Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 133: I hate men who beat women.

Li Wei clearly saw the change in Li Tianpeng's look, and then reminiscent of the ambiguous atmosphere in the moment when he first came. He suddenly guessed that there must be conflicts between them. She quickly smiled and said to Su Feifei said: "Fifi, it seems that you still don't know, this is what I mentioned to me last time, my big brother Li Tian..."

"I don't need to introduce it, I already know." Sophie's tone became a bit stiff, and it was very rude to say: "Your big brother doesn't seem to be as rare as you said. There is absolutely nothing on the ground. I don't want to say more. What's up, let your big brother pay the full 300 million gambling losses, we should go."

"Ah... ah!? Three...300 million? What do you say?" Li Wei’s eyes and mouth were wide at the same time. The first thing I realized was that there was a problem with my ears.

Sufifi repeated: "Three hundred million! Your big brother offered to gamble with my boyfriend. As a result, others are too scum, and lost three hundred million. Now they want to confess, but also force us to leave. The big brother in your mouth is I am so knowledgeable about how good."

"Three...three...three billion? Big Brother, you really lost... three hundred million!?" Li Wei stammered and looked at Li Tianpeng with a shocked face. Such a huge number, she was not scared on the spot. It’s already good to faint.

"Hey!" Li Tianpeng snorted, but did not say a word more, his heart is still struggling in the chaos how to end. He now regrets indefinitely after seeing Sophie Fei, he did not investigate the details of the other party and directly dispatched.

This cold is undoubtedly the default. Li Wei does not know what he is wrong to look at Sufifi, subconsciously wants to open his mouth, and cheeky to say a few words, "but it is free to play and not take it seriously", but in the face of Sufifi, it is obvious With a burning look, she did not dare to look at her. She turned her eyes to the Ye Tianxie who had never spoken. Now, she finally looked at him more.

It is because of him that the eldest brother lost three hundred million... Li Wei hated the thoughts. Never talk to a woman, although it is obvious that Li Tianpeng is the first to take the lead. After the defeat, she is still completely integrated with the fault and hatred on Ye Tianxie. Sophie Fei, she can't be afraid, but this man who doesn't seem to have a little aristocratic temperament, she has nothing to worry about, even if he is a boyfriend of Sophie Fei... because she met with Sophie Philippines ten days ago, she still has roots There is no such thing as a boyfriend. It’s true or not. Even if it’s true, it’s only a few days. In terms of her perspective and lifestyle, her boyfriend is just a kind of class that can be lost at any time according to his or her mood. Entertainment tools only, with his own heart to define Sophie's mind - Ye Tianxie is just a little white face that Sophie Fei temporarily looking for, which big family-born woman does not play this game infrequently, not to mention her Asia's richest man's independence Female. She doesn't think Sophie will really turn her face for him.

"Hey, what is your name!" Li Wei asked unfortunately to Ye Tianxie. In the face of Ye Tianxie, her arrogant gesture was completely exposed, and it was accompanied by obvious anger and disdain. Accustomed to the so-called "upper society" life, a person's wearing taste has long been a standard for them to judge a person's family. Ye Tianxie, she usually does not look at the line of the line to make her only disdain ... and, he thinks nothing but the little white face of Sophie Fei this big lady.

Ye Tianxie’s eyes did not move, sitting quietly playing with his fingernails.

Ye Tianxie’s gesture of not taking her seriously and the anger that was ignored was suddenly bursting out. Li Yan shouted with a scorpion: “I asked you, your ears are stunned!!”

A good man does not fight with a woman. A true gentleman will not go to see a woman.

But Ye Tianxie is not a good man, not a **** horse.

Li Wei’s words just shouted, and Ye Tianxie, who was half-headed, suddenly looked at her sideways, and her eyes turned into a gloomy gaze. Suddenly watching these two eyes, Li Wei’s breath breathlessly, and she felt like she had two sharp sharp knives forced into her throat. A deep fear grew in her heart, and her body was cold. The lips are white and the steps are involuntarily stepped back.

A cold gas field was released with the body of Ye Tianxie as the center, covering all the people around, and making them all face changes. The air suddenly became cold... It was a kind of real coldness, and what they felt was something that was used in the real world and whose name was "gas field."

At this moment, all eyes looked at Ye Tianxie with different suspicions and trepids... This man who suddenly released an icy breath, now, even if they are fools, they should know his from this suddenly cold breath. Absolutely extraordinary...

Li Tianpeng stood up, Li Yi, whose one-armed arm was trembled by Ye Tianxie's gaze and breath, and his face was amazed. He was closest to Ye Tianxie, and Su Feifei, who first felt the change of Ye Tianxie's mood, tightened him. The arm, whispered: "The evil spirits... you... don't be angry first, she usually speaks like this..."

She was convinced of one thing at the moment... This is really a very stupid man, just because the other person yelled "Do you have your ears smashed?", he is already angry at this level... Sure enough Loss can not eat.

"You can rest assured that I hate the man who beats a woman." Ye Tianxie stared at Li Wei, who was guarded by Li Tianpeng, and said with a sneer. After saying this, Li Tianpeng and Li Wei’s tense nervous expression relaxed at the same time. Li Tianpeng is not a fool, can release this kind of gas field... This is a master, and it is not a general master.

Sophie Fei had not had time to open his mouth to praise him. Suddenly his body shook, and Ye Tianxie had left her body like a ghost, appearing in front of Li Tianpeng, and then a loud slap in the face accompanied by a woman killing pigs. The screams rang in my ears.

Li Wei’s body was turned 360 degrees by the palm of the hand, and then fell to the ground with a twist, the right face was red, and two broken teeth were sprayed out of the mouth on the spot. She slammed fast. The swollen right face, his eyes were scattered, and he was obviously beaten directly by this slap.

Sophie Fei’s eyes widened and her mouth closed and she was at a loss.

Ye Tianxie raised his right hand and sighed softly on his palm. He said coldly: "Before you come out to mix, it is best to learn how to speak."

As soon as he walked back to his seat, he sat down if nothing happened.

"You... don't you say that you hate men who beat women?" Sophiefi stood beside him, weakly asked.

"But I didn't say that I can't beat a woman?" Ye Tianxie looked at her eyes and said innocently.

"Then you...will not hit me like this in the future." Sophie Fei pinched her clothes and bit her lip, said pitifully.

Ye Tianxie looked at her with a funny smile. "I am your private bodyguard. For those three hundred million, I can't beat you... In fact, I have never beaten a woman, but this woman really makes me sick. So he was not careful..." He suddenly and mysteriously smiled and whispered: "After your big name came out, I saw that Li Tianpeng was hesitant and didn't know what to do, so it was only difficult for him to make a decision for him. ""

"Ah!!" Li Yi, who was returning to God, screamed like a madman. She licked her face with one hand and pointed at Ye Tianxie with a finger. She shouted at the pointed voice: "He hit me... He hit me!! Lao Niang and you fight!! Big Brother!!"

Li Tianpeng's look twitched, and suddenly violently screamed, one pointed to Ye Tianxie: "Turn me off his hands and feet." But finally he still kept a bit of reason, added another sentence: "Don't hurt Miss Su!"

The dozens of people who have been stunned suddenly wake up like a dream, and the women are all hurriedly retreating. The men are rushing up, or they are empty-handed, or they are lifting stool chairs. Some even took out the hidden weapons and rushed to Ye Tian. Evil, Missy is slapped in public... This is all right! !

Ye Tianxie licked his mouth and took the initiative to reach the waist of Sufifi, staring down at her eyes full of excitement and saying: "Miss Su Da, is it very exciting?"

"Well!" Sophie Philip tried hard, feeling the heat he had on her arm around her waist and the security that made her obsessed. This is him... he took the initiative to hold her for the first time. She used to call herself that Ye Tianxie is her boyfriend. It is not for fun, but... a desire in her private heart, the desire to blurt out, every time will make her heart beat faster. And at that time, she finally believed that she really liked him.

Do you want to fight? She shouted in her heart, her body was close to him, she had experienced too many dangers in her life, she longed for herself to be protected... I longed for the man around me to protect her with her body and defeat all the enemies around her...

The wind came from the front, the back, and the right side. Ye Tianxie’s body slammed Sophie’s body and flew a seat, only listening to “squeaky” sounds, and the seat was heavy. On the arm of the person in front, and then the momentum is not reduced, has been overturned four people, and each to one, will certainly bring a crisp bone break sound, people will sound trepidation.

A heavy punch on the back of Ye Tianxie, Ye Tianxie’s mouth with a disdainful smile, the local roots in the shackles did not have a slight pain, but the person who hit him screamed at his own hand. The pig-like pain... It was a punch that saved all the strength, but it felt like a rock on a hard rock. He almost felt that the hand bone had been slightly shaken. g

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