Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 1110: Under the devil

The devil has not yet appeared, and the whole city has been plunged into silence. In front of this power, they feel that they are as small as a grain of dust in the universe. None of them dare to believe that there is such a terrible force in the world. What kind of power can not be destroyed, and what can be struggling in front of such power.

In front of Ye Tianxie, some purple rays fell from the sky and landed on the seven ghost kings and demon bats. With the flash of purple light, the seven ghost kings and the demon bats all disappeared in the same place and flashed again. Among the purple awns, it appeared outside the kilometer.

Then, a gentle purple light appeared in front of Ye Tianxie, and in the purple light, a small figure appeared slowly. Wearing amethyst hood, people can't see her whole picture. The body is covered with gorgeous amethyst clothes. Above the hands, it is the same amethyst gloves. At the foot, it is amethyst shoes, not purple. The crystal-covered double arms and slender legs are exposed, and the skin light that reflects the snow is still reflected in the purple light. At first glance, it is like the perfect snow white jade carving, without flaws.

A faint purple light surrounds her body, but this time she did not completely wrap herself with a strong purple light as it appeared before, but it was unobtrusive and appeared in front of Ye Tianxie.

What must be faced, how to escape and escape. Now she just wants to end everything as soon as possible. She has no choice but to have other choices. even if……

She is the star glass. That Ye Tianxie is familiar with the star glass.

Even though she already knew her identity, she saw her appear in front of her in such a posture. Ye Tianxie’s heart still had a short period of confusion. He took a soft breath and slowly said: "Star Glass, really is you."

"She...she is the demon god?" Looking at the purple figure appearing in the distant sky, the lost emperor made an incredible voice...because it was a girl, a young woman who couldn’t see her age. Girl!

In addition to those who fought with the demon in the past, there was no one who had seen the demon **** with his own eyes. In the impression of the lost human beings in the mainland, the demon **** should be tall and tall, with a fleshy face, a green face and a fangs, and a mouthful of blood. The shape alone is enough to scare the fierce appearance of ordinary people. Who can think, who would believe that her shape will be A cute girl who has no sense of deterrence.

"Yes... she is the devil. But her name is not a jealousy, but a glass star, her power and her horror, so that when the mainland soul learned her name, she misunderstood her glass. The name of the star has become a cockroach with a fierce meaning. Since then, the name has spread throughout the continent. In fact, the glass star is her name - the name of a girl, the devil, a girl, just me Unexpectedly, after ten thousand years... For a whole 10,000 years, she was not devoid of power in the demise of the sky, but her strength became stronger. Not only was she not swallowed, but her appearance did not become aging. ...the devil, who is the creature from which the world..."

At that time, the Emperor Qian also fought in the battle with the demon. After the fiasco, he was lucky enough to break into the boundless yellow sand to save his life. Therefore, its understanding of the devil is far superior to ordinary people.

Lost Emperor: "!!!"

She is the devil... Devil's Glass Star.

And... actually a more powerful demon than 10,000 years ago! !

This power from the devil is a strong desperate color. The lost emperor closed his eyes... He knew that this time, there is no longer any possibility to save the lost city. Although the appearance of the demon **** is a girl, this appearance does not reduce the fear and shadow that she brings to people. Not to think that she will have the kindness and kindness of a girl. How many people have killed her, how many land she destroyed, and how much disaster caused it...

The words "the return of the devil" are also quietly in the city at this time... spread throughout the lost continent. In the past ten thousand years, there is still no one in the mainland who does not know and fear the name of the devil. It is conceivable that what she left to the lost continent is the deep shadow.

Now, she came back from the sky and returned with more powerful power. It also brought to the endless despair of the lost continent, so that everyone's heart fell into the endless abyss.

The demon appeared, and the seven ghost kings who were sent by the demon **** into the kilometer were all crouching in the body, and their heads fell. No one dared to look up at her. In such a fiasco in the hands of a human being, they have no face to face the devil. In the south, millions of magical soldiers will also fall to the ground, expressing their admiration and surrender to the demon in the most humble posture.

"Star Glass... She... is the devil? The demon **** that was 10,000 years ago?"

Among them, the most shocking one is undoubtedly Sufifi et al. Looking at the familiar purple figure, they were afraid to believe everything they saw. Star Glass is actually a demon god, the girl who is very soft and well-behaved, who likes to eat, but who can’t even tell the truth, is actually the demon **** who talks about the whole world! !

"Destiny is really an incredible thing. It never makes people know what will happen next. This is really a fact that people can never expect... Star Glass, Devil... This is no difference. The individual is actually the same person." Zuo Duanjun murmured.

"Perhaps, he has already known that the star is a demon... He said before that he already knows where the star glass went, so that we don't need to worry... she turned out to be a demon, how could this be." Sufifi trembled Hey, look at the two people standing opposite each other in the distance. Star Glass is a demon. She doesn't know how long it will take to really accept this fact.

"Call... my poor heart is about to stop beating. I need someone to tell me loudly that I am dreaming." Stuart shook his hair hard and screamed.

"Small star glass is a demon god. It is indeed a fact that is simply unacceptable. However, on the other hand, this may not be a bad thing." Murong Qiu Shui ordered his own pretty nose and said leisurely: "Frankly, Do you think that with the power of the power that the demon **** is showing now, can the second brother have the possibility of victory? In other words, do you think this continent, the player, the npc, or the person who can compete with the power of the demon? ?"

Everyone is silent, the answer is too obvious... The power of Ye Tianxie is indeed powerful and shocking, and it has reached the point of defeating the power of the Holy Spirit. However, the strength of the power he exposed, and the power of the power revealed by the devil are not far from one level, and the roots cannot compete with the power of the demon, let alone defeat. Lost in the mainland, there will be no power to compete with it. Because the strength of Ye Tianxie is now enough to be called the most lost in the mainland.

"Yes, although the answer is cruel, but the second brother can not compete against the devil, this is the fact. With the power of the demon god, want to defeat the second brother, it is estimated that it is just a wave of waving. But the devil is not only the devil Devil, there is another identity - Xiaoxingli. When the star glass was next to the second brother, how much I liked the second brother, how obsessed, how attached, how sly, how pretty, I can hardly want to let My terrible mom renewed my sister. Although she has now restored her memory, she will not forget the purest feelings. Perhaps this will be lost in the mainland, the only turning point."

Murong Qiu Shui's words gave a little hope and vitality to everyone's heart.

"Xingli used to listen to the most evil words before, no matter what the evil spirits say, she will listen... Hope, the star glass will not be the legendary magic in the mainland legend." Su Feifei said softly. She put her hands on her chest and looked at Ye Tianxie in the distance, whispered: "Heavenly evil, come on... I believe, you will create miracles again."

The purple reticle covers the face, and Ye Tianxie can't see the star's eyes, but in the face of her, her expression is so calm and plain, as if facing a completely stranger, not seeing him at first. The joy of time and the attachment of the full face. In the face of Ye Tianxie, her expression still has no turbulence, and her mouth is still crisp and sweet, but the cold, feelingless voice: "Do you want to stop me?"

In the face of such a star glass, listening to such a voice, Ye Tianxie's heart is filled with bursts of tingling.

Perhaps, what he thought was too naive, too good. Over the years, the devil is still a girl, and it is conceivable how long her life is. Although she is a girl form, her maturity is maturity, her state of mind is tough, and she does not know how much better than him. Now she, the root is not the girl who lost all her past and her heart is pure white paper. That year's getting along... One year, in her long life, the roots are only a very short moment, perhaps for her roots are dispensable. Tens of thousands of years of mind, tens of thousands of years of state of mind, how can you shake your heart and change your position because of the short period of one year. Or maybe, before the attachment to him, she will now feel bored and ridiculous.

"In my position, I have no reason not to stop you. Star glass..."

"My name is Glass Star."

Ye Tianxie smiled lightly: "Glass star? Very cute name, but I still like star glass, because that is the name we gave you, and the name we used to call you that year. ""

"Star Glass" is exported, but Ye Tianxie does not find any emotional turmoil from her delicate face. It seems that this is not the name she used, but a stranger... It doesn't matter to her.

Her indifference made Ye Tianxie sigh silently. These are telling him that he most wants to see, and the best result, will not appear. Whether or not Star Glass really despise them, or deliberately, at least her words and deeds let Ye Tianxie understand that she will not stop or suspend the attack on the lost continent because of Ye Tianxie. In the novice village, Qingge Ghost King also said with a certain affirmative tone... Even if she and his feelings are deeper, her determination will not change. Because there are thousands of demons behind her, her actions determine the fate of the thousands of demons. Even after ten thousand years, she will not forget the promises she made to the mainland of the devil, not because of Anyone changes.

Even if Ye Tianxie is in front of her, she will forcefully remove this obstacle and will not hesitate...

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