Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 1145: In destruction

The huge invading player team was destroyed by Ye Tianxie's two destiny, and the player killed by him could not be resurrected in the same place, but also suffered several times of death punishment... compared to what he suffered during his attack. Beyond the pain of human beings to endure the limits, these are nothing. The person who died under the evil spirits will have a long shadow of his shadow. He will not say that he will see him again in the future. He just remembers his name and will fear and shrink in the shadow.

There were large shouts in front of the gates of the city, countless or eager, or worship, or shock, or the fearful eyes concentrated on the evil spirits in the air. There is such a person in China. Even if the national border is broken, how many invading troops will come again... Perhaps, by the strength he has just revealed, he can no longer be regarded as a "person." It is easy to destroy a large-scale team like a group of ants, and that is the strength of the mythical gods. This mysterious world of destiny still has such power, and it also appears in a player in their China!

The original Tian Mo Xie Qiang is already known all over the world. Later, the evil days resounded to the world again and again, and every time he appeared in the public eye, it would be much stronger than the last one. Even everyone knows his power and even begins to habitual numbness. But every time he appeared to be shocked, it still made them unacceptable and calm for a long time in shock and fear.

The high voices of the players can't bring the slightest waves in his heart. These invading players are too fragile, and the roots are not enough to vent the stuff that is rushing in his chest. He looked up and looked at the far south. With his current dragon, you can see the extremely terrible distance. He saw the edge of the ocean in the south, the dense shadows were swaying, and it seemed to be rioting. Apparently, the evil days appeared, and the news that all the people had disappeared was passed there. Further afield, on the sea of ​​the South Sea, a large ship is approaching the lost continent in fast driving, and there are thousands of ships under the glance.

A gloomy smile appeared in the corner of Ye Tianxie, and his eyes became terrible and sensational. Under the influence of the holy mark, the person who should not hurt, he will never hurt. For those who need to guard, he does not allow others to hurt. When the power of the magic seal prevails because of the emotional stimulation, he will be more ruined and ruined than the **** who destroyed the Protoss. It will be more cruel than the devil. Life will be like a mustard in his eyes. It will only be simple. Become the carrier of his venting.

"Two brothers, altogether is..."

If you break the army on the left, you must also scream for the exit, but you can see that Ye Tianxie’s figure has disappeared into the air.

"... Big Brother, he went to the edge of the South China Sea. It seems that the person who has just landed there is going to be bad luck." God shut away the detection and said.

Sophie Fei looked at Ye Tianxie’s position for a while, turned his eyes and worried. "Do you think that the evil spirits seem a bit wrong..."

"It’s not right, it’s just not right. Is it because of the little sister of Star Glass? Dear head is sometimes cold and terrible, while the other side is so concerned about feelings, hey, it’s really aside with such a leader. A pleasant thing, you said that the head of the group will not be angry with me for the day." Situ said with a sullen face.

Everyone: "..."

The left-handed army sank for a while and said: "The second brother does have something wrong. Even if the devil is a star glass... he lost the star glass, saved the lost continent, at least he should be happy, but now the second brother gives me the feeling However, instead of having any sense of joy, it seems to have been greatly stimulated... Just now, he also told me that in all the countries that have invaded today, he will retaliate one by one, one will not be less."

Murong Qiu Shui and other people's faces have changed significantly.

This is not like the style of Ye Tianxie.

If someone else commits him, he will commit a crime, but if he does not commit him, he will not find someone else's trouble for no reason. It is a bit strange that the invasion of foreign players will cause his anger. With his character, at most, he will solve these "outside things". These insignificant people do not have the qualification to make him angry... but in fact, he The performance is far more than anger.

"Let's go south to see!"

On the north shore of the South Sea, there are densely packed figures, and at first glance, there are as many as a million people. They are neatly divided into dozens of areas, and the attire is different. And this is not their entire lineup. The front line has already attacked first, and the temptation is the main one. There are a large number of alliances in the rear, and they are approaching quickly. When people are in the same position and unified deployment, it is enough to win the siege war of Tianxia City, one of the five main cities in China. .

The disaster of the Lost City distracted the Chinese players a lot of attention, making the front-line siege team unexpectedly smooth. But they were so proud, even mad, and satirizing the Chinese players, but they saw the direction of the battle, the purple light filled, the thundering sky, the connected messenger came from the ghosts of crying, after the purple light, The sky turned red again, and countless flames fell from the sky... That scene almost stunned them, and they couldn’t return to God for a long time.

Afterwards, they got the news that all the front-line teams were killed... all died, no one survived, and no one escaped. The terrible news they got, or the players who died in their own country, were conveyed by the voice of the shudder, and they also told them a name - evil day!

They would rather believe that this is a natural disaster, a punishment for heaven, and they do not want to believe that this is from a player's hand. A player, even in such a blink of an eye, destroyed their hundreds of thousands of teams! ! They admit the power of China's evil days... But a player can't be metamorphosed to this extent.

Their riots have not subsided, and a figure appears in front of this large group, and a cold suffocation is oppressed in the chest of everyone.

The breath that Ye Tianxie can release is no longer the same. In the face of the army of one million, one person can be described as small and insignificant. Even if it appears, it will not cause too much reaction, and even many people will not notice him. But when Ye Tianxie appeared, this huge and noisy team suddenly became cold and silent, and all eyes were in the direction of Ye Tianxie under the traction of an icy breath. The heart is also rapidly jumping in the inexplicable fear that is involuntarily born.


The leader of the Philippine team standing at the forefront of the team contracted, biting his teeth and shouting the name of evil days. I thought of the terrible news that had just come from the leader who had been killed in the past... Even though he was unbelievable, his heart began to tremble. Moreover, the breath of this person's body is terrible, and it makes him instantly chilly, above and behind his forehead, unconsciously already cold sweat. After he shouted the name of the evil day, he opened his mouth and found that even a word that was oppressed was hard to say.

The mental oppression made him almost collapse, his body was cold and stiff, and his physical pressure made him start a terrible feeling that his body was about to collapse.


This is the last sentence they heard before they died. Because of the evil voice, they only saw the blue light that filled the sky and the water outside the sky.

In the horror of the horror, the sky curtains that hang down from the sky are photographed like roaring waves, and they are completely submerged in the desperation of countless people. The sloping flood spreads a few kilometers wide. When it rushes forward with a terrible momentum, the huge team is swallowed one after another in the screams of the sky, when the flood stretches to several kilometers. At the time, all the people have been buried in the flood... no one can be spared!

None of them were drowned by floods, with their fragile bodies, when photographed by floods, or when floods hit them, the impact of huge water has destroyed their bodies to distortion or even break. The water that drowned everyone did not stop, but flocked to the south under the control of Ye Tianxie's indifferent gaze and fate. Eventually, with countless bodies, instilled into the endless ocean of the South.

He is a person who is qualified to fight God. These ordinary people have no difference in his eyes from a group of ant roots.

The flood spread and left behind the props and equipment that the players fell after the death of the players. These things, he was dismissive, and just when he was about to move to the sea in the south, the sound of the hustle and bustle He stopped his footsteps.

"Big brother, wait a minute! There are good things over there!"

"Good things?" Ye Tianxu questioned.

I flew out of the hope badge and floated on the land that had been ravaged by the flood. When I switched several orientations, my eyes lit up and I finally found my gaze. I ran it in my hand and then floated back. Shouting a small hand to Ye Tianxie excitedly shouted: "Wow! Big brother looks at it, I don't feel wrong, it is really this thing... This is the national instrument of the Philippines!"

"National device?" Ye Tianxie was slightly surprised. He took a palm-sized disc in his hand. The disc was inlaid with blue, red and white. The middle depicts a golden sun shining in the middle. The color composition is similar. The flag of the Philippines. He took the disc in his hand and looked at its attributes:

The glory of God: The only national weapon in the Philippine National Theater. After wearing it, the experience and reputation in the Philippine National Theater will be increased by 30%. The Philippine National Theater will be killed by any player without penalty.

Additional Skills: God's Move: You can move to the center of any continent without ignoring national borders, but if you die in other continents, "Glory of God" will drop 100%, and you can launch nine times. The current number of remaining uses: 7/9.

Ye Tianxie: "..."

The thing that I found, actually, is really the only state machine of the Philippines, or a powerful state machine without any restrictions on use. Obviously, this is the national weapon that has fallen from the former Philippine player and can have the Philippine theater. The identity of the leader in the Philippine theater can be imagined. But no matter what his identity, a visit to the Huaxia District has not only failed to make a difference, but also lost the only national weapon that symbolizes the prestige and dignity of the theater. He must be violent and mad, and the intestines will be remorseful.

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