Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 1099: Golden Dragon God

Among the golden light, Ye Tianxie, who had been in a coma for a long time, slowly opened his eyes.

"the host!"

"Big brother……"

Ye Tianxie woke up, and the fruit and the cockroaches gave a surprise cry. Two pairs of stars, still staying on the golden light around his body. They usually follow Ye Tianxie, but they never saw him shine. Gold is undoubtedly the most noble and noble color. What appears in Ye Tianxie is undoubtedly a kind of power, but they have never heard of any kind of power attribute that is golden. Among the seven basic elements of strength. There is no more gold.

Ye Tianxie stood up from the ground, shouting at the fruit and the cockroach, he was unaware, and he stood up and revealed his deep confusion...

Because, he feels his body, full of a powerful power that makes him incredible... Let him not believe that this will be his own body. He reached out and stared at the golden glow of his body.

The power of the light and dark Dragon Ball did not destroy its own body, but instead... Didn’t they absorb their power without knowing it? Otherwise, how should this powerful force be explained? However, such a big force, with its own ability, can not even lead, let alone control and absorption, why is it...

Is it the magical holy mark and magic seal that helped myself?

Golden light...

This power...

This feeling is...

"Oh... your dragon's power has risen sharply, the new dragon soul has been generated, and you have successfully transferred to the professional 'Golden Dragon God'. Life +9200, Magic +9200, Strength +920, Constitution +920, Spirit +920, Agile +920, each upgrade can get an additional 100 life, 100 magic, 10 power, 10 agility, 10 spirit, 10 physique."

The tone of the ear made Ye Tianxie look up in surprise.

"Oh... your dragon soul professional talent skills 'Dragon's Body', 'Dragon's Claw', 'Dragon's Eyes' are all advanced to the ultimate state, open the exclusive dragon soul skills 'Emperor's Dragon's Spirit', active skills 'Dragon Souls', 'Dragon Souls', 'Dragon Soul Shadows', 'Dragon Soul Storms', 'Dragon Souls', 'Dragon Souls', 'Dragon Souls' are all advanced The ultimate state. Open the ultimate dragon **** skill '弑心龙吟', 'Emperor Dragon God 天天怒'."

"Oh... the exclusive illusion of the illusion of the emperor dragon gods turned on."

Golden Dragon God: also known as "Jinxuan Emperor Dragon", has the most mysterious golden dragon soul of the Dragon family. The formation and nature of the Golden Dragon Soul is extremely mysterious and cannot be understood by common sense, but its dragon power is far superior to the ordinary dragon. In the legend of the dragon, only the ancestor of the dragon, "Tai Shang Gu Long", has a golden dragon soul. The dragon with the golden dragon soul will become the highest emperor of the dragon.

The body of the Emperor Dragon: The dragon is the most powerful body and defensive ability. The dragon of the emperor has the most powerful body among the dragons. The ordinary attacking root cannot threaten the dragon of the emperor. The formation of the Golden Dragon Soul is derived from the incredible fusion and unknown variation of the Light and Dark Dragon Soul, and the Emperor's Dragon is extremely resistant to light and darkness. Bright resistance +90%, dark resistance +90%, water resistance +50%, fire resistance +50%, wind resistance +50%, lightning resistance +50%, soil resistance + 50%. The defense increases 100x level, life increases 200x level, defense increases (08x level)%, life increases (08x level)%, wearable any professional equipment. It can fly freely in the air below 100 meters, and the flight speed is equivalent to the moving speed.

The Emperor's Dragon's Claw: The Dragon is the most powerful creature. The Emperor's Dragon is the most powerful dragon in the Dragon. Its Dragon's Claw is a terrible weapon. Any ordinary weapon reaches the dragon. In the claws, it will become a powerful weapon of the gods. The attack increases by 20x, the attack increases (08x level)%, the critical strike rate is +20%, and the attack has a 15% probability of tearing the wound. Any weapon of any occupation can be used.

The Eye of Emperor Dragon: You can see the ultimate dragon of the heavens and the earth. Everything in the world can't escape the purpose of the Emperor Dragon. You can see through the absolute darkness and absolute light. It has a visual distance that is unimaginable to ordinary people. Levels, grade monsters, players, npc information and shortcomings, can see through the hidden scenes in the map, can see any form of stealth surgery, came, the Emperor Dragon's eyes have the ability to see the future.

Emperor Dragon's Soul: Passive effect: Deterrent spirit, when the dragon soul power is released, all the monsters below the **** level within 100 meters of their own are in a "fear" state.

Active effect: the wall that does not collapse, with the power of the golden dragon soul as the source, open the strongest dragon soul protection wall, completely isolate everything from the outside world. The maximum coverage range is 50 meters around itself. It lasts for 15 seconds and can be used three times a day. The interval between each use should be no less than 30 minutes. It can be started by the power of the Dragon Soul without any consumption.

Emperor Dragon Soul Roar: Taking your own life as the source, taking the power of the Golden Dragon Soul as the source, exploding life, releasing the dragon force, making a roar of the dragon that shocks the spirits, causing irresistible source of life for all the living creatures around. Damage and forced dizziness, the damage caused and the time of forced stun are positively related to the life of the explosion. The life value of the explosion can be freely any value from 300% to 999%. It cannot be exploded beyond the current life value. The damage caused is equivalent to the life of the explosion itself. The forced stun time is equal to the percentage of the explosion life. X10, the effect range is 500 meters around itself, no magic consumption, cooling time 60 seconds. The roar of the Dragon Soul can shock the spirits, and the roar from the Golden Dragon Soul will have irresistible effects on any level and level of life.

Emperor Dragon God: The ultimate form of Dragon Souls, with the power of the Emperor Dragon to condense your hands, with the dragon claws with raging dragon power or weapons in hand to hit the enemy in front of you, causing 500% of the common attack on a single enemy. The damage, and has a 50% chance to repel the target, a 30% probability to knock down the target, a 5% probability to stun the target for 3-4 seconds, consume magic 50, and no skill cooldown. It can be used by fists or by various weapons.

Dragon Soul Dragon Break: The ultimate form of Dragon Soul Breaking, casts the power of the Emperor Dragon onto hands or weapons, and instantly releases it, causing the dragon's blast in the front range, attacking all targets in front, causing all targets It is equivalent to 300% of normal attacks, and has a 20% chance to knock down the target. The 10% probability will stun the target for 3-4 seconds, consumes 60 magic, and has no skill cooldown. It can be applied by both hands or by various weapons.

Emperor Dragon Spurs: The ultimate form of the Dragon Soul Broken Shadow, enchanting the whole body with the soul of the Emperor Dragon, launching a swift and fast sprint, causing a violent blow to all enemies in front of the straight line range, the sprint distance is 5-20 meters, sprint time is 02 to 05 seconds, 30% probability to repel the target, 10% probability to hit the target impact, 5% probability to stun 3-4 seconds, the damage is equivalent to 400% of normal attacks, consumes 90 magic, and cools the skill for 10 seconds. It can be used by the claws of the dragon or by various weapons.

Infernal Dragon Dance: The ultimate form of the tornado storm, the power of the Emperor Dragon, the rotation of itself, sweeping the powerful Dragon Storm ruthlessly smashing all the targets around and over the sky, while the Dragon Storm will be rolled up Great probability to spread all the enemies in the attack range, the basic attack power is equal to 1000% of the normal attack, the effect range is 20 meters around the horizontal itself, the vertical to 20 meters, consumes magic 300, skill cooling time 1 minute .

The ultimate dragon soul spurs: Concentrate on ideas, burn life and magic, concentrate their own dragon soul power on the weapons in their hands, and pierce the violent blow of cohesive strength. Single attack, causing 2000% damage, 100% triggering repel, 20% probability to trigger the fly, 1000% probability of tearing the wound, tearing effect lasts ten seconds, causing 100% damage equivalent to normal attack per second The probability of 3% is triggered, and the height is destroyed when attacking. It takes 05 seconds of power before launching, consumes 600 magic, and cools for 1 minute. Can only be launched by weapons.

弑心龙吟: The dragon is the lord of the beast, the golden dragon **** is the lord of the dragon, and the emperor's dragon can't be offended. When the emperor's dragon exhibits the pressure of its soul, the beasts of the world will be shivering in the trepidation. . Effect: Ignore the level and grade, and all the beasts within ten kilometers will lose their combat ability and mobility. The effect lasts up to 5 minutes and can be used up to 3 times per day with the current strength of the dragon. The skill of the soul, without any consumption. Excessive use will cause the dragonpower to drop.

Emperor Dragon Goddess of Heaven: One of the ultimate destructive techniques of the Golden Dragon God, releasing power and anger, smashing all targets and bodies around, and when the Skyfury is launched, all targets will be locked by the Dragon Soul and will not escape. The destructive power is equal to 2000% of the normal attack. All the equipment below the target level will be completely destroyed, and the target will be reduced to 0 in the next three minutes, and the magic will be 5600. The effect range is itself. Around 300 meters, the power and range will increase with the increase of Dragon Soul power, cooling time is 60 minutes.

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