Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 1046: brother

Ye Ya...

The name that sounded in the ear made Ye Tianxie feel like a thunder, and the body suddenly became stiff.

Looking at Ye Tianxie’s sluggish eyes, he smiled anonymously and said: “Xiaotian, you already guessed it, but you can’t believe it right? After all... In that year, you watched me die.”

Ye Tianxie: "..."

Anonymous looked up, looked at the smog over the sky, slowly closed his eyes

"Your name Ye Tian, ​​my name Ye Ya, remember?... On the eve of the Lantern Festival that year when you were three years old, we took the fireworks and firecrackers that my father bought and put them out to play, but because of carelessness, I took my neighbor Zhang Daye. The tall woodpile pile piled up behind the house gave it a point. I almost burned Zhang’s house and burned us. After the disaster, my father is not willing to hit you, just grab me, you will take your father and cry while pleading. ......"

Ye Tianxie: "..."

"When you were three and a half years old, we adopted a white stray dog ​​and gave it a 'noisy' name. You like it very much, and often hold it even when you sleep at night. My mother had been angry several times, but in the end it was up to you."

Ye Tianxie: "..."

"A few days before the accident at home, I was taken away by several bad children. When we found it, it was already dead. The first time you cried so badly, you were mad and picked up a big one. The stone wants to marry the little children... The stone is very heavy, at least I couldn’t move at the age of fourteen, and you moved up at once, scared the bad kids and scared me... Later, I realized that it turned out that some of the power you have been hiding has been stimulated a little under anger."

Ye Tianxie: "..."

The nameless mouth with a smile tells the time that belongs to him and his loved ones. These family life may be more common in the eyes of ordinary people. For him, it is a precious treasure that he can never ask again. Ye Tian The evil eyes are violently turbulent, and every word of the name is like a thunderous thunder. The bombardment is in his ear, and the heart makes him almost lose control of the body under the violent heart.

"I still can't believe it? Then, remember a secret that only I know you and you know?" The nameless voice softened slightly, and the depths of his eyes flashed a touch of deep sorrow and tenderness hidden by him: "Return I remember the little sister who always likes to play the harmonica. She is the only person I have secretly liked in this life. Until today, my dreams will always sound her harmonica...but I can’t Seeing her, now she should have married a woman, so gentle and beautiful, she should have a good home."

"Brother... brother... you are really brother" Ye Tianxie's lips, finally hard to make a trembling voice, the appearance of the man is completely different from the brother in memory, but his eyes, his back And the one that he said is their memory...

The nameless smile, smiled at the last loved one in his life... Slowly, he closed his eyes and said softly: "Small day, I can hear you shouting a brother again, it’s good..."

The sound fell, his body swayed, just like a string that had been tight and suddenly broke, and fell backwards.

Ye Tianxie was shocked and shocked. In an instant, his degree was cast to the extreme and rushed to the frontless name. He lifted his fallen body and shouted: "Brother... What happened to your brother?"

Listening to him calling his "brother" over and over again, his voice is short and panic, and the infinite satisfaction of the nameless laugh has always been indifferent as if he had lost the feelings of a normal person... In fact, he did not lose his feelings. But the fate he experienced has made him deeply immersed his feelings in the bottom of his heart. He can’t believe anyone... except for his loved ones, in front of Ye Tianxie, his own brother, he can finally Frozen completely melted

"I'm fine, I suddenly become very relaxed, I want to sleep well with ease." No name, then straight up his body, standing there steadily, there is nothing on his face, the blue dragonfly behind him. The first step, and quietly back, the wolf first, the sky blue wandering with mourning and sadness

Anonymous, really is his brother who used his death to save his life.

On that night of that year, he clearly had a broken bone in front of his eyes...

But now, in this world, in a dreamlike way to reunite with him, even if it is unbelievable, he has completely believed that the nameless, that is, his own brother who has been dead for nearly two decades - Ye Ya

Holding his body, he can vaguely feel the feeling that the soul is swaying, except for his own close relatives, no one else, even a close person can give

Reunion with the dear ones who have been dead for so many years, even if Ye Tianxie has the memory of the two worlds, he still can’t help himself. He just wants to talk. Suddenly his body is stiff and his voice is short. “Your body...how is this? cold?"

When they were fighting with him, they only had weapons. At this time, the body touched, and Ye Tianxie discovered that the nameless voice was cold like ice. This is not the temperature of the normal human body.

"Because, I am a person who has no life to die, the body is of course cold." Nameless said, the mouth is still smiling, there is no self-blame for his own destiny. Ai can listen to him and call him "brother", he suddenly felt, The pain that I have suffered for so long is so worthwhile.

"There is no life...the dead person..." Ye Tianxie lost his soul and looked down. Then he looked up and slowly spit out a breath, letting his inner heart calm down a little bit. He had too many words. Ask him, I want to tell him that he looks directly at this face, feels the coldness of his hand, and says, "Brother, tell me, what happened to you, what happened to you?"

"Of course, Xianer" Ye Ya said, referring to this name, Ye Tianxie's look is a stiff, Ye Ya also secluated: "Xiaotian, do you believe that there is a 'soul' in this world?"

Ye Tianxie pointed out too many things around his nod, so that he could not believe in the illusory things of "soul".

"Everyone is dead, and the soul will slowly dissipate with life. I was an abnormal death. At that time, my age was only in my teens, my soul was in the growing season, and the most unstoppable time was because I was not at ease. You alone, the strong obsession makes the soul not completely dissipated, but leaves a glimpse, has been following you... from that day, until you meet the fairy, every day you have suffered, suffered Everything I have seen, I look in my eyes... You have been working too hard, how many times have you died, after all, you were just a four-year-old child, which also made me unable to leave with peace of mind, persistent reservation So a trace of the soul will not dissipate, but, after all, it is just a remnant of the soul, in addition to watching you silently, can not do anything for you"

Ye Tianxie: ""

Ye Tianji is stunned again

The nameless words, falling into the ears of any normal mind, are undoubtedly the Arabian Nights, Ye Tianxie believes... because he has no reason to doubt, if there is only one person in the world who will not lie to him, then it is only in front of him. His biological brother

"It turns out... I was a child... I was not alone and my brother was always with me." Ye Tianxie whispered, although he was in a state of disappointment, although he suffered a great misfortune at an early age, there is such a way to protect him. And death, even if he died, he insisted on his brother who refused to leave... This is a very lucky and happy

"When you were ten years old, you met Fairy... Or, it was Fairy who found you later, Xianer discovered my existence, her strength awakened earlier than you, although not complete, but enough to find I, through the communication of the soul, she knows my identity... And in the end, she also let me know about you and her past, including the identity of your former Tianyu and your past life... because I am your brother. I have been with you for so many years and refused to leave. She has complete trust in me and told me unreservedly that the information conveyed by all the souls will not be false. From the initial shock to the gradual acceptance, slowly And knowing the fate that you will inevitably face in the future, Xianer asked me to help you and him... Then, she used a special method to move my remnant soul into the world, reborn with a strange thing, And carry the power from the Western wolf god"

"The method you said... Is it the blood of the soul?" Ye Tianxie said, his hands clenched tightly, and there was a sharp pain in his heart.

Ye Ya’s description makes him unable to want to see one of the seven ultimate props in the world of destiny that he mentioned, the description of the returning soul blood beads. The soul of the returning soul can inject the soul of the dead soul. Then recasting the body to be reborn is an uncompromising method of anti-day... But this anti-day method certainly has quite cruel use restrictions and punishments, and the soul can be used once every 100 years. The cast body can only exist for up to five years, and...

Because the body and soul formed by the foreign object are forced to cooperate with each other, there is a possibility of rejection between each other. The consequence is that... the body is suffering from the pain of being cut by the knives all the time, in the description, There are a few scars on his face, and the pain is just enough to think about it.

If Ye Ya is really born in this world with the blood of the returning soul... then, in the past few years, he has been suffering from this pain...

At least four years

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