately answered and played the double spring ~ www.readwn.com ~ This argument was immediately approved by the people, and then led to the nearest shelter under the guidance of the nursery. These people are innocent, but I know where the innocent people are! So the big guy rushed with me! Xiuli's eyeliner is spread all over Germany, regardless of the refugees who were caught in the crime or those who escaped by chance, basically all are recorded. So the night riot entered the final and bloodiest stage of finishing. The gunmen and ammunition were kindly provided by the guards who had been bought in advance, and then they pretended to be knocked to the ground and could not afford to fall, moaning loudly, and the pain was extremely painful. . . Click here! Gunshots sounded in the shelter and the refugee camp. Under the guidance of the Xiuli staff and the initiative to fire, the parade killed all the identified refugees. Then everyone dropped their guns and began to disperse in an orderly manner. Xiuli successfully concealed the identity of the perpetrators through their own relationship network and destroyed all surveillance records. Comes and goes like a wind, smooth all the way, one body. Until early in the morning, the main team that contained the police did not take the initiative to disperse. At this moment, the other murderers or threatened teams have already returned to their homes. The Munich commotion officially ended, and it quickly made headlines around the world. The news media of various countries have mixed opinions because of their own positions. But the biggest beneficiary is the aI of Veronica. After this incident, her attention and popularity have skyrocketed, and the public's desire to buy smart products under Ambrella has also risen unprecedentedly. An intelligent program to protect the owner, this kind of security is what everyone wants.

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