Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 161: One blow

Therefore, when I knew that this person turned out to be a sword Lingyun on the ranking list, the thunderstorm heart suddenly burst and began to regret. You know, even the thunder of his warlord's throne has not been able to squeeze into the top ten of the rankings... not even the top 30.

And when he had just humiliated the words, he clearly felt that the two bundles looked at his own eyes with a horrible murder that made his scalp numb and his heart chill. The original cold scorpion suddenly became colder, cold and terrible, and cold made him feel flustered. Within a few seconds of his gaze, his cold sweat had been on his forehead.

Can have such a look, this is a terrible person... At this moment, he is deeply convinced.

"Forget it, I am in a good mood today, I will not see you in general. Where do you come from, please go back to me!" Thunderstorm forced a calm wave, although the tone is still very hard, but no one is I can hear the difference inside.

A sword Lingyun does not move, his hands hold the sword, the cold atmosphere locks on the body of the thunderstorm, and the twins are flashing the icy cold that ordinary people will never have. Just such a look is enough to show his extraordinaryness...because only those who have truly killed and who disregard life will reveal such a look.

His eyes are like Ye Tianxie with a very angry posture.

He does not want to start, but... bans pk in the city. If he does not, he will not be able to destroy the thunderstorm. Instead, he will be blocked and captured by the city guards of Tianchen City and will be subject to compulsory punishment. But if you don't shoot... How can he endure the insults of thunderstorms?

Anyone who is stared at by such a gaze will be uncomfortable. The gaze made the thunderstorm feel as if it had been stuck on the throat by a knife. After a short period of time, he finally couldn't stand it, put down all the taboos, and yelled: "Gorge grandson! Are you stunned! Dumb! I let you go and hear no! Hurry! Don't roll on tm to attack Grandpa. !!"

The murderous murder of the heart trembled fiercely, and the sword's front finger of a sword Lingyun suddenly stabbed the thunderstorm.

In fact, thunderstorms are not afraid of a sword Lingyun attack, because in the city pk, no matter who is right or wrong, the first shot will inevitably be blocked and taken away by the city guards in the first time. A sword Lingyun ranks seventh in the rankings, and is a person who should not be provoked. But with the temperament of thunderstorms and arrogance, who will compromise with others. Coupled with the Battle of the Soul behind him, he is always arrogant and does not put anyone in his eyes.

The speed of a sword Lingyun is very fast, and it is so fast that people are wary. The profession of the warrior is the speed of the assassin. His body just rushed out of half, and suddenly a fierce wind mixed with the same fierce sound of emptiness, and in front of him, suddenly there was a shadow of a person... as there was a teleport.

His movements were hard to stop, staring at the people in front of him with horrible eyes. The speed that this person showed when he appeared just surprised him. He began to carefully observe this person, and the more he saw it, the more he was shocked.

It is Ye Tianxie who blocks a sword. Of course, he is not kind enough to worry that the shot of a sword Lingyun will be captured by the city guards of Tianchen City, but... this thunderstorm, but he will not be able to take his shot.

"See you again." Ye Tianxie sneered and walked slowly to the thunderstorm.

At this time, Ye Tianxie has changed the teeth of the dragon and the teeth of the dragon, wearing the brave guards and carrying the undead cloak. His body is the one that makes him appear, causing a large whisper.

Hand armor, guard, cloak, any of these three pieces of equipment are enough to cause others' eyes and stunning eyes. The hand that is inlaid with the dragon's head doesn't have to say much, the amount of protection is something that no one else has ever seen, the cloak... With the speciality of the cloak-like equipment, it is a horrifying thing to have a cloak. What's more, the faint gray light above the cloak of the undead, and the faint faint golden color add a touch of mystery to it.

This thunderstorm was the one who tried to hit his light hand in a very welcoming tone when he returned to Tianchen City. He whispered silently at the time, don't let me see you in the wild... but now, it seems that there is no need to wait in the wild.

The thunderstorm also recognized him immediately, because his equipment is undoubtedly unique. After he was surprised, he twisted his nose and sneered: "It is you..."

The word "you" has not fallen, and a huge amount of pressure has come from the front.

boom! !


In the unprepared and amazed eyes of everyone, a huge dark shadow in the hands of Ye Tianxie apparently, he suddenly slammed into a thunderstorm.

One hit! Above the falling point of the weapon and the collision, the sound of the incredible burst is heard, just like the two hard stones smashing together.

His shots did not hesitate, and there was no scruples. Even the time for the other party to say more than one word was not allowed, and it exceeded the expectations of all onlookers.

And the strange weapon with incomparable shock shape, as well as the number of damage directly broken thousands, so that everyone present, in the shock, sharply shrink the pupil.

What is that... is it a strange sword? Still a special blunt?

And that hurts the number... He actually hit a thousand damage!

Who is this guy? Is it npc? Yes, it must be npc, how can players at this stage have such exaggerated attack power.

The thunderstorm's life was emptied by Ye Tianxie, and the body fell straight down. When he died, his nerves did not react when the sound of "You are dead" sounded.

"Call, the second brother is still like this, with a mortal person, never lazy to waste a sentence, even the other party's bottom is too lazy to ask ... ah, that person, seems to be the third child of Lei family." Said with the chin.

"Hey! Many happy lucky thunder, in this world, he lost nothing but an illusory level. He should use his own to thank these things not happening in that real world... Oh! Of course, if His poor brain is obsessed with words, and a tragic story will be staged before our eyes."

Just when the thunderstorm fell, Ye Tianxie suddenly flashed two white shadows in front of him. Two powerful knives of the Dadaocheng guards appeared in front of him at the same time. They shouted at the door: "Evil heaven, You violated the rules of the city of Tianchen and caused the struggle in the city. According to my Tianchen rules, we must arrest you. Please follow us. If you are not sensible, you will be punished several times!"

Evil day! ?

He is evil! ?

When the name of the evil guard was reported in the mouth of the city guards, the voices in the crowd were doubled instantly, and everyone saw their eyes to the maximum, watching the almost unrecognized and mysterious person. More than half of the players are photographed or videotaped with a wristband on their hands, either light or dark.

In the novice stage, the name of the evil day resounded through the abyss trial and resounded to the world of destiny. The soaring level in the rankings made him create another legend. Until now, almost no one knows evil. The name of the day - but never heard of anyone who has seen this powerful and mysterious world of destiny in China. Today, it is undoubtedly his first appearance in public, how can they not be excited? .

His attack is terrible, terrible beyond everyone's imagination. Thousands of damages, even at the stage, even the most powerful fire system and the Thunder magician can't make more than a thousand damages, and the evil days have done it, and it has done something that other players can't do now. At the same time, his equipment is also showing his extraordinary, personal personality is equally shocking - say hands-on, there is no trace of hesitation, scruples and temper, even now in the city.

He is like a bug and a freak in the world of destiny that should not exist... No one knows what he did with the same starting point, in the same world.

At this time, what they saw was a huge dilemma faced by evil days... The punishment that must be faced after taking the initiative in the city--the active pk in the city will be immediately stopped by the city guards who descended from the sky, and closed. Three hours in prison. If you resist... then it will be better, these city guards will not hesitate to slash, not only can not get rid of the prison, but also encounter the more cruel punishment of the equipment.

Will evil days obey or resist? obedience? It was seemingly harmful to his prestige that he was arrested in the eyes of the public after his murder. Revolt? How can players fight against powerful city guards?

And the scene that made everyone fall below the eyes.

Ye Tianxie took out a bronze-colored sign and shook it in front of the two city guards. This is a sign that other players have never seen before. No one can see clearly the words above. The guards of the city guards stayed on the sign. The original serious posture suddenly relaxed, and the two men simultaneously gave Ye Tianxie a slight ritual. Then disappeared with the white light in the two groups before they suddenly came there.

Until Ye Tianxie took back the Tianchen City special order, the people around him still did not come back from this sudden scene.

Ye Tianxie went to the broken Chen heart and looked at her eyes that seemed to be filled with thin water mist. She smiled and said, "Okay, it’s okay. If this happens again, you can call me at any time. it is good."

Broken Chen Xin nodded, then nodded hard, she suddenly used an impulse to cry... 嚎啕 crying.

I am used to propping up everything with soft shoulders and inner heart. I am used to being alone and helpless. This long-lost warmth and feeling of dependence is so warm. I didn't know each other. He gave her help when she longed for it, and gave her spiritual hopes... Now, when she is most helpless, there is no reason to appear next to her. The moment was moved enough to engrave her life in her heart. g

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