Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 1007: Real demon

When I was writing the code, I climbed the table and went to bed. I wake up at five o'clock. I can't do it. I can't do it. I go to sleep first. I continue to code in the afternoon. I will fight for more chapters... Ang, dizzy, I am going, everyone. miss me……】

In the legends and records of the lost continent, the strength is above the five guardian sacred beasts, and even the five sacred beasts are killed by their own power, and only one person is killed with the four gods of the illusionary orcs. One person's strength is above the beast of the Holy Ghost. Among the most powerful people in the legend of the mainland, the goddess of Xi Yao can't, the light dragon **** and the dark dragon **** can't, the twelve sages can't...

The highest emperor of the Mozu - the devil! !

Only this person! !

Such an obvious thing, he should immediately think that the beast of the Holy Ghost is the top peak of the lost power class, and the root cannot be surpassed. At that time, the Qinglong was changed by the ball. However, the abyss knight with the power of the Holy Spirit could not resist one person. It should have the same strength as the normal Qinglong, but it was a purple sword by the star glass. Cut into dozens of breaks.

The demon lord will have seen the demon king and Ye Tianxie. Nothing is ugly, the body is shrinking and horrible, and the temperament is even more sinister and violent. This is the loss of the cognition, terrible power and terrible appearance of all the people on the mainland. This is the devil... Whoever sees the star glass can never associate her with the word "devil", but the word "戾枭" appears in the brain of Ye Tianxie, but it is like a root. How can you linger?

The demon is a demon, an ugly demon, a demon that has been sealed for thousands of years, and has survived for a thousand years... and the star is just a teenage girl, how can it be! He screamed and comforted himself in his heart, but the voice in the subconscious, and many other reasons told him... Star Glass, perhaps really a demon...

Star glass is afraid of water... In those days, the demon **** was sealed under the ocean, and was trapped under the water for a thousand years! For thousands of years, even if it is a demon, water will leave a deep shadow in his heart.

Zi Yao Shi... There is this stone in the body, you can not fear the demons, contempt for the demons. But... you can also control the demons! Why does Star Glass have such a powerful piece of gems, and if she is the leader of the devil who uses this stone to control the demons, everything is too good to explain.

At the same time, the anomaly before the departure of the star glass began after the emergence of the Heavenly Devil's Day, because it was the ultimate array of ghosts and ghosts. If she was really a demon, the familiar power would inevitably irritate her. , causing the soul to tremble, and thus...

The name of the glass star is similar to that of the cockroach... At the beginning, when he was talking to the Canglan Emperor, he said a lot of things he could not understand at the time...

"Hey? Is this the name of the human **** now? Oh, it's not the same as I know, but the name is not important..."

"The sky has disappeared, and the demon **** has indeed regained its lost continent. As for where the demon is now, I can't sense it... Oh, it has been gone for a long time, no one knows what kind of form the demon is, if You see the demon god, you will not believe that it is the devil... remember my words..."

"To the root of... As for what is the root cause... If you don't care, you will only sneer at it. If you have the heart, you will naturally find it yourself. I once told you that the evil is evil, they will invade the lost continent, completely It is forced by 'humans'. Even the demon **** who has been lost to the evil of the mainland for generations is the best person."

"The 'Day of the Sky' has collapsed, and the demonized demon has regained its lost continent. Compared to destruction and salvation, it is even more difficult to climb the sky, but I believe that you will choose to save, hehehehe... ”



One reason after another was born in the heart of Ye Tianxie, so that Ye Tianxie was in a mess. He licked his head... He thought more and would not be useful. He must be sure that he thought about it, would it be? it is true. He was short and said to Xiao Xi: "Star Glass... The glass star you said is not the demon of the Mozu."

He looked at Xiao Xi straight and looked at her and nodded slightly.


This instant feeling, Ye Tianxie can not be explained by language, he looked up, facing the sky, a long sigh of relief.

He is convinced that if he is lost in the mainland, he will pull a fairly normal person and point to the star glass to say that she is the demon of the Mozu. The only possibility is to be regarded as a neuropathy by the other side.

Star glass... so human, so well-behaved, so pitiful girl... turned out to be the demon!

The emergence of the devil is a very long time ago. Obviously, from the current records, there were not many people who saw the devil at the time, and all the people who saw the demon were dead. Even the five guardian sacred beasts, the four gods of the illusionary orcs are all dead in the hands of the devil, not to mention others! Therefore, people know the existence and horror of the demon god, but no one knows its appearance... In people's imagination, the devil is inevitably a fierce god, and it is a horror. This is the most basic understanding of the "magic."

As for the name of 戾枭...

戾 - symbolizes violent, sinful; 枭 - symbolizes tyranny and ambition, used to become the name of the demon, seems to be suitable. The words of the Cyan Emperor show that the real name of the devil is not called "戾枭", at least he does not know the name... and he, but the person who has seen the demon **** and is **** with it, there are several people in the world. He knows more about the devil. According to Xiao Xi's words... The real name of the star glass is the glass star...

With the cognition and fear of the devil, the people lost in the mainland at that time listened to the name "glass star" from unknown sources and heard it as "戾枭" and passed down from generation to generation. Because of the devil, how could it be the name of "Glass Star" with a fascinating color.

"Brother..." Seeing Ye Tianxie in a long time in a daze, Xiaoxi worriedly pulled his arm and shook it gently. She felt that Ye Tianxie was swaying and changing the uneasy atmosphere.

The picture in memory has swayed. Many things that I didn’t understand before began to become clear before the glazed glaze was this answer. He bowed his head and said to Xiaoxi: "Xiao Xi, long time ago, there was a break in your strength Almost every day, I am in a drowsy... At that time, was it because you and her have fought against each other? This continent can make you lose power, and it can only be the beast of the Holy Ghost, or be above the beast of the Holy Ghost. Devil..."

Xiaoxi nodded gently: "Yeah."

"Why do you want to fight her, is it to destroy her? Xiaoxi, I am not blaming you, just want to know the reason, tell me." Ye Tianxie tried to squeeze a smile and whispered.

Faced with this problem, Xiao Xi was obviously caught off guard, but she never refused her brother. She answered the question very seriously. She said in a word: "She is too powerful... if her...power Restoration...will break free and destroy...sister in this world...the rules that are set up...will affect...brother...so...before her power is not restored...before...kill her...”

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