After a few seconds, the foot suddenly stepped on a piece of gravel, and the falling trend suddenly stopped, and Ye Tianji stood firm. The black lacquered space stretched out of the fingers and put on the night vision goggles made by Star Treasure. The scene of the front ten meters was clearly reflected in the eyes. Although the view was still not very open, it was enough.

In the memory, when I first set foot here, what I saw was a dàng hall with mysterious atmosphere. The position where I stayed was in the middle of the hall. Around the north and southwest, there are four different statues - the statues of the four gods of the Eudemons.

At this point, the original quiet and quaint hall is beyond recognition. There are countless cracks on the ground and piles of gravel. Almost nowhere can you find a good place. Ye Tianxie swept his eyes around, and then walked a few steps forward on the gravel. In front of him, a statue with a height of five meters appeared in sight. This is a man wearing a British armor and standing with a giant sword. For a long time, the man’s face was not clear, and the sword standing beside him was very big, and the length was even higher than that of a tall man. The width was even more horrible. It can be imagined that if such a sword is held in the hands of a warrior, then a wave of corpses can be created. This is the statue of the sword of the **** of war, Carlo Nandis.

The temple of this phantom orc is devastated, and the statue of the sacred warrior has no damage. At the same time, unlike the first time I saw it, the surface of the statue was faintly releasing a layer of sacred white, which was very similar to the sacred mark on his left hand.

In memory, this statue does not have this layer of white light. Standing in front of this statue for a long time, Ye Tianxie moved away and walked to the left. Soon, the statue of the abyss knight appeared in front of him. Like the sword god, the statue of the Abyss knight is equally devoid of damage and white light. Later, he saw the statue of the Blue Emperor and the statue of Shura in the corresponding position... The light that shattered Shura was reddish, and the other three were holy white. These lights have never been seen before. At that time, the space was completely dark. If there was light, how could Ye Tianxie have no impression.

The words left by the Emperor of the Blues point directly to the secret of the power of the Four Gods that merges with him. The answer to this secret, the biggest possibility, is related to these four statues. Ye Tianxie moved back and forth before the four statues. Time passed quickly through silence and footsteps, but he never found anything that would make him pay special attention.

"Hey, what about the horoscope of the Orcs? Do you know much?" Finally, Ye Tianxie stopped before destroying Shura’s statue and asked.

"Probably know a little... What do you want to know about your big brother?" I answered immediately.

"Well... For example, some of the illusionary orcs are not secrets that ordinary people know. It is like... The power of the four magical gods of the illusionary orphans will be special if they are concentrated on one person. "Ye Tianxie pondered a bit and asked."

" are the goddess of Xi Yao!"

"Yeah, right, but the Eudemons are so powerful. They didn't beat them when they were the best. They didn't know their secrets. The big brothers now have the power of the four magical gods." I also want to know what is particularly interesting... Ah! Oh, I’m thinking of it!” The eyes that were talking were suddenly bright, and the voice was a bit high: “丫丫It seems that I have heard that if the power of the four magical gods of the Eudemons is concentrated on one person, it can trigger the ultimate magical change of the Eudemons. Right! It is like this! But is it really not? I know."

The power of the four gods is combined to trigger the ultimate illusion of God. This matter, Ye Tianxie learned from the mouth of the illusionary orc old man more than a year ago, and if he remembers it correctly, the ultimate illusion is transformed. The name of the strongest **** is called "bumpman".

However, it seems that the old man is not sure. After all, everything is just a legend. No one can carry the four strongest powers of the Eudemons at the same time, and no one will trigger the most powerful magical change in the legend. Of course, these may also be just fabrications or delusions, not facts.

Then... just search every inch of the land here, and always find something special... Maybe you can find the treasure of the Eudemons.

This seems to be a way to have no way. The idea must be that Ye Tianxun suddenly shifted his line of sight and looked at the passage that led to the inside. As far as the line of sight was concerned, Ye Tianxun suddenly stopped because the passage root no longer existed. It is completely blocked by the collapsed size gravel.

"Oh, Master, look at it there, there is a strange hole in it!"

Even in the darkness, the fruit of this little freak can be seen clearly, and the range of vision and the clarity of the object of view clearly exceeds the leaf celestial aid of the star night vision goggles. With her little hand pointing, Ye Tianxie took a few steps forward, and then saw that there was a square hole of one meter square in the distance of less than two steps on the left hand side of the position where he first stepped.

The smallest location in this hall is the middle ground. Most of the floor is still intact, and the gravel is just a small piece. Therefore, the existence of that square void is very eye-catching and weird. Moreover, the following should be the ground rock, and the empty hole at first glance is black and lacquered, but it is extremely deep. Ye Tianxie brows a move, walks over, stands on the edge of this hollow, looks down... but still can only see the black hole.

The depth of this void is actually beyond his current visual range.

"It’s strange, how can there be a hole here? It didn’t exist before.” Guoguo whispered: "Master, we want to go down and see, this hole is so strange, maybe there is something below."

The sudden emergence, deep bottomless, it is easy to think of this may be a secret passage, there is no hole underneath. Ye Tianxie looked around for a whole time, then no longer hesitated, his body jumped and jumped directly. Due to space constraints, his wings of the Abyss could not be opened, and the fog that had not been used for a long time was blessed, allowing him to descend at a rather soothing speed.

Soon, Ye Tianxie's face sè has changed... one second, two seconds... five seconds... ten seconds... actually still not in the end.

Now, even if he is a fool, he should know that this void is not simply a hollow. If it is not a powerful force, it is impossible to produce such a strange and profound ground vacancy... To be precise, it is a vertical channel.

"Wow! It’s so deep, it’s not yet under!” Of course, not only Ye Tianxie, but also fruit screams.

"Ah! I don't know what will happen next... so deep, maybe it will be a terrible thing, we really have to go down!" Holding on to the clothes of Ye Tianxie, getting nervous Shouted. The effect of the fog has long since expired, and Ye Tianxie’s falling speed is getting faster and faster. If the fruit does not feel anything, the wind in her ear is already loud and loud, then...


With a deafening crash, Ye Tianxie’s body squatted on the bottom of the object, his body was numb, his feet were awkward, and after two steps of collapse, the hard body did not fall down. . With his current physical and vitality, it is impossible to really drop him from this height, but it will have some impact on him.

"Wow! It’s here, it’s finally... oh? Here... is it?”

Ye Tianxie was suddenly shocked by the impact of the sudden landing of the brain, and did not come and see the surrounding space, the first thing I heard was the exclamation of two girls in the ear. At the same time, he also stunned a little.

In the previous Temple of the Eudemons, the light could not be injected, and it was black and lacquered. If it was not the aid of the star night vision goggles, his roots could not see things. And this position is deeper in the temple below at least 100 meters, the sun root can not have the possibility of injection. But when he finally fell to the ground, the first contact with the eyes was actually the light of white sè!

Here, there is a hole in the sky, and the sight is here. There is no smaller scale than the size of the previous temple. The light here can of course not be the sun, but at first glance, there is no light source such as a magic lamp, but it is strangely bright as white, and the light is very natural, just like the normal daytime, there is no natural light. The sense of disharmony.

It seems that everything in this place can shine autonomously.

"Where is the magical place, where is it?" The fruit fluttered with big eyes, and the eyelashes flickered and flicked, looking at it curiously and excitedly, just like discovering any delicious new candy.

"The illusionary orc family actually has such a place, so magical. Is this the secret of the illusionary orc family that the big brother said? Hehe... What is the big statue, as if it has never been seen or heard. ”

It is very empty, three walls are empty, nothing is empty, only the west side, there is a stone platform more than one meter high, above the stone platform, is a statue, is a statue of a person, Ye Tianxie The gaze swept across the surface and landed on the only eye-catching statue. The statue is carved by a man, a gold sè armor, face with gold sè half face, only lu out the lower half of the face, but still can be seen that this is a young man, its body looks like it is very different from Ye Tianxie It is similar.

When he saw the weapon held in the man’s hand, his eyelids suddenly shrank...

The moment of fate! ! g@.

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