Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 116: Dragon Soul - Forgetting


Long Mo Cliff’s eyes were slightly stunned, and he watched Ye Tianxie for a while, and then looked away. It seemed to be something that he remembered. He said, “I naturally know this skill, because every person who has the blood of the dragon will have it. The existence of this skill. All the dragons can launch the dragon soul burst."

"Detonate the Dragon Soul, destroy everything … … these eight words, the annotation is the last of my dragon's dragon life, but also the most embarrassing life of the man. Because, this is my dragon's exclusive desperate skills, A technique of taboos that must not be launched unless it is almost desperate to die!"

"……" Although it has been vaguely guessed, but at the moment listening to Long Moya, he is still amazed inside. Desperate skills, accompanied by incomparably terrible destructive power, but accompanied by extremely cruel punishment. How terrible is the power of the Dragon Soul? How cruel is its punishment? Is it a drop? Still forcibly reducing the attributes? Still something else.

"What if I use the Dragon Soul?" Ye Tianxu asked.

"If you use the Dragon Soul, the destructive power is enough to destroy the enemy that is ten times or even a hundred times stronger than you. You can even destroy everything you want to destroy. It is for this reason that other races rarely dare to come. In violation of my dragon family, in the history of the dragons, the dragons that use the dragon spirits are not without them. Each of them creates a catastrophic destruction like a ruinous land. If the scene is terrible, you can’t imagine it. However, the consequences of using dragons and dragons are equally terrible …… dragon souls can only be used once for each dragon, because this is to detonate all the power, life, and will of the dragon. The desperate blow caused by the belief, the soul, and the use of the dragon, the body of the dragon will be exhausted. In countless years, there are a total of thirteen dragons in the dragon record, and six of them. At the moment of detonating the Dragon Soul, it will be distracted, and there will be no more. The only remaining is the unconscious broken body. After a few days, the last life is exhausted. …… Lucky two, They survived, but life will never again have the slightest dragon force, have not even stand & amp; hellip; & amp; hellip; then linger on taking his life in pain. "

Ye Tianxie: "!?"

"Then, I am … … I am a human being from a different world. I can't really die in this world. If I use the Dragon Soul, what will the consequences be?"

Long Moya glanced at him and said slowly: "Perhaps, you should not die … … but, it will be the same as the dragon that is lucky enough to live …… all attributes Drop to 1, and it's never possible to recover or gain new power."

Ye Tianxie: (⊙o⊙)! !

Your uncle …… true and false …… If true, this tm is who designed the metamorphosis skill …… such terrible consequences, even cattle & ;times; to burst, there is another silly & time; will use it … … even more abominable is not even the power and punishment of the notes, if you do not know to use it, Don't cry and shout!

You must know that "Destiny" has no chance to start all over again.

"Forget the skill of desperation, you are a human being from a different world, you will not face real despair, and you will not be able to use it on that day. There is one more thing to tell you …… use the dragon soul Even if you don't die after the explosion, there will be another terrible side effect."

"What is it?"

"Forget …… love!" Long Mo Cliff looks far and wide, slowly spit out these two words.

"Forgetful?" Ye Tianxie is stunned. This is the side effect of which.

"After using the dragon soul, you will forget the most important emotions of your life, forget all the people and things that happened in this emotion. These are the ancient records from the dragons, and the two surviving dragons are also completely This is confirmed.” Looking at the surprised Ye Tianxie, Long Mo Cliff sighed and said: “Do you think this alternative punishment is not terrible? Oh …… forget the situation, when you really With a true feeling of deep heart and bone marrow, you will know that this is a more cruel punishment than death."

"I know." Out of the expectation of Long Mo Cliff, Ye Tianxie did not show any incomprehension or disdain. His expression and gaze continued to flash through the silky memories and desolateness, love, what is love, what is true love. He has owned and lost …… but even if it only makes him suffer, he must not, and will never allow himself to forget this, forget her …… because, Forgetting every day, every minute, every second, what he has with her, will only be a broken and gray life.

Until death, you will never forget every moment in my life ……

Just, now, where are you ……

Why leave alone ……

Don't you know? …… End of the World, Cloudy Sky … … Even if there is an endless abyss, Shura Purgatory, as long as you have a place, I am willing to laugh with you ……

What kind of hardships are there, let you choose to go beyond the world, and choose to walk silently, no words best ~ fast audio … …

What time, what space …… can see you again.

Ye Tianxie, who was touched by the heartstrings, became depressed and dull. He smiled at Longmo Cliff and said: "Dragon Father, I think I should leave here. If you have nothing else to help me."

"You can leave at any time. Although the stone of the Dragon God has disappeared, I have been here for thousands of years. I have been used to everything here. There is no other place to go here. I should stay here later. If possible, come here to accompany me, this old man who has not pursued, said that speaking is also good … … though, I really want to witness your growth." Long Moya smiled and nodded, different from Ye When Tianxie first saw his chilly face, he was gentle at this time as an old man in his old age.

"Well, I will come back often in the future." Ye Tianqi said with a smile. His sentence is not just about talking. He has already remembered this, and, with the "Mist" skill, he is confident that even if he jumps from above again, he can fall safely. However, he said that he will often come back here to see if it is not good to visit Long Mo Cliff … … but, maybe, what benefits can he get from him …… Send powerful equipment, send powerful skills, and have a more loving father than him?

"The stone of the Dragon God disappears, and my dragons will feel it up and down. It should be gathered in the shortest time. At that time, your name should be spread throughout the Dragons …… You are a person who likes to be free and does not like others to interfere with you. This situation is not a bad thing for you, but it should not be a good thing. Although I would like to take you to see my Dragon Lord, everything is with you. The dragon soul with the combination of darkness and light is forcibly recognized by the Xuanhu. It is impossible for you to calm down in the future. I look forward to your future …… well, here is A special space, your returning city props will not be available here, I will send you out of here."

Long Moya raised his head, and a layer of light color shrouded the body of Ye Tianxie. Ye Tianxie nodded, then suddenly thought of something, looked up and asked: "Wait for Dragon Master, since you have been in existence for a thousand years, you must know more and more, then have you heard of the nuclear of fate?"

"The core of fate is the energy core of this world —&m;mdash; the nucleus of the power of eternal destiny, there are seven, seven-color states exist, respectively, blood feather, orange tooth, Huang Yuan, green wave , Qingshen, Lanxie, Tianxin, the core of these seven destiny can exist independently, with the terrorist power that ordinary people can hardly imagine, especially the most powerful and mysterious purple heaven. It is said that the power of a heavenly heart is more than other The sum of the nuclear powers of the six destinies. When these nuclear cores of fate are collectively focused on the eternal destiny, they create the ultimate device that can maintain the balance of energy in the continent …… All I know, there is only this." Long Moya said plainly, looking at Ye Tianxie with an inquiring look.

Blood Feather, Orange Teeth, Huang Yuan, Green Wave, Green Soul, Blue Dragonfly, Tianxin … … Red Orange Green Blue Blue Purple … … In addition to blood plume and blue dragonfly, Ye Tian At this moment, the evil finally knows the names of all other nuclear cores of fate, and firmly engraves these seven names in the heart. His mind is telling him that as long as you find the core of these seven destinies, you can unlock the secret of fate …… perhaps, you can know where she went …&hellip And who she is ……

"Do you know where these nuclear cores are now?" Ye Tianxu asked.

Long Moya shook his head flatly and asked: "Now the eternal destiny has disappeared, and the nuclear of seven fates is not known. No one knows where they went …&hel;hellip; It must be said that if anyone knows where they are going, it will only be the goddess of the highest **** lost in the mainland and the seven sages who survived the tragic battle of the year. They are the most likely to know the fate of the moment and the fate of fate. People …… However, "The movement of Long Moya's brows, a heavy face asked: "Why do you want to ask the fate of the core of fate."

"Sometimes I heard people mention it some time ago, saying that if you get any fate, you will become very powerful, so you are curious." Ye Tianxie said very casually, he could not see the slightest unnaturalness in his expression. And flaws.

Long Moya saw him a few times and said indifferently: "The existence of the nuclear core of fate is not as simple as you think. Their belonging is not something that ordinary creatures can hope for. Every destiny will have its own independent consciousness. However, some mature and mature are not mature, so although I don't know where they are, they are not without rules, and their consciousness will drive them closer to where they are most suitable …& ;hellip; For example, the green nuclear green wave in the rumor of fate has a terrible virulence, and the like is necessarily a very toxic environment. However, even if you can find them now, never Maybe they will be their own. Well, now, I will send you away! The most I want to see now is the day when you reach the peak, you are destined to be a miracle of my dragon!"

The layer of light-colored light shrouded in the leaves of the evil spirits, and he left the dark abyss with him.

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