Evil Cult Undercover Gets Exposed Everyday

Chapter 9 - His name was Wang Dayan


After dinner, Lin Ran sat in the room frowning, thinking for an excuse to go out, and a boorish cat’s meow called out from time to time outside the window.

Lin Ran flung the window open : “Shixiong, can you not do it anymore?”

Shixiong is still pretending : “Meow.”

Lin Ran : “Sounds very fake.”

Shixiong still acting ‘in-character’ : “Mrrrooow.”

Lin Ran : “Do it again and I’ll call someone to come.”

Shixiong : “Tsk, why haven’t you thought of an excuse to slip out?”

Lin Ran scratched his hair : “What excuse can I get? I am just a little concubine, and I barely leave the house at all (usually).”

Shixiong : “You can say that you are bored and want to go out for a stroll.”

Lin Ran : “Strolling outside alone when it’s dark?”

Shixiong : “Right.”

Lin Ran : “I want to keep the ‘wife dignity’1.”

Shixiong : *spits* “Or you can just leave like that2?”

Lin Ran : “Leave your head ah! Ji Wuxie is playing chess with himself in the yard.”

Shixiong sneered : “He is really calm.”

Lin Ran became suspicious : “Maybe your informant got it wrong. In fact, nothing is going on tonight.”

Shixiong : “I think you don’t want to go at all, you are thoroughly charmed by Ji Wuxie.”

Lin Ran glared at him, angrily flung the door open : *spits* “I will leave right now!”


In the yard, Ji Wuxie zoned out while looking at the chessboard. Seeing Lin Ran came out, he asked : “Furen came to play chess with me?”

Lin Ran was embarrassed : “I don’t know how.”

Ji Wuxie patted his thigh : “Furen, sit here.”

Lin Ran, who was completely charmed, stumbled and sat down.

Ji Wuxie pinched his waist : “Furen seems to have lost weight recently.”

Lin Ran felt itchy and laughed : “Probably.”

Ji Wuxie laughed as well and smiled particularly nicely : “What Furen likes to eat, you can just ask the kitchen servants to do it, don’t short-change yourself.”

Lin Ran blushed : “En, I know.”

A few angry cat’s meows could be heard from the tree : “Meow! Mroowww!”

Lin Ran : “…”

Ji Wuxie : “This cat sounded really terrible.”

Lin Ran : “It may be in heat.”

Ji Wuxie : “Or a difficult birth.”

Shixiong : “…”

Lin Ran stiffly shifted the topic : “Where are you going later?”

Ji Wuxie picked up a lock of Lin Ran’s long hair hanging by his chest and sniffed it. His voice was quite ambiguous : “Naturally, obediently stay at home with Furen.”

Lin Ran composed himself : “But I want to go out.”

Ji Wuxie : “Why?”

Lin Ran was at a loss for words, earlier he ran out of the room in anger so he hasn’t thought of a reason.

Seeing that he didn’t say anything, Shixiong began to furiously moew-ed on the tree.

Lin Ran got anxious and gnashed his teeth : “Burning offering papers for my father.”

Shixiong : “…”

Ji Wuxie : “Hahahaha!”

Lin Ran’s awkward self is going to act up soon : “See, you laughed at me.”

Ji Wuxie lightly hit his own face : “Husband deserve to die3.”

Lin Ran : “Then, I’ll leave now.”

Asking even though he already knew, Ji Wuxie said : “Do you want Husband to accompany you?”

Lin Ran glanced at Shixiong, who thought he was hiding very well in the tree and said : “No need, my father is blessing me from above.”


Lin Ran successfully slipped out from the evil sect’s residence, then Shixiong brought two horses with him : “Quick, let’s go.”

Lin Ran got on the horse and asked : “Do you know what are they going to do?”

Shixiong looked serious : “According to my informant, there is a small village within 20 li4, and tonight the evil sect wants to massacre that village.”

Lin Ran was shocked : “Massacrying a village for what?”

Shixiong : “Practice skills and martial arts5.”

Lin Ran : “How?”

Shixiong rolled his eyes at him : “How do I know that, my informant told me that.”

Lin Ran : “Who is your informant?”

Shixiong : “He is called Wang Dayan (Wang Big Eyes). He can’t be a little concubine because he doesn’t look good. He can only go to scrub the toilet. He has been an undercover for a long time. The toilet you used everyday was scrubbed by him.”

Lin Ran didn’t know what to say. After a long time, he asked : “Is he reliable?”

Shixiong : “Better than you either way.”

Lin Ran : “…”


When the two arrived, the village has already engulfed in fire. But Liushan Sect’s guards were arranging the evacuation of the villagers, so the overall emotion/mood was very stable.

Shixiong : “We are too late, it’s already over.”

Lin Ran : “What is the situation?”

Shixiong : “As soon as we got the report, we sent people to ambush the cult and asked for evidence. After all, we Liushan Sect do our job based on evidence.”

Lin Ran : “Just let it go6.”

Shixiong : “Is this burned village not a physical evidence already?”

Lin Ran : “What about witnesses?”

Shixiong stopped a honest-looking passer-by and asked : “Who is the person who killed the villagers and set the fire?”

That passers-by resolutely and decisively said : “The two subordinates under Ji Wuxie, his left-hand man Feng Kun and his right-hand man Cai Quan. They brought a group of cult disciples to kidnap villagers for Ji Wuxie to practice evil cultivation!”

Lin Ran recalled back (of the people beside Ji Wuxie) and confirmed that the two names are correct.

Shixiong glanced at Lin Ran : “See, any random person also can testify.”

Lin Ran thought about it then became suspicious : “How can an ordinary citizen recognize the evil cult’s left and right man? And could be so confident about it?”

The passers-by felt wronged : “This small one is not blind, of course I won’t be mistaken.”

Shixiong pointed at a distance : “Shidi7, see. We caught them just now.”

Lin Ran followed Shixiong’s finger and saw firmly tied prisoners lying on the ground in ‘six and sevens’. Two guards were guarding the area with an unsheathed sword.

Shixiong spoke in strict righteous tone : “The evil sect is getting more and more unruly, daring to set fire to a village for the sake of practicing evil cultivation method. This time, Ji Wuxie can’t run away no matter what he said. Shidi, you must not neglect the big picture over emotions. One should testify during critical moment when it’s needed.”

Lin Ran walked in front of the group of prisoners and stared : “Feng Kun and Cai Quan doesn’t look like this, alright!”

Shixiong : “Don’t forget that he still has 17 male concubines.”

Lin Ran was helpless : “Who cares even if he has 170 concubines? You think Feng Kun is really Feng Kun just by wearing a shirt sewn with the word ‘Evil Cult Left Hand Man, Feng Kun’ on his clothes?!”

Shixiong sighed : “Why are you so stubborn?”

Lin Ran suddenly wanted to beat him to death.

Shixiong : “I heard that there is someone wearing a shirt sewn with the word “Ji Wuxie”, but he managed to run away.”

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