Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 1166: In the miracle of the devil's continent

The size of the Devil's mainland is not as much as one-fifth of the lost continent. But after all, it is also an extremely broad continent. It is conceivable to want to disobey the climate here and forcefully change the environment of such a large area. Ye Tianxie doesn't know whether it is possible to be perfect with his own ability. Even if it can be done, how long it will take.

The land of the demon **** is extremely scarce in both the land and the water in the air. In order to condense water elements, Ye Tianxie must pass the distant ocean and condense the same amount of water elements, which is ten times more difficult than the lost continent in the demon **** continent. Devil's mainland needs water, but if Ye Tianxie only spills a lot of water on this continent, it is not enough, because the climate here, even after a few days of heavy rain, but after a certain time, it will be Dry and dry in the heat. To keep the water, you need Provo's "life." The root cause of the status quo of the Devil's Land is not the lack of water, but the lack of solid water. In any place, a forest can be green for thousands of years, but if it is completely destroyed, it can also evolve into a desert that is not a grass. And if there is enough vegetation, then a desert covered with yellow sand for a thousand years can also evolve into a rich land.

With a long breath, Ye Tianxie closed his eyes and concentrated all his thoughts on the moment of destiny. With his greatest strength, he gathered more and more water elements.

At the moment of destiny, the blue light shines, and the light becomes dark from the dim until it reaches the extreme of the water blue. The heat around it slowly became damp and cold during the spread of blue light.

Water... More and more water, all come to me.

One hour... two hours... three hours... The blue light has covered the large sky above the head of Ye Tianxie.

Not far from the location of Ye Tianxie, there is a small city of magic, always a yellow sky, and suddenly there is a growing blue, which makes all the magic in the city amazed. Looking up, no one knows what happened. Soon, more and more devils went to the source of blue light. On the sky above the 100 meters above the ground, they saw Ye Tianxie. These powerful demons naturally did not lack the original lost to the mainland. Those who have seen Ye Tianxie, for a time, this little magic city has been plunged into extreme shock and fear. The news of the human beings who defeated the devil gods came to the devil's mainland at this moment and spread out at a very fast speed...just, Countless demons stood on the land below Ye Tianxie in the alert and taboo, but because Ye Tianxie did not move, none of them dared to launch an attack. Even the devils were defeated by him, and they knew that with their strength, they could not stand in front of him.

They are now completely waiting for the instructions of the devil.

Just three hours after Ye Tianxie condensed water, a thin cloud suddenly began to condense on the sky at a very fast speed. The light gray clouds are generated quite quickly, and the entire dry yellow sky is covered in a blink of an eye. Immediately, the thin clouds become thicker and thicker in the rapid generation and overlap.

There is no cloud on the mainland of the Devil. But so many clouds have never been seen in their memories.

There were all kinds of whispers in the magic group. Their expressions were shocked and nervous. Is it that this terrible human being is accumulating what terrible power is to destroy the devil's continent?

"Ghost King, what should I do? If you want to attack now, he is obviously accumulating terrible power. If this is the case, then when he is ready to finish, everything will be too late."

The Dark Ghost King in the Seven Ghost Kings did not know when they had appeared in this place, and stared at the Ye Tianxie in the air with countless demons. He was the demon who had fought with Ye Tianxie, and he kept the terrible from him. Shadow, when he saw him again, if there weren't so many demons around him looking at him, he couldn't help but want to turn around and flee. Hearing the elders around him, he bit his teeth and said in his voice: "Absolutely not! You have seen his strength with your own eyes. Even if it is me, it is also vulnerable in his hands. We are all on the whole." It will also be dead in the blink of an eye. What we have to do now is to wait for the devil to come... Before this, no one will act without permission!"


During the conversation, a little cold thing fell from the sky and hit the hands of the Dark King. It was a kind of coolness that made him very enjoyable. He raised his hand... on the back of his hand, it was a little water droplet. At the same time, in his ear, more and more surprise shouts came.

"Raindrops, this is raindrops!!"

It’s not just the dark ghost king who falls on his body. He looks up, and above the gray sky, sporadic drops of water are falling lazily. At first, these water droplets are very sparse, and it will take a while for two drops to fall on the same person. After such a prelude was maintained for a short period of ten seconds, above the sky, suddenly a purple light flashed, among the purple light, it was a dull sound of lightning.


A cool cool breeze blowing these magical hearts, the cool breeze, the drops of the sky dripping dripping, hit the dry yellow land, also fell on countless demons.

"Rain... It’s raining, it’s raining!!”

"It's raining!!"

"Ah! It’s really rain, it’s raining, it’s raining!!”


At present, the rain is only a small rain at best. This kind of rain is always visible on the earth or lost in the mainland. No one will find it strange, but when the rain falls on this land, these powerful demons seem to see the world. The most incredible thing, they all stared at each other, and they screamed desperately like a mental disorder. Some of them reached out and were excited to feel the feeling of water droplets on their hands. Some looked up and greedily enjoyed the rain falling in their mouths.

The rain covers a wide range. From the first few kilometers, the speed of the eye has reached dozens of kilometers, and it continues to spread. The rain has gradually changed from a light rain to a lazy rain.

"Fast!! Go and catch the water!"

In the shout of a demon, the demons in the surprise are awake as a dream. Suddenly, more and more devils are running in the direction of their own home. The speed can be said to have reached the limit of this life. At this time, Ye Tiangengen has been forgotten by them. For them, there is nothing more important than water. In a twinkling of an eye, the dense crowds that were originally under Ye Tianxie have become sparse. The demons who have not left are all because of the ready-made water storage tools. Even the dark ghost kings tremble with their hands and open their own. The storage kit is excited to carry water droplets that fall in the air.

The nearby magic city has never been as lively as it is today. In the usual empty streets and alleys, the adults are still standing, the adults of the Mozu, the old people, the children, all ran out of the house, shouting in the rain. At the same time, all the containers they can use are put out to carry the rain.

The original dead city of the magic, because of this rain has become a paradise of jubilation.

The rain did not stop very quickly, but it continued and it grew stronger. After a few hours of continuous rain, it turned from heavy rain to heavy rain. The scope has also reached 100 kilometers away.

The dry yellow land became more and more humid, and on the ground, the ground began to have accumulated water. Many children play in the large stone basins filled with water, letting the heavy rain on their heads pour into them... For them, this is something they never thought of.

In the initial surprise, those powerful demons finally began to think about where this unusual rain came from.

They quickly thought of Ye Tianxie, thinking of the water blue that had been expanding in the sky before him.

In the heavy rain, thousands of demons stood on the land below Ye Tianxie, and looked at Ye Tianxie in the air with an extremely complicated look. No one had attacked him before, and now there is no more. Now they are so convinced that the rain is from him... But this person who defeated the demon god, why should he bring such a blessing to this ridiculous land. Is he a human being, and shouldn’t he be hostile? Or... this is just the beginning of a conspiracy.

"Ghost King, what should I do? What is this human being doing?"

The Dark Ghost King is still unsatisfied with more and more rain, and his storage kit with huge space is almost filled. He shook his head and said: "Wang said, everything is waiting for the devil to come to make a decision. But..." The dark ghost king smashed his green eyes, and some excitedly said: "As long as I saw the demon **** and fight him that day. People will know that there is something we don’t know between him and the devil. This human being has once had the purple phoenix of the demon god, it should be given to him by the demon god... Maybe this human being is really Come help us."

"He... help us? How is this possible... ah! Yes... is the devil!!"

"Devil Lord!"

"The devil is coming!"

The arrival of a purple figure made the crowd below commotion again. In the excitement and nervous shouts, all the demons are excited to crouch in the rain, greeted the coming of the demon in the most pious and humble posture.

Star glass silently appeared in the side of Ye Tianxie, silently watching the eyes closed, holding high the destiny, he did not move. She has been here for a long time, and she has been watching it so silently. For her arrival, Ye Tianxie did not have any reaction, and even the eyes did not open.

Close to his body, the star glass stretched out the white hand, gently rubbing the dripping drops on his forehead... There was cold rain from the sky and hot sweat from his body.

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