Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 1052: Blue dragonfly return

At the top of the tower of the Tower of Destiny, you can hear the sound of the breeze.

After a long, long silence, Ye Tianxie finally stood up slowly on the side of the cold wall. Only calm on the face, even the tear marks, have been wiped out without traces. He stood up and held the blood of the soul in his hand. After the use of the blood of the soul, it will not be used again within a hundred years. But these have nothing to do with him. He only knows that this is the last trace of his brother's leaves.

The ghost of the returning soul was firmly gripped, and immediately released, carefully received the backpack, and then looked up high, with his greatest strength, shouted loudly at the sky: "Brother! Go with peace of mind!" I will bring the fairy back safely!! I will live better than anyone! I will replace you... to complete all your unfulfilled wishes! I Ye Tian... will not let my brother down!!"

The sound of shouting out with all efforts is deafening, so that the cockroaches and the fruit can't help but slam the ears. His voice went up, crossed the top of the tower, and went straight through the sky.

His fragility, which lasted only a short half hour, has already stood up again. No pain, no jealousy, no tears... Slowly, his face showed a light smile. He closed his eyes and said softly: "Brother, you said, there is no real despair in this world. Even if it is impossible, don't give up... Fairy can let you re-own the body, I... Why? No. When I am strong enough to save the fairy, I will go to the so-called true gods... I believe that there will be a way to resurrect you...wait for me."

There was a hope in the heart, and Ye Tianxie opened his eyes, and the dark eyes seemed to become more profound and vast. He lost his last loved one and became more mature in just a few moments. Because his body is not only his own destiny, but also increases the hope that his brother gave with life. He has no reason to be depressed, nor will he be depressed. It was also at this time that he fully understood why Ye Ya did not let him open the box right away, and told him that it would take a few days to calm down, and it turned out to be...

In front of me, it is a blue dragon that has been quiet and silent like him. Seeing that he stood up again, its silent wolf eyes also turned to him. Facing his look of so quiet and peaceful, the turbulence of Lan Lan’s eyes was deeply gratified.

"There is a way to re-awake your magic seal in that blue box... At the beginning, the magic mark that you didn't wake up was awakened by the master. He has this ability. And this time, in order to wake you up, you are completely silent. India, he has done everything. Almost all the power is consumed. Before you fight with him, you should be aware that he is defensive, rarely attacking. Always pay attention to your master. It is enough to understand your strength strength. He just wants to feel your strength personally... After the box is separated, his power will also lose its roots and quickly disperse. Without the support of these forces, he will... Then it will die."

Lan Lan said calmly, Ye Tianxie listened carefully, then nodded gently, with no expression turbulence. He picked up the moment of destiny and clicked on the ground and said, "Blue 魄. Although I don't know why you followed my brother, but... thank you for staying with him for so long, now, come back to the moment of fate, I need your strength."

"My return should be enough to double the overall ability of the moment of fate, and allow you to see some hidden power. However, without the heart, it is still not comparable to the true destiny. The strongest of these abilities, the lack of heavenly heart can not be displayed. The strength of heaven is far beyond your imagination, in front of it, I am eager to ants. For the master, I hope you can find it... and do not want you to find it. Everything depends on the destiny." The blue wolf's huge wolf body moved and approached Ye Tianxie. Because of the heart of heaven, it was separated from the fate of the moment. I did not expect it to return again in just a few years. This is the destiny. The core of fate exists in the moment of destiny. This is their destiny. It has not escaped from the four years of fate. The other five cores of fate are before its return... and Tianxin has Will it be completely defeated by this destiny?

"I understand that everything goes with the flow." Ye Tianxie nodded.

"In addition, I hope that... if possible, you can help us to trace the true origins of the fate of the moment. Although the cores of our seven destinies have their own 'spirits', this spirit is not born, even It is Tianxin. When you have the 'spirit', the moment of destiny already exists on the tower of destiny, and you don’t know where it comes from. As the moment of destiny has the core of the power of the soul, we are eager to know who made us. Who is our first master... Just like every soul that can't find its own origin, they are eager to know who their parents are."

The words of Lan Lan make Ye Tianxie a sigh... Even the nuclear body of fate does not know the true origin of the moment of fate?

He nodded and said, "I will. After all, this is also what I have been wondering about. Pros should know something."

"Oh, I think, you will be a person who does not let the owner hope... Then, accept my strength!"

Lancome also has a nostalgia for freedom, but it will never be willing to violate the promise of Ye Ya. It screamed, and the body blasted, and the huge wolf quickly shrank and shrank in the blue light. The blue light has also become more and more intense, until it becomes a deep blue color. In a blink of an eye, the height of a few meters of wolf has become the size of the palm. Then, a blue light flashed past, and the body of the blue dragon suddenly settled... forming the core of the blue fate.

The shape of the blue dragonfly is a roaring wolf, and it turns back to the core of fate. It brings a deep blue light and takes the initiative to fly to the sixth hole of the fate. The blue light has been perfectly integrated into it. . The light faded, a blue roar that snarled in the sky and shimmered in blue light reflected the fate of the moment.

"Oh... because of the new force injection, the ability to change the fate of the moment, the lock technology 'the fate of the fate' opened, the special skill 'the fate of the fate' opened, the fate of the seventh kill the sixth kill 'Yin and Yang sanction' opened. God Prohibition: The 'Decision of Destiny' is opened, and the prohibition of the Holy Spirit: 'The Destiny of Destiny' and the Crime of Destiny. ”

The breath of destiny, and this moment has undergone tremendous changes... The sixth fate is back! The owner is second only to the power of the heart, and it will add strength to the moment of fate...

The moment of eternal destiny (residual): use requirements: none. Grade: high-order **** Xuan. The core of the power of the world of destiny has an unknown mysterious origin and an unknown mysterious force. At present, in the state of incompleteness of the nuclear loss of fate, the owner has been forced to confess, the master: evil days, can not be traded, can not be dropped, can not be stolen, can not be discarded. The nuclear of fate already possessed: blood feather, orange tooth, Huang Yuan, green wave, green soul, blue dragonfly.

Attributes: Attack +5000, attack +60%, four base attributes +500, normal attack will cause damage to all targets within the attack range at the same time, 2% probability of attack absorbs damage to its own life value, attack 2 The probability of % absorption is reduced to its own mana value. The 2% probability of attack triggers double damage. The 2% probability of attack is attached to the deadly poison of the dead party. When the attack is 15%, the probability is triggered to die. The 15% probability adds a "chaotic" state of more than 5 seconds, and a 50% probability of attack triggers a moderate destruction. (ps: Passive effects can be turned off and on freely.)

Skills: The Gift of Destiny: The Lord of Eternal Destiny will receive the blessing of destiny, and enhance the fixed attributes of talent: Lucky +60, Perception +60, Charisma +60. (Forced addition, the effect cannot be turned off. Unless the eternal destiny is isolated, it will not disappear even if it is not equipped.)

The fate of fate: locking skills, when equipped with the fate of the moment, all abnormal state immunity, full capacity decline state immunity (from Lancome).

Blood Festival of Destiny: (The trigger condition is once again reduced overall, and the triggering conditions of the four effects are reduced to 50%, 30%, 20%, and 10% of the life, respectively.)

Devil's Devil: (Cooling time reduced from 200 seconds to 150 seconds.)

The Soul of Destiny: (Duration increased from 40 seconds to 50 seconds.)

The drug of fate: (destroy effect is enhanced)

Spirit of Destiny: At the time of death, the body will be covered by the blue awn of the Green Soul, and will continue to "live" for 20 seconds in the undead state. In the state of the undead, you can move freely and cannot restore your life. Trigger up to three times a day with a trigger interval of at least one hour.

The fate of the fate: release the power of the blue dragon to force the target of the soul of the target, once triggered successfully, within a certain period of time, the target's heart will become a blue dragonfly, the user can control his heart through the blue dragonfly. The probability of success and the length of the duration are related to the degree of toughness of the target, the firmer the target mentality, the lower the probability of success, and the shorter the duration of success. It can be used once a day.

Seven fate of destiny: the power of sanctions with eternal destiny has caused seven consecutive fate sanctions on the target. The effect of sanctions is irresistible and cannot be superimposed. At present, blood brakes, magic brakes, gods, poisonous, dead souls, Killing, consumes 6300 magic, and cools the skill for 1 hour.

The first kill: life sanctions - blood brakes

Second kill: Magic sanctions - magic brake

The third kill: Scorpio sanctions - God collapse

The fourth kill: guardian sanctions - poisoning

The fifth kill: life and death sanctions - the soul of death:

The sixth kill: yin and yang sanctions - killing, with the power of the blue defensive nuclear scorpion to launch yin and yang sanctions on a single target, ignoring the level, grade, ignoring any defense, causing 3200% damage to the target. And force a 5 second "off" state. In the "disengaged" state, the target will lose sight, hear, smell, taste, touch and other senses, and can not control their body, consume magic 3200, can be used alone, no magic consumption when used alone, cooling time 30 minutes . The effect is unknown, the mana cost is 3200, the core of fate is missing, and it cannot be used;

The seventh kill: Heavenly Sanctions - Scorpio, the effect is unknown, the cost of mana is 9999, the core of fate is missing, can not be used;

God's Prohibition: The Abandonment of Destiny: Casting an irresistible “ridiculous enchantment” with the power of sanctions at the forefront of fate, and forcing the source of all the souls in the enchantment. Effect: All creatures in the range (no enemy) will force the magic and sealing skills, and the effect is irresistible. It is not immune. Unless it leaves the absurd enchantment or the absurd enchantment disappears, it cannot be cancelled. The ridiculous enchantment covers the attack power of Destiny/10. The enchantment consumes 300 magic per second for the duration of the enchantment. It lasts for up to three minutes and can be interrupted at any time. The skill cools down for three hours.

Holy Prohibition: The Destiny of Destiny: The effect is unknown, the nuclear of fate is missing, and it cannot be used.

Holy Prohibition: The Crime of Destiny: The effect is unknown, the nuclear of fate is missing, and it cannot be used.

Forbidden Skills: Destiny Shacks: The effect is unknown, the nuclear of fate is missing, and it cannot be used.

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