Evil Break

Chapter 392: : Ready and Ascension

At the end of the ruins, on the cliff beach outside the refuge of the Endless Road, Hu Feng is sitting on the ground, carefully looking at the holographic projection star map in front of him.

I haven't been in the main world for a few days, and I was sent back by everyone again.

There is no way. All parties are waiting for space and spacecraft manufacturing technology. Boss Hu has been doing nothing right, and everyone is very worried about him.

Weng. . . Weng. . . .

The monarch's body of thousands of meters is slowly breaking through the clouds, and the dark steel armor reflects the light.

The monarch, who is basically repaired, has packed Refuge No. 0 at this moment, put all the enlightened troops into his body, and entered the dormant state collectively.

Oh, apart from some brain container engineers, they will continue to work with the eyeball robot to carry out subsequent repairs.

For example, make up for the monarch's elder brother, paint it, oil it, and do the daily battleship maintenance.

At this moment, the pioneer was standing at a distance of tens of meters away, quietly stopped there, and was debugging his new functions.

The catalyst facility has finally figured out most of the technical principles under the collective research of the reaper, and it can now be installed as an upgrade module on each reaper, becoming an effective killing method against the synthetic body.

Is n’t it the zero element? Some of our harvesters have accumulated dozens of material and technological reserves of the Big Bang cycle. The rare mineral resources such as element zero are still in stock.

It ’s just that the catalyst device assembled by the pioneer is different from other reaper. This special modified model is specially provided for Hu Feng, which uses Hu Feng ’s spiritual will as the energy drive, and then puts his spirit of variation and enlightenment. The fluctuations spread out.

"Um ... The first stop is to go to the distant galaxy, take the planet or asteroid closest to the quantum repeater as the vanguard base, and then go to the extinct curtain star field."

Hu Feng thanked you for drawing on the holographic star chart, and made notes on the plan.

His plan is very simple, that is, to get a pioneer springboard first, build it into a frontier stronghold, and firmly hold the gateway to the harvester's nest, the quantum relay to the curtain of extinction.

It ’s one thing that no one dares to go to the Star Zone of Extinction to find death, but it ’s also not allowed that there are no fatal scientists or archaeologists and explorers and other people running around to make trouble.

Then Hu Feng overturned the plan and decided to adjust the order, go straight to the Star Zone of the Extinction Curtain, settle the Void Majesty's black hole residence, then concentrate on the harvester's main force, and then consider other plans.

Sister Void now completely relies on the temporary mini-void core at the bottom of the Endless Road. If she wants to forcibly leave, the temporary core cannot be maintained, so her injury will not get any better along the way. And there is no supplement to any void energy, so we must seize the time to go to the black hole of the Belfa 2 galaxy.

"How is it, the debugging is completed?" Hu Feng raised his head and sent a spiritual message to the pioneer.

"It's finished, you can sail at any time."

Hu Feng nodded and looked at the monarch again, "Are you all repaired on your side?"

"All modules are in a normal state and can leave the earth at any time."

"That's all right. I'll take the Void Majesty out first, and then set off immediately."

Hu Feng patted his **** and stood up, followed by a burst of evil fire, teleporting to the interior of the Endless Road.

"Sister! Can you move, can't you leave?"

At the next moment, Yu Jie appeared in front of Hu Feng.

"Are the two harvester machines ready? Well, I've had enough of this temporary void core."

"Well, according to the plan, remove the temporary core, and then fully attached to me, you can move in when you reach the destination."

Sister Void nodded obediently, no opinion on Hu Feng's plan.

The influence of variant enlightenment is extremely terrible. This subtle change of spiritual will can make the goal resist from the beginning, gradually change it to be reasonable and reasonable, then start to actively cater to these changes, and finally be completely enlightened successfully.

If Sister Void is fully resistant to this enlightenment from the beginning, she will not be affected by her will, but well. . . There has never been anything like, who made her unable to extricate herself because she was immersed in the pleasure she felt for the first time, and Hu Feng seized the opportunity to break through the spiritual defense.

At the moment, the ground was shaking, and the entire Endless Road area was constantly shaking violently. The Void Majesty actively destroyed the temporary core made by herself, devouring the residual energy, and now she has no stronghold and is in the most vulnerable. status.

The door leading to the lower floor was blasted open suddenly, and the endless black void poured out, and then violently merged into Hu Feng's body, in the most energy-saving state.

"And my servant of the ancient **** Zanes, I have ordered him to change back to his original form and take him away with me. I am still unable to make new servants."

Hu Feng nodded, wondering how the giant underground tentacle monster should be packed and taken away together.

However, after going out, Hu Feng understood that at this moment, the ancient **** had forced away from the parasitic state of the planet and came to the ground. The huge flesh and flesh body and the massive barbed tentacles had all disappeared, condensed into a ball There are many big eyes all over the flesh and eggs, staring at Hu Feng in the blink of an eye.

Ok. . . Come on, this can indeed be taken away.

The pioneer sent a troop-carrying reaper. The four mechanical legs directly fixed the meat egg and flew back toward the pioneer to complete the packing work.

Hu Feng was slowly lifted off by the blue energy current and floated into the door opened by the pioneer.

Standing in the dim energy core hall, surrounded by Hu Feng, there was a circle of outside scenes out of thin air. This was specifically requested by Hu Feng. He didn't want to always use the six mechanical eyes of the reaper to observe the outside.

"Let's set sail, leave the earth and target the solar system quantum repeater."

The quantum repeater is an important device for long-distance instantaneous transitions. It has existed for countless years, and I do n’t know which super-developed civilization was built, but it does n’t matter. After all, no matter who built it, It has been reduced to cosmic dust, leaving only their creations to still serve the new race of the universe.

Seeing the surrounding scene slowly rising, Hu Feng suddenly developed a strong sense of loneliness, as if traveling away from home, it was extremely cold and extremely complicated.

Although this endless ruin has no hope, it is still the earth and their parent star.

He shook his head, took out his phone and took a few photos of the scene in front of him, and recorded a few small videos, which were sent to his harem group. . . Cough, friends exchange group.

"I am ascending to heaven ~ www.readwn.com ~ will come back in a few days."

"Don't come back, you hooligan, just stay in the sky!" Hu Mingjing immediately came back and was very dissatisfied with Hu Feng's move.

"Congratulations to Boss Hu, who successfully went to heaven and walked all the way, the deceased rests in peace." Hu Minghan, the elder sister, also returned a message.

"We angels can fly so high." Aletya opened a highly analytical mode.

"be careful."

Ok. . . Still Chen Xiaopin is the most virtuous.

Lifting his head, he looked at the height that had been raised to the outside of the atmosphere. The earth below was gray, and even the clouds and airflow above were gray.

I don't know if other alien races will be puzzled when they see it. Such a ruined planet can also produce races that enter the universe?

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