Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 106: Back in the heart

"Tell me, reason. I don't want to do things without reason." Ye Tianxie's breathing appeared disordered, and the heart was beating in confusion in an inexplicable incitement.

"The reason..." The blue-haired man closed his eyes slightly, and the flawless face lifted slightly, half-lifting to the sky, and said in an almost ethereal voice: "If you can beat me or even kill me, I will I am grateful to you with everything I do... you can also get blue dragonfly. Otherwise, I can destroy the blue dragonfly at any time. Is this reason enough?"

Ye Tianxie: "!!"

Ye Tianxie shook his head and said coldly: "This is not a reason."

"Some things, whether you or me, in this life and in this world, even if you cross the cycle, you can never escape from time and space... This is a destiny, how to escape the fate that can't escape. I have no choice, you And there is no..." The blue-haired man looked at the sky with no eyes and said that Ye Tianxie could not understand it at all. It was also at this moment that the silence and sorrow that he released reached the utmost, and the surrounding atmosphere became extremely suppressed.

"Oh, in this case, I promised." A few seconds of silence, Ye Tianxie suddenly looked up, did not hesitate and reluctantly gave him the answer.

The blue-haired man lowered his head and looked at him.

"You are very strong. Before I entered the world, I didn't even think that the power of the world can be strong enough. But if you dare to say that, no matter who you are, I will not refuse... although now I am vulnerable to you in front of you, but ten years or so, for decades, I will lose you one day... You know what an oath I made when I was ten years old?"

Blue-haired man: "??"

Ye Tianxie's eyes are burning, as if two groups of fire are burning in the eyes: "I want the whole world, only those who can't defeat me, no one I can't lose... This world, I will do the same!"

Even if the blue-haired man is so mysterious and powerful, he rescued him from the crisis, and he did not weaken his momentum in front of him. The world that he stood at this time is just the first step just stepping out of the starting point. There is no one in the player who can compete with him, but for the strong in this world, his The strength is far from being good, but his arrogance will not be lost to anyone.

A player will not go to the strength of the npc that is set to far beyond the player level, and if you must find an exception, it is Ye Tianxie. The deep heart of the heart has made his heart far from ordinary people at a very young age. This arrogance that is not allowed to be transcended is not born, but comes from a blood and heart.

The blue-haired man's gaze was fixed on his face, and Ye Tianxie's gaze was straight and he looked at him. He suddenly laughed. The smirk was very light and soft, with his flawless face. His smirk has a very indestructible lethality, but he is obviously laughing... In the face of this smile, his heart has not come from a sting.

This smile... Why is there such a familiar feeling of familiarity...

"I am waiting for you... the day I can beat me," he said with a smile. At this time, he looks really like a person, a living person with a normal expression and a look. "I... I will help you once again. After that, everything depends on yourself... Heaven."

Ye Tianxie: "..."

God evil...He called himself...the evil spirit! ?

The evil spirit, the name of the real world, the name she had for him, and only her, will be called to him so intimately... And in the game world, his name is clearly - evil day!

Coincidence, or...


Ye Tianxie just asked for an exit. One hand of the blue-haired man had already stretched out and caught his arm. The surrounding scene suddenly became a blank.

Space transmission... Ye Tianxie’s heart has just raised this idea, and the blank world has returned to color. However, the reappearing color is completely different from a few seconds ago.

"Good spirits, goodbye. We will meet naturally when we meet."

Ye Tianxie has not had time to see the surrounding scenes, and the blue-haired man’s indifferent and unremarkable voice has been heard. He quickly turned and said: "Wait a minute, you haven't told me where it is... and, tell me, we used to see it before!"

A npc in the game world, a player from the real world, two people who could not have had an intersection. It seems extremely ridiculous for him to come to ordinary people. However, his inner swaying several times keeps him still Asked this question and longed for the answer.

"Where is this, you will soon know... The answer to many questions needs to use your own strength to find, go to your own eyes and feel with your heart. Otherwise, even if you get the answer from other people, you will not believe it. , not even peace of mind... Goodbye."

Ye Tianxie: "..."

His voice is empty and floating like a cloud in the cold wind. It is true or false that people can't figure out what he is, whether it is real or illusory. The blue-haired man turned and slowly walked away. The blue wolf also silently looked at Ye Tianxie and silently followed him.

Ye Tianxie’s subconscious step forward, just shouting again, suddenly noticed something, and looked at the rear. At this point, he suddenly realized that the line of sight was dark and blue-blue – the place where he was at this time turned out to be the edge of a deep abyss.

The abyss, this is a deep abyss that can't be described as "everything". Looking forward, the area covered by the abyss is so great that you can't see the margin at a glance, only to see the line of darkness and blue sky in the distance. Down, you can only see a piece of black hole, the root can not see the bottom.

here is……

Returning from the shock, Ye Tianxie couldn’t think about where it was. Why did the blue-haired man bring him here, quickly turned his head and looked away, leaving only a blue-haired man who went away from the back. He suddenly appeared, and at the moment he took him to a strange place and suddenly left. For a short time, his whole body seemed to be surrounded by a thick layer of fog, which made him invisible, invisible, and unpredictable.

A man who is incomparably mysterious and has incomparable charm. His look and eyes are telling Ye Tianxie that he is a half-dead person... such a person, even if he has a perfect face, unrivaled strength, can never be happy... even, he looks When he got to the depths of his death...

He wants to die... but one thing he has to do becomes the last concern of his life, so he did not choose to end his life, but to survive the goal.

This is the only thing Ye Tianxie can read from him... And these, an emotion from an outsider, actually made him feel a deep depression.

Who is he...who is it...what has been experienced...

Why is his eyes...

and many more! !

He took a blue hair, and the lonely back was getting farther and farther in the eyes of Ye Tianxie, and the body of Ye Tianxie suddenly suddenly shocked, like a thunderstorm that was smashed in the sky. Very little fluctuations, his body trembled fiercely...

Back view... that back...

"Wait... wait... you give me a stop!!" A shout of hysterical screaming out of Ye Tianxie's mouth, he suddenly went crazy like crazy and chased away. The rapid wind whizzed in the ear, a feeling of exploding in the chest violently tumbling... At that moment, he forgot everything, forgot to breathe, the only thing left in the blank world The shadow of the indelible backs in the middle... The power of all his powers, all his thoughts, drove him crazy to the far back, mouth, snarling with the loudest voice he could shout, calling He stopped.

The blue-haired man's body paused, and the sudden shouting made his body stiff, and the blue wolf stopped and looked at his master quietly. The blue-haired man looked up and looked at the sky that was colorless to him. He slowly closed his eyes for a moment of gratification, recollection and sorrow. One hand gently waved backwards.

A gust of wind rushed into the madness of Ye Tianxie. Suddenly, in the yelling of Ye Tianxie’s no stop, his body was taken high and flew back, rowing a The irregular parabola fell from the sky... It fell into the abyss and fell into the dark world without shouting.

The blue-haired man turned around and looked at the direction of Ye Tianxie in the direction of the ruthless godless eyes. His lips moved slightly, overflowing with a whisper that he could hardly hear even himself...

"Xiao Tian……"

He closed his eyes and slowly turned and walked to the front.

He has no goals, no direction, he doesn't know where the road ahead is, and he doesn't know where he should go next.

The breeze and the breeze, the fallen leaves dance, the sparse leaves are driven by the wind, and I don’t know where to fly from the wind, causing the bleakness and silence of the silk.

One person, one wolf, he is not a single shadow, always with a partner who is inseparable, but his breath, his look, his back, is still so lonely. He clearly walked, but did not bring the slightest anger, even the dead leaves that fell on his feet, he came more than he existed.

His footsteps were even and quiet, and wherever he went, even the air seemed to be desolate.

Unconsciously, when he found out that there was no road ahead of him, he found himself standing on the top of a dry hill.

He stood there, and the water-like eye was straight ahead, but he couldn't see any color and his own way home. The cold wind blew, bringing his blue hair, but he couldn't bring his innermost embarrassment. At this moment, he is like a living dead who has only life but lost his soul. g

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