Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 1173: Fragments of memory - continued

A hundred years ago, the night was deeply attracted by Hesperia. And Hesfield, why not be deeply attracted by the night...

Among the goddess of the young generation, Hesfiya is the most dazzling star, and among the young sons of the young generation, who can compete with the night. Back to the night is also the only person who can compete with Hesfield. These two also have a noble status and status, have a perfect face, have the strongest power, and are after the king of God. In the world, it is only the Hesfiya that can be worthy of the night, and for Hesfiya, it can only be seen by her, and it is only worthy of the night.

When they fought a hundred years ago, they have already attracted each other. Otherwise, how can they be so frequent, so they are eager to play against each other. However, they belong to two races that are completely hostile. The identity of the two of them is the sole successor of the two kings of the gods. They are destined to not produce the feelings that should not be there. Therefore, even a hundred years ago, even though they felt the incitement of the heart. It will also subconsciously suppress and hide it.

However, separation for a hundred years, whether it is to the night, or Hesfield, brought them a spiritual invisible suffering... They will tell themselves that it is a kind of regret to lose their opponents, meet again, look at each other Touch, they can no longer deceive their hearts.

A hundred years ago, they could only bury everything in their hearts, but after a hundred years of reunion and despair, the spark between them finally burst forth, and then quickly turned into a burning flame that could not be extinguished. They began to fought as frequently as they did a hundred years ago, but the eyes and mood between them have undergone earth-shaking changes.

With the ruin of the power of the gods, it was too late to defeat Hesfiya. The king of the gods finally found the clue, and the love between the night and Hesfiya was gradually becoming more and more known. But as they have thought, whether it is Hesfield or the night, they have been the strongest opposition from the whole family. For the wilderness, the creation of the Protoss is a deadly enemy who almost destroyed their entire family and brought them great shame. They even suspected that this is because the power of the night makes the creation of the Protoss chill, to Hessfield. The temptation to use the night. For the creation of the Protoss, when returning to the night, killing countless gods of the creation of the Protoss, the family has long hated him, and it is impossible to accept the next **** of the creation **** and the queen of the gods of the wild gods. People have dyed.

This is a relationship that is destined to be blessed, or even impossible to have results.

However, with the strong character of late-night, even if the whole world is opposed, he will not give up.

He hated war. He had never appeared in the early days of the battle between the gods and the creation of the Protoss. He appeared later because of Hesfield. After the reunion with Hesfield, and because of her relationship, he has enough strength to stop the revenge on the creation of the Protoss in addition to simply "hands-on" with Hesfiya, and has not stepped into the Western chaotic world. . His approach made the wild **** angry, and made the wild gods dissatisfied. He thought that he was enchanted by Hesfija, and that the genius of the wild gods was degraded. Therefore, even though he tried all the methods he could try, he and He The relationship between Sfeija was not accepted in the passage of time, but instead was increasingly opposed... until he could not see any hope.

In contrast, the anti-voice of Hesperia is much smaller than the night, and smaller and smaller. The returning power of the night makes the creation of the Protoss chilly, even the creation of the King of God can not be compared with it, and in a few years, he stopped the attack on the creation of God, everyone knows Hesfield Elegant relationship. Thus, gradually, the creation of the Protoss began to have a voice in favor of Hesfield and the night, and the conditions must be attributed to the creation of the Protoss. Naturally, this is also the condition that the night and the wild and the Protoss can never agree.

Finally, in the hopelessness of all, in order to love, the night chooses to abandon all the restraints and barriers, to come to Hesfia, to take her away from the chaotic world of East and West. Hesfiya was infected by his resoluteness, and he was never able to let go of his sensation. He then, along with him, left everything around him, looking for only them, no war, no racial exclusion. There will be no opposition and disturbing world.

Back to the night with Hesfiya and his partners, through that unique gap, into the distant southern chaotic world... a world that cannot be found.

The Southern Chaos world has become a two-person world that belongs to them only. In this world that will not be disturbed, their feelings are completely released, and there is no need for pressure and restraint. Year after year, they swim in every area of ​​this vast space, and the feelings deepen in this quiet world day by day, until the souls are dependent, there is no power to separate them.

Ten years later, the center of the South Chaos, the late night, with the powerful and unparalleled elements of the gods, with the creation of Hesfiya, began to try to create a world that is enough to breed and grow ordinary life. . Under the powerful divine power and the incomparable cooperation of the two of them, three hundred years later, a blue-blue planet was formed under their common strength. Hesfiya adjusted the order of the new world with the power of creation. Back to the night, the elements of this new world are balanced by the ridiculous moment, and the planet is in a perfect state.

The planet, named after them - the star of Xi Yao.

A star that carries their good hopes and wishes.

Under the joint efforts of Hesfia and the night, the power of the Xiyao Star is not strong, but it is in a state that is most suitable for the birth and growth of the soul. Therefore, the speed of the birth, growth, reproduction, and evolution of the spirit of Xi Yaoxing is extremely amazing. Ten years later, the star of Xi Yao has been planted. After a hundred years, many simple animals have appeared. After the millennium, The star of Xi Yao has been alive everywhere...

Hesfield and the night are the masters of this growing beautiful planet, who care for the planet as much as they care for their children.

However, the happiness and tranquility that belong to them is not without end.

The departure from the night made the wild gods a mess, and the king of the gods was furious... He hated not the night, but Hesfield. He insisted that this is the insidious plan of the creation of the Protoss, Hesfiya will be enchanted by the night, and let him leave the wild gods forever, so that the creation of the Protoss lost the greatest threat, the Lost Gods lost One of the most powerful heirs. Between the millennium, he and the creation of the Protoss did not stop the war, but more of the effort, spent on finding the night and Hesperia. It is impossible to disappear into the world by the night, he believes that he must have found the day... and claimed that the most wrong thing in his life is that he did not know how to go out and destroy Hess after knowing the night and Hesfield. Feiya, if he is found, he will destroy it... So his only descendant will return to the night to return.

After the millennium, the gap of Southern Chaos was finally discovered... and it was discovered by both the wild gods and the creation of the Protoss. This discovery alerted the creation gods and the gods of the gods, who personally arrived and entered the unknown south. The world of chaos... They don't know that the night and Hesfiya are in it, but simply want to occupy as much of this unknown world as possible.

The change from the north can't escape the perception of the latent night with the ridiculous moment. When he feels that the forces belonging to the wild gods and the creation of the protoss are getting closer and closer, it will be enough to reach the star of Xi Yao in less than half a day. He finally couldn’t calm down, let Hesfiya stay in the star of Xi Yao, and he’s ahead of the north.

In the north of the Star of Xi Yao, he saw the gods of the creation of the Protoss, including the King of Creation. Seeing the night, the wrath of the creation king made him personally launch a ruthless attack on the night, and other gods of creation were afraid that the king of God would be hurt by the horrible moment of the gods, and all joined the attack on the night. In the middle of the night, one of the gods of the creation gods and gods, including the **** of war, has not lost, which makes the creation king of the first battle with the night to be shocked.

The king of creation is the father of Hesfiah, and the protoss of the world are Hesfaya's races. They can't get down to the night. They can't take him, but it's hard to get out of the night. In this long-running fierce battle, he felt that the power of the wild gods was close to the star of Xi Yao.

Then, in the battle, he suddenly had a terrible heart, almost at the same time. In his heart, Hesfiya’s soft and weak voice was heard...

"Goodbye, my late night..."

That was what he heard... the last voice of Hesfia.

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