Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 992: Legend of the future

"It seems that the appearance of our three old guys seems to be superfluous. In order to block these ghost kings, we almost lost our lives here, and you, but here stood a battle, let the five ghost kings Fleeing, but it is a blow, let the Raksha Ghost king kill... At least, I can tell you very responsibly, that is, the goddess of Xi Yao, there is absolutely no such ability." The ghost knife sighed and said.

"This is a destiny." The sage is born, she raises her right hand, the stick of the Word in her hand, the colorful ribbons on her body, the colorful plaques, the colorful bracelets, the colorful nephruses all turned into white light disappeared, and she was sent back to Su Fifi's body.

"Maybe you are right. The entry of human beings from these different worlds is the beginning of the loss of the new destiny of the mainland. And we, but already the characters in history, the invasion of the Mozu, has a huge alien world. Blocking, this power is strong, we have all seen... the unmatchable ghost king appears, there will be another hero to face and solve the crisis brought by this Mozu, we really do not need to worry about anything, There is no need to violate your promises and come out to take care of things that are not ours."

The round raised his hand, and the demon snake that released the deep green light disappeared between his hands, and he was sent back to the hands of God... But at this time, the demon snake is no longer the original demon snake, and the seal has been solved. Open, its toxic power has reached a terrible peak... that is the extent to which the goddess of the goddess is jealous.

"The Devil's Day has been broken. Maybe the Mozu will not think that they have spent so much time, so the big battle that the big mind casts is actually broken in such a short time. Open. We, why not think of it." The ghost knife said.

"The devil is the day of the sun?" Ye Tianxie said with confusion.

"This is the array of dark space cast by the magic of the Mozu and the power of the Eight Devils. With this formation, the demon of the Devil's Continent can come to the mainland and bring about a lasting disaster, until one day is lost. The mainland was overwhelmed by the resistance. It was a pity that it lasted for less than two days. The invasion of the Mozu was only a small head, and it was interrupted." The poisonous sage said. "And to break this battle, either destroy its magic weapon, or destroy one of the eight devils. These, human beings can't do it, and now we can't do it, and evil days, you have done it easily, Come on. I believe that in the near future, you will become another legend that lost the mainland... We will wait silently for that day."

The longer you know him, the more he will feel his extraordinary, and what they see today is not just the word "extraordinary". No one can predict where his future road will lead.

The three sages nodded to him, did not say anything more, and left at the same time. The Devils fled, and the Devil's Day was broken. They have nothing to worry about and worry about.

Not far from them, the Purple Sword God and the Ice Fire God have been in a state of ignorance. Naturally, you also have a very strong mind, but at this time they look at Ye Tianxie with a very fierce look, like a ghost.

Lost City Palace.

"The emperor... the emperor! The five ghost kings all fled... The Luoluoluo ghost king is dead! We have seen nothing wrong, it is really dead... This is the news from the ice fire **** there, it is The evil day hits the spike!! It’s true! And when the Luocha Ghost King died, the darkness of the sky disappeared simultaneously, and no magic soldiers came down again! The Emperor... This is this God. Trace!"

The lyrics of the pheasant have been excited and incoherent. The city that has been waiting for the lost city has been destroyed. If he does not dare to have any extravagant hopes, he will be the rout of the five ghost kings and the death of the Rakshasa ghost king, as well as the collapse of the darkness of the sky. The roots are a reversal of the reversal between their unprepared... and all this is simply because of the emergence of a person.

"They also sent me news...the two of them are definitely not deceiving." Although the lost emperor is calm, he still can't play the trembling in his voice.

"Evil day... He saved the entire lost city this time... No! It is the whole lost continent! Before the emperor said that he might bring hope, the poor road is still not convinced... It turns out that the poor road has always underestimated him. This is really... it is too unbelievable. Even the ghost king who can't deal with the three sages is scared away by him. The Luosha Ghost King is still a hit. When he hears the news, he is poor. The heart almost stopped beating." The more the pheasant is more excited, the more his feelings at this time are tantamount to rebellion.

"Oh, I don't think so... okay, I didn't punish him for the tangled area of ​​the Star City, otherwise..." After thinking of the Star City, the city had several times. The evil spirits arrested the imprisonment, but it was good to contain them in time... Now, I am still lucky and fearful. He, too, still underestimated Ye Tianxie.

"The horse uploads the whole city, telling the ghost king to be defeated by the evil day, all fleeing, the Rakshasa ghost king is killed by the evil day, the demon's formation disappears, and no new magic soldiers will join again... go." The lost emperor quickly ordered.

"Yes! The poor road will go right away." The chicken priest left at the fastest speed. After this news is down, compared to the whole city will be stimulated several times the power under the excitement, these magic soldiers without help will no longer have any threat.

Ye Tianxie returned to the home of the lost city. He said that he had not gathered with them for a long time. However, after so long, his whole person and his mentality have undergone tremendous changes. He is still the former, but he is not the same as him. A lot of things overlap in his consciousness, and many of them blend in his consciousness.

Stepping into the door, the first to meet him is the star glass, the star glass ran over, holding him and refused to let go, Ye Tianxie had to hug her and walked to the hall. In the hall, all the members of the Heavenly Mercenary Mercenary Corps are... including flowers and dreams have not left. Extremely rare, there is a lot of souls gathered here.

"Hey! Second brother, believe it. After today, you will become the biggest hero in the lost city. I dare to guarantee it with my beauty." Murong Qiu Shui licked his lips and said to Ye Tianxie, among his eyes. The strange light flashes frequently.

"No, it should be the hero of the whole lost continent, just killing the ghost king. Hey, this is only the 12 sages of the year who joined forces, and our dear head... Oh, this is A minute. You? We said, will our heads be rated as the first masters of the lost continent? Hey, he killed the ghost king, the ghost king!" Stuart shouted exaggeratedly.

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