Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 1104: Trembling ghost king


The seven gorgeous damage figures floated out in the golden tornado storm. Under the violent dragon force, the seven ghost kings were far away in seven different directions, and the screams were so fierce that people felt a while. Hemp... What kind of pain is it, it will make such a miserable cry.

Being strangled by Longli and Destiny at the same time is the pain of Wanjian's addition, and this pain is three times more powerful. Even the ghost king can't bear it. Just a single blow is enough for them to remember for a lifetime. No matter how tough the soul is, it has the limit of tolerance for pain, and 300% of the pain is attached. This is an extremely cruel and cruel ability. It is also deeply reflecting the extreme horror of the claw king.

Ye Tianxie once shot, shocked the whole city. Under his attack, the powerful seven ghost kings were suddenly smashed, and no one was spared. The damage figures brought by them were even more suffocating... more than eight million injuries! It is still a medium-range group attack. The intensity of such damage, the strength of the sacred level is not difficult to play out of the decent skills, but in his hands it is so easy to present.

"It’s a terrible ability. How did he move past, I didn’t even see it at all.” Zijijian said stunned. He is convinced that at the speed of Ye Tianxie, he has no chance to avoid his attack.

And this is actually not the strongest state of Ye Tianxie. His strongest state is triggered by the blood sacrifice of the destiny, when the plague of inflammation is released. On the overall effect, the plague of inflammation is better than the sacred inflammation several times, but the sacred inflammation can be blessed indefinitely, and the plague of inflammation can only be released for a short time every day, and the mind is completely lost in the process of continuous, only the heart The thought of remaining destruction is beyond your control. Therefore, when it comes to aggression, the inflammation of the catastrophe is far better than the sacred inflammation. On the practicality, the sacred inflammation is far better than the plague. Of course, as the two ultimate forces derived from conflicting sacred marks and magic prints, the sacred inflammation and the plague of inflammation cannot be released at the same time.

When the Seven Ghost Kings came over, they were already embarrassed, and their faces could no longer be found in the previous arrogance. Instead, they were deeply frightened and shuddered in the body and heart. On their bodies, there are a series of shocking scars and more shocking bloodstains.

"This... this kid, what the monster is." The voice of the purple ghost king trembled, looking at Ye Tianxie's eyes, with deep fear. Today, if not the other ghost kings are there, the demon gods are still watching them in the sky. If only he is alone, he will choose to flee immediately. The damage caused by the attack of Ye Tianxie can not be afraid, but it is brought to him. His pain made him feel as if he had broken into a terrible hell. Until now, the pain has not disappeared, leaving his body in a slight shudder.

"No matter how... kill! Kill him! He must die, can we seven people, can't cope with such a kid!!" Dark Ghost King's eyes are steeply green, and gnashing his teeth. Today, they must kill the person in front of him. If he does not die, the attack he has just made will be enough to leave them with shadows that are difficult to disappear for a lifetime. Only when he dies will the shadow disappear.

The eyes of the seven ghost kings suddenly became haze, but no one dared to approach them. Instead, they all moved backwards in the same direction... They have no courage to get close to Ye Tianxie. In this life, they are no longer willing to taste just now. That's the ultimate pain. Pulling the distance and bombarding with dark magic is the safest way to attack them.

"Give me to die!! Demention!"

The seven ghost kings quickly opened a safe distance, and then slammed together to release seven incomparably dark smokes rushing toward the middle of the Ye Tianxie. The seven smog is not stout, but it is very fast, and it has already hit the front of Ye Tianxie in an instant, all bombarded on Ye Tianxie.

The smaller the attack, the stronger the power. This seemingly ordinary black smoke not only has a strong dark swallowing power, but also has a terrible "missing soul" effect. It must be a trick, but it will be a short-term consciousness blank, and it will be slaughtered, and the spirit will be attacked in a short time. Controlled by the party.

Looking at Ye Tianxie was hit by seven dementors at the same time, the seven ghost king's face showed a sinister smile. People have the most flexible body, the most varied attack methods, but also have the most fragile vitality. They are also the strength of the holy extermination. The vitality of human beings is several times less than that of the devil and the beast, and even close to ten times. They are hit by their attacks at the same time. Even if he really has the power of sacredness, he will suffer a lot of trauma and will be deprived of consciousness.

But when the dark smoke bursts on the body of Ye Tianxie, the smirk on their faces instantly solidifies...


Looking at the number of injuries floating on Ye Tianxie, the seven ghost kings all stayed there, almost thinking that their eyes had problems.

Their attack, in front of this human being, has only caused such a pitiful injury. Not only that, but they also saw this human face clearly revealing a disdainful sneer...not only the poor injury, the seven dementors, but the root did not make him lose consciousness!

Light and dark resistance are the most difficult attributes to appear. The average level of players has already exceeded 80 levels, and advanced equipment has emerged in an endless stream, but it can be attached to the skills of light and dark resistance. The equipment with additional light and dark resistance is even less pitiful. The dark resistance of Ye Tianxie is as high as 90%, which means he can immunize the damage of the darkness by 90%. The dark attack of these ghost kings can only cause 10% damage to him. Under the sacred inflammation, Ye Tianxie has more than 14 million lives. If there is no dark resistance, these seven attacks are enough to make his blood tank drop to near the blank, but under 90% of the dark resistance, the concentrated attack of the seven ghost kings only reduces his health by less than ten. One of the points.

"This is the strength of your ghost king? It really makes people laugh at the big teeth." Ye Tianxie sneered at the sneer, his voice passed to these arrogant and violent ghost kings, no doubt more than killing them and making them unbearable .

"This...this is impossible!!" The ghost king shouted almost roaring.

"Kid, don't be arrogant! You just have the anti-dark ability that makes us unexpected... You think, you are a human being, and you want to defeat our seven ghost kings... We have to see how long your fragile body can support What are you waiting for, full attack, he will not support it for a long time."

In the roar of the Ghost King, the heart has begun to tremble, they began to condense their strongest dark magic, crazy attack to Ye Tianxie... And, all released is the strongest single dark magic of single attack power. . . . Although it is known that this human being has unbelievable resistance to dark magic, dark magic is the only way for their ghost kings to attack. They can only expect that this human root cannot support for too long under their intensive attack. .

-150000, -260000, -210000, -250000...

All kinds of dark arrows, dark curses, guns of darkness... with a horrible dark force that slammed into the body of Ye Tianxie. Ye Tianxie did not move, letting these attacks fall on the body, and then looked at the ghost kings in front of him with a sneer of contempt, and this level of damage could not cause any threat to him. The terrible effects of these dark magics can't have any effect on him. The sacred inflammation is in the body, and he is immune to all abnormal states and declines in ability.

Ye Tianxie’s ridiculous smile made the seven ghost kings angry and mad, with the strength of their ghost king, when was such a contempt. Even if they were defeated by the 12 sages in the past, they were not as grievous and angry as they are today. Suddenly, a roar burst out of their mouths: "The formation!! Dark destruction - the door of hell!!"

In the roaring sound, the seven ghost kings all stopped the attack, and then the body moved backwards, moved to a hundred meters away, and then stood evenly around, leaving Ye Tianxie in the center. They all made the same gesture, and the low humming was released from their mouths...

"The endless darkness from hell... cover all the light in the world... with my blood and my resentment... let everything in the world decay and fall... Let everything be eternal darkness..."

In the sing of the ghost kings, the sky suddenly became dim, and the light in the space was swallowed up by something, and it was getting less and less. A feeling of heavyness began to breed in the heart of Ye Tian. He glanced at the seven ghost kings around and sneered: "Unfortunately, you have no chance."

A drop of life reveals all of his life's worth, and then his body shines, a golden dragon image appears behind him, popping open... with it, it is an earth-shattering Dragon Soul Roar...

Roar! ! ! ! !

-142000000, -142000000, -142000000, -142000000, -142000000...

The darkness that had just gathered up disappeared. All the seven ghost kings were hit by heavy hammers, and the body trembled and fell straight to the ground, accompanied by huge and unbelievable damage figures floating on them.

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