Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 1122: Tianxin II

"Boa, you..." Star Baoer’s words made Ye Tianxie and Xing Li at the same time stunned. Ye Tianxie looked at her with some sorrow. He felt that the star treasure in front of him seemed to have a great peace. Different... but where is the difference, he can't say it. When she stared at her, his eyes suddenly stunned, and then her eyes passed through her body and saw the scene behind her, just as her body suddenly became illusory. Suddenly, his eyelids flicked slightly... I don't understand why I had this illusion.

"Okay! Boss, star glass, you can't talk now, you can only listen to my star treasure." Star Baoer grabbed Ye Tianxie's hand with his right hand, grabbed the hand of the star glass with his left hand, and separated them. Pulled to his right and left. Then raised his face and looked at Ye Tianxie’s eyes and said: "Boss, I know today, the boss will also retreat, and it will suddenly become so decadent... This is not like the boss I know. This is because of the star glass, but the boss I know for the things that I need to guard, unless I struggle to exhaust the last bit of strength, otherwise I will definitely never give up, and will not escape. This is what I like the boss so much. One of the reasons."

"But I can't beat the star glass." Ye Tianxin looked confused and whispered.

"Then, the boss must be very eager to defeat the star glass, right? Because only defeated the star glass, you can protect the things you want to guard. And... Star glass, you are actually eager to be defeated by the boss, right? Because if he is defeated, she will have no reason to insist, although you will be against the Mozu, but at least, you don't have to do this choice that you don't like at all, right?” Star Baoer said with a smile.

Star glass: "..."

Star Treasure's eyes flashed with dazzling stars: "So, boss, you will defeat the star glass. Defeat the star glass, today's things can be ended, many things can be ended, the old assembly becomes The boss who has not failed, the star glass can also be released... Then, I believe that the old assembly will use all its strength to help the star glass and help her find the future of the demon **** continent, okay? Right?"

"Boa...but I..." Only in front of the star glass, he was so powerless. Their strength is too far, and no matter how hard he tries, there is no possibility of defeating the faint hope of the star glass. Instead, the fate of the moment is ruined, and the fruit is also disappearing. Although his current heart is not like the original Losing the color of the glass fairy, all of them are gray and collapsed, but at least for a long time, he will always be so depressed.

Star Baoer looked straight into his eyes and shook his head very hard: "Boss, can't say give up. Remember the words I said to you, my favorite words... just believe, just stick to it, any Miracles can happen... Miracles will make the boss defeat the star glass, miracle, and let the demon family guarded by the star glass find their stable new home. Boss, star glass, do you believe it?"

Ye Tianxie: "..."

Star glass: "..."

Miracle... This is the two words that Star Treasure most often says. She is always telling all kinds of miracles that have happened to her, and she has been believing in miracles. She has told Ye Tianxie many times that she must believe in miracles... because as long as she believes in miracles and beliefs are sufficient, miracles will happen. ...anything that is impossible will happen under the miracle...


Is there really a miracle that can make you beat the glass?

Is there really a miracle that can completely solve the things that I and Star Glass insist on?

Does it really exist...

If there is, then, what kind of miracle can let you defeat the star glass, what kind of miracle can be the devil of the mainland without ending the lost continent, they have endured their suffering for thousands of years...

"Hey? Boss, Star Glass, why don't you talk? Don't you believe me? Then... Boss, show you this, this is made with 'miracle', it is my gift to the boss. !"

Boa stretched out his hands. Under her call, a black light flashed on her hand and quickly zoomed in, showing a red-black armor that exuded incomparable hegemony and mightyness. This is a set of incomparable British armor, with red scars on it, and the left and right arms respectively stretch out three terrible barbs that are more than ten centimeters long. The hem is guarded to the calf position, and the chest is a piece with a fist size. , faintly released black stones with strange black fog.

At the moment when this armor appeared, Ye Tianxie felt the breath of his breath.

"Boss is not always asking me what I am secretly doing in the past few months? Look, this is this! This is the gift I made for the boss, and it is a gift of miracles. Boss, wear it!"

The red-black armor was pushed to Ye Tianxie by Star Baoer. At the moment of starting, a kind of tyrannical force made Ye Tianxie's soul follow the violent turmoil. His dragon's eyes fell on this armor, subconsciously to see its attributes... In the first second, his eyes suddenly slammed, and his face showed a deep surprise.

The **** of destruction destroys the evil spirits: the evil spirits: the device of the holy destruction...

Once, twice, three times...

He hasn't seen it... it's the word "the instrument of sacred destruction"! The armor he took in his hand, the armor made by Star Treasure, is actually a device of annihilation! !

The gods destroy the scorpion and the evil spirits: the device of the sacred destruction, the equipment conditions: evil heaven, star treasure, exclusive, any other life equipment will be rejected and destroyed by the power of the wild stone. Star Baoer takes the power of the stone of the gods as the source of the heart, and uses the extremely dark and mysterious gold as the form. The ultimate flaw cast under the power of the "miracle" has a powerful power of guardianship and destruction.

Attributes: Defense +28000, Defense +150%, Life +30000, Strength +900, Constitution +2800, Agility -600, Total Element Resistance +40%, Cannot be destroyed.

Additional skills:

Arrogant arrogance: Passive skills, when attacked, 50% probability of immune damage (physical damage and magic damage), when attacked, 50% probability does not appear hard.

The wrath of the wild god: Passive skill, when it is hurt, forcibly return 50% of the damage of the attacker, and this damage ignores the distance and cannot be avoided and resisted.

The ruling of the gods - the other side of the cycle: active skills, the power of the stone of the gods is injected into the hands or weapons of the equipment, through the hands or weapons to release the power of the gods enough to destroy everything, the target buried in the abyss of reincarnation. Effect: Destroy attack in the front ten meters range, the base damage is equal to 2000% of the normal attack, with a complete destruction effect, 100% probability of triggering death (ps: invalid for immunity or death). Consumes 13000 magic and cools for 180 seconds.

Holy Prohibition: The Desolation of the Wild God - Silence of Reincarnation: Destruction. The source of the explosion of the stone of the wild gods caused complete destruction of the surrounding ten kilometers, and the target of destruction did not distinguish between the enemy and the enemy. All land, buildings, living spirits, water sources... will be annihilated to nothingness, and the destroyed areas will continue to have the power of the gods, and the step-in will be swallowed up by the power of the gods, and will be completely dissipated after ten days. After 30 days of use, the full attribute of the sorcerer is reduced to zero. It can be used every 30 days.

Special Attributes: Stars and Evil Love: If the equipment is evil, when you miss Star Treasure, or if you are a Star Treasure, when you think about evil, the temperature of the desert will become warm.

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