Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 1020: Not the same under the treasure

Xu recalled, Xu said: "That was a night in the summer of four years ago. An old man suddenly became sick. I sent the old man to the hospital because there are still many children to take care of. After I sent the old man, it was very fast. We rushed back. - At that time, we were still on the edge of the city of Suzhou and Hangzhou. It was not as remote as it is now. In the middle of the road, it’s raining suddenly...", when it came to this, Xu’s voice suddenly paused. Looking up at Ye Tianxie: "You have great grace for us. I don't want to deceive you. You asked me this question... In fact, it has always been the secret that I have been in my heart for so many years. I dare not talk to anyone... ...even if I say it, no one will believe it."

"... Why do you say that?" Ye Tianxin frowned. Xu Shi is clearly saying that the process of picking up Star Treasure is her secret, that is to say... This process is by no means simple. Is there any hidden feeling in this?

"I don't want to lie to you about this matter, I don't know if I should tell you... Can you answer me a question first?" Xu looked at him, and his eyes were slightly complicated.

"You ask." Ye Tianxie nodded.

"My question is very simple, and only you know the answer... will you always be good to Boa? She is a very kind child, I don't want her to suffer any harm... even if you have great grace for us, if you I am not sincere to her, and if she makes her sad in the future, I will not forgive you either." Xu said.

The answer to the evil spirits is only one word.

"Well, I believe in you... I don't know why. Your answer makes people feel very practical and can't help but believe. After today, even if my illness can really be cured, I can't stay with Bo, even for a long time, even if Come back, with Bo's dependence on you, you should not be willing to go back... In the future, the person who accompanied her is you, the person who changed her life is also you, and the secret about her should indeed be handed over to you... If I believe in the next words, I believe that if you don't believe it... then you should be awkward and talk in disorder."

Ye Tianxie: "..."

This sentence of Xu's makes the spirit of Ye Tianxie gather together... Obviously, what she said next will inevitably be unbelievable. He just asked about the location of Star Treasure. I didn't expect it to be a secret that Xu had never told anyone.

"Auntie, you said, your words, of course I believe." Ye Tianxie said.

Xu nodded and began to talk about it in detail. Although it has been more than four years, but she still remembers what happened that day, she did not dare to forget any details: "The road suddenly started to rain, this time. The rain was very strange, the next one was very sudden, and it was just a blink of an eye. It made me have to find a place to shelter from the rain. It was already eight o'clock in the evening, and that place was very remote and could not be seen. What kind of pedestrian, I went to a small pavilion on the side of the road to avoid the rain, my heart has been worried about this rain for too long and delayed home, let the children worry... probably stopped for less than a minute, the sky, suddenly appeared A very bright lightning, I lived forty years old, and I saw the bright lightning for the first time. I gave my eyes directly to the flash. In general, the thunder is followed by lightning, and the sound is thunder. It was synchronized with lightning, and that was the loudest thunder I've ever heard in my life. It almost shocked me to fall to the ground. Then, the little pavilion that I sheltered from the rain suddenly collapsed..."

"I thought that this pavilion was thundered, scared, and I was running away. At this time, there was another flash of lightning. I was looking up and looking at the air. When the lightning was on, I saw something falling from the sky. I thought it was wrong to see the flash of lightning on the eyes, but soon, the shadow fell lower and lower, and it has been falling. It’s not far from me.”

"...What do you mean? That is... Boa?" In the expression of Ye Tianxie, there was a deep shock.

This... what is this? ?

"I didn't know what it was at the time, and my heart was particularly scared. Then, another lightning flashed up. I saw it by flashing. It turned out to be a girl. I was scared at the time, thinking that I was dreaming, can I want to escape quickly, but it is indeed a girl, not moving in the rain, if she doesn't care about her... So, I am brave enough to go over, then I found out that this is a very beautiful girl. Any girl I have seen is beautiful, which makes my fears a lot less. At that time, she didn’t wear any clothes. I took off my coat and put it on her body, then picked her up and thought of it. When it rains, when I want to take her to transfer, she wakes up... It was also at that time, lightning, thunder, and the heavy rain that was going down, all disappeared at once."

Ye Tianxie: "..."

"That girl is Boa. Her wake wakes me scared. After all, she fell from the sky, just thinking about it, I have never encountered such an incredible thing in my life. When Boa woke up, he rushed. I laughed and asked who I was... I asked her who she was, she said she didn’t know, she didn’t know anything. Her body was very empty and she couldn’t stand up, I was very hard to carry her back to me. The home. When I got home, it was midnight. The children and the old people slept. I took her to my room, changed her clothes, and let her rest. I asked that night. She has a lot, she doesn't know anything, she doesn't remember anything. The next day, the children and the old people saw Boa and asked where she came from, I can only answer... She was abandoned by her parents and passed out. Road, I was passing by. Many of the children there were abandoned or homeless. This lie can also make them quickly become a piece...just, what happened when she arrived at her late, I can't forget it anyway, I will always be there. Later, because of the emergence of Boa, we almost laughed and laughed every day that day, she likes children like me, and she is especially good for everyone, especially care for them. The children are united because of her, almost There was no conflict. In the end, she still respected her as a big sister. Although she had no memory, she had very profound knowledge and wisdom, and her learning ability was even more amazing. She taught the children knowledge, taught them to be human, and taught them to understand. Grateful... Her arrival has reduced my stress by more than half, and at the same time, made the children more and more lovely. These children are somewhat isolated and sharp because of their abandonment, etc. A little bit of her guidance became a good boy............ Later, I have been thinking, Boa, will it be a god-given baby daughter to make up for the loss of my lost daughter."

Ye Tianxie: "..."

Ye Tianxie has been listening silently, and his heart said that it is not a taste.

Star Baoer was brought by Xu, but the process of this...

Thunder, heavy rain... Star Baoer is actually in the thunder and rainstorm, from the sky, down! !


Ye Tianxie did not suspect that Xu was cheating her. How can a person with such a good heart make up such a lie. Even if she really wants to deceive, she can't even say that this kind of "lie" that normal people can't believe.

Xu said before that "Boa is the most precious gift that Tian gave me." It turns out that this sentence is not just a love for Star Treasure, but another layer of meaning.

"I want to say that is all. All of this is my true heart... These have been in my heart for many years, and I have never talked about it outside of you. This secret I have thought of hiding forever, but I can't help but say it when I see you... Because Boa, she has her own past, has her own life, has the freedom to find and know her own life, I have no way to help her, but at least, I I should tell these to someone who is good to her... These, if you believe or not, just be as boring as I am, don’t tell Boa, she is a smart child, I don’t want her life. I was too disturbed...unless one day, she was very keen to know her origins." Xu said, looking at Ye Tianxie's look. This secret that has been buried in the heart is said, and her heart is also a lot easier.

"I believe in your words... I remember these words, you can rest assured, I will not tell Boa." Ye Tianxie was silent for a while, said. The complexity that can't be said in the heart. He knew very early on that Star Treasure was extraordinary. When she entered the world of destiny, it was not a novice village, but another place. Moreover, in the initial stage of the world of destiny, the degree of the heavenly engineer is reached, which is enough to shock the world. Now, these things that Xu said have deepened the fog of Xing Bao's body several times.

What kind of girl is this?

"Auntie, these years... Star Treasure has not had any unusual places, you should understand what I mean." Ye Tianxie indulged, said.

"Unusual place? The most unusual thing is her age." Xu did not think much, and he has already answered. Obviously, she has already paid attention to this matter.


"Look... how big is Boa this year?"

"Sixteen years old." Ye Tianxie replied.

"Four years ago, when I got to her, she was like the fifteen or sixteen years old now... Four years later, her appearance has not changed at all."

Ye Tianxie: "..."

This incident, Zuo Broken Army once talked to him. When he first explored the news of Starbucks, he was surprised that she had emerged. At that time, the appearance could hardly see a little change, as if it had never grown.

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