Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 1113: The voice of Pross

The emperor existed in the lost tens of thousands of years in the mainland. Who can think that its ending would be such a sad reminder... It was destroyed by a blow, and even the body after death was cut into eight segments.

The eight-segment body fell on the ground and there was no more sound. The emperor died completely, and like the Qinglong, which was cut off by Star Glass, there is no possibility of living. Last time, the price of Star Glass killing the Qinglong was that all the power was lost and it became a girl who could not help but wind. Today, she is just a hit...

Among a small piece of diffuse yellow light, a khaki-colored ball floated from the ground and automatically came to Ye Tianxie. Ye Tianxie's eyes trembled and unconsciously held it in his hand. He understands that this is the source of the power of the emperor... the source of the power of a beast of sacredness. The last voice of the emperor also sounded in the brain of Ye Tianxie...

"It's really a terrible power. I didn't expect that I couldn't even hold a trick in her hand. The devil of the year was powerful and unmatched, but the power at that time was a kind of power at the peak of the world. The four magical gods and the four holy devices work together to confine her. But now the demon god, her power, is far beyond the highest level of the world. At least, there is no power in the world to compete with her. Compared with that year, she is ten times more powerful. I can't know why her strength can reach the current level... The only explanation is that she must not belong to this world... Young people, this is what I can give last. Yours. Come on. You have unlimited potential, so there is limitless possibilities to protect your life and live."

The voice of the emperor died, and the last soul disappeared. Lost the most powerful beast of the mainland, it will be eliminated, and the defeat is unacceptable.

From the power of the Beast of the Holy Ghost, the power of the hidden power can be imagined, it can be the most extravagant food of the ball, and can also be used to make the best equipment or props. Up to now, Ye Tiangengen will not have the thought to think about this. He looked up at the star glass fiercely and said in an extremely excited and blunt tone: "Star Glass... Why kill it!"

"Since it is fighting, how can we avoid death? Isn't this the most normal process?" Star Glass said softly.

"...you can let it lose its ability to move, let it admit defeat, why must it let it die, and die so badly! It has grown to this day, carrying tens of thousands of years of things, dead, everything is gone. Star glass, is it true that you, without any compassion?" Ye Tianxie said with his hands tight.

"You, don't you want it to die? It takes the initiative to attack me, and there is already a mortal awareness. You don't need to be sorry for it, death, not terrible. Life can be reincarnation, everything can be born again, no death and destruction, There is no new life, so life is like this, everything is like this." Star Glass said very calmly.

"...these, who taught you?"

"This is the law of nature, always in my mind." Star glass closed his eyes. "Do you think that what I said is not correct?"

Ye Tianxie took a breath and said slowly: "Perhaps for you, depriving life is a small thing. Killing more people, destroying more things, you will not feel unbearable." Or what is wrong, when you killed countless people and killed countless beasts, the power you possess is also a kind of arrogant destructive force. This should be your sex...the one with me During the period of time, you lost all your strength, so this **** has no chance to reveal..."

Star glass: "..."

"But I also know that although you have the power of 'destruction' and the nature of 'destruction', on the other hand, you are the most kind. If you don't have a soft heart, when we first met and encountered the dragon together, You won't have to use the power to send me to the city of Tianri. You will stay in battle with Qinglong... It will not last for ten thousand years, and you still have not forgotten the promise of the Mozu. You can be selfish..."

Star glass: "..."

"It’s useless to say this. Since you like to destroy, then... as we agreed before, I want this lost city to step on my body. You can also take my body, and The emperor cuts into eight segments, or more." After Ye Tianxie finished, the sacred inflammation burned, and at the moment of fate, the six fate moments released their own light.

"Kaka, illusion!!"

Ye Tianxie entered the fighting stance. Kaka was also under the control of his mind, and the avatar was the most powerful attacking Shura. Beckham, 夭夭, and the ball were also gathered around Ye Tianxie. The power shines.

Different positions determine that they will still have a battle after all... Although it is a very disparate battle. The tragic death of Emperor Gan gave Ye Tianxie a great touch. He became more and more aware that he knew too little about the real star glass. His cognition of her has always only stayed in the blank girl who has no power and memory... And the real she, the appearance of a girl, can make the temperamental group of devils obey, that is not only powerful Power, more powerful power, wisdom and control. And the star glass he is familiar with, the root is completely different from two people.

Standing on their own stand, they have no choice.

"We... go on." Ye Tianxie whispered softly... Then, just as he was about to launch an attack, a voice suddenly sounded in his mind.

"The dragon dragon master!!"

Ye Tianxie’s body has a meal, this is a familiar voice. It’s just that he never imagined that he would call him at this time.

"Pros?" Ye Tianxie tried to use the idea to return.

"It's me! Pros! The dragon master remembers my voice, it's great... There is a lot to say between us, but now... Dragon Master, are you facing the Devil's Glass Star now? is not it?"

Proos's voice was very urgent, and Ye Tianxie's brow was locked and replied: "Yes... Pros, what are you going to say?"

"Hey, dragon master, I know that you will never give up anything, but...but this time, please be sure to listen to me this time. Don't fight with the magic **** glass star, her power is too terrible, you can't beat it. She will only die in vain... Perhaps death is nothing to you, but her strength is different from ordinary power, which can not only cut life and body, but also destroy souls and souls. Strength. If she does not control her strength, it may destroy your dragon soul and even ruin your spirit... These are absolutely true, so, dragon master, please don’t fight her, leave her immediately. In this world of destiny, there can be nothing in the root that can compete with her... the root cannot be..."

ProLogis's words made Ye Tianxie's brow more and more tight, and the girl in front of her eyes made the world's order gods so jealous and arrogant: "...Pros, do you know what? You understand her strength. Then, do you know her origins?"

Pro's voice gave him an answer, an answer that shocked him...

"She...not a person."

“Not a person? Is it a concept of a person?”

"She, from the top of the people - the Protoss!" Pross said slowly.


"Chaos is first opened, divided into four chaos in the southeast and northwest, and the three protoss - the creation of the Protoss, the Wild Gods, and the Destroyed Protoss are derived from different chaos. As the first creatures of chaotic space, they carry chaos. The most pure power of space, the power of their power, is beyond the imagination of today's human beings. As far as the power class is concerned, they are beyond human existence, that is, the 'god' above people."

Ye Tianxie: "..."

"Later, because of the many things between the three Protoss, they eventually went to extinction and decline. In order to exile the Protoss, the gods and the ruined protoss were destroyed, and the creation of the Protoss was almost completely destroyed. Today, the three Protoss are left. A creation of the Protoss, and there are only a handful of true gods... For example, the Boro goddess you know."

"You said this to me, don't you want to tell me that she is a star..."

"This kind of power can only belong to the Protoss. I have doubted it a thousand years ago. But at that time, although her power form made me doubt, I was immediately dismissed because I didn't have it now. Powerful, and the Protoss has long been devastated for tens of millions of years, there can be no descendants of the roots... But now, her power is no longer able to remind me of the Protoss that have been destroyed."

"Which Protoss?"

"Broken, destroyed, god, family!" Pross said one word at a time.

Ye Tianxie: "!!!"

"The power to destroy the Protoss is all about the destruction route, and the gods in the tribe have the nature that they like to destroy. In the destruction of the Protoss, the strength of the destructive power also has a corresponding level, divided into red orange, yellow, green and blue according to the color of power. There are seven kinds of blue and purple, the weakest is red, the strongest is purple... The power of purple can be said to crack all things in chaos, as long as it is strong enough, there is nothing that can't be broken. The power of purple destruction only exists in the royal family that shattered the Protoss. If my guess is true, then the devil's star is not only from the destruction of the Protoss, but also the royal family there. It is very likely to be the princess who destroyed the Protoss..."

Ye Tianxie: "..."

In the words of ProLogis, Ye Tianxie listened in the ear, and he was silent for a long time. For a time, he couldn't accept and digest the answer that Pross told him, which was filled with too thick and mysterious colors.

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