Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 17: Exploded him!


At this moment, a sudden change in Ye Tianxie’s expectation suddenly appeared, and the giant fierce wolf whose life was attacked below 20% suddenly stopped the attack, and Yang Tian made a terrible wolverine, and it was extremely violent. The breath suddenly came out, and the roots of the wolf's whole body were erected, and a pair of huge wolf eyes were covered with a sultry blood color, and the horrible gas field that caused the five people to be frightened at the same time, the trainee shield Wei couldn't help but step back and shouted: "It's mad, everyone is careful! Speed ​​up the output!"

Frenzy: When the life of the giant fierce wolf drops below 20%, there is a 50% chance to trigger this skill. After the skill is triggered, the attack power, attack speed, and movement speed are all increased by 30%, and the defense is reduced by 30% for 1 minute.

The "provocation" effect of the giant fierce wolf after the violent storm was also naturally lifted. It did not attack the trainee shield who was stuck in front of it. Instead, it suddenly violently screamed, and the wolf leaped high and rushed to the shield. The trainee pastor, the trainee pastor was caught off guard, and even after the scream had not come, he was caught on the chest by a huge wolf claw, taking away half of his life.

Trainee Shield was shocked and turned quickly, but his "provocation" skill was still in the cooldown of 10 seconds, and it was impossible to attract the hatred of the giant wolf. The trainee pastor hurriedly retreated, but how could his speed be as ridiculous as the giant fierce wolf, and it was a claw on his chest. The blood tank on the top of the trainer’s head was suddenly emptied, and the body stood upright. On the ground, it turned into a white light disappeared... was sent back to the novice village.

The priest hangs, and the rest of the four people suddenly become confused. The two remote professions are rushing to attack. The giant fierce wolf who killed the trainee priest turned around in the roar and rushed to the trainee magician who constantly released the magical elemental bomb.

"First withdraw!" Trainee Shield shouted. With the vitality of the trainer, the priest was hanged back to the novice village, and his recovery medicine was all used up. The life of the giant fierce wolf was only 200. The horizontal ditch that can't be crossed, now the four people are not always able to destroy its last 200 lives.

The four people suddenly dispersed in different directions and rushed to the safe area outside the map. Trainee Shield rushed straight to the direction of Ye Tianxie and shouted: "Friends! Can you help me, this boss is immediately I am going to die. I will join you in our team. You will trade the recovery potion on me... and beat the boss. How about the equipment that we broke out?"

Ye Tianxie’s eyes became a seam, and a calm smile appeared on the calm face: “Well, remember to talk.”

"Oh... the player is inviting you to join his team, is it acceptable?"

"Oh, accept."

The prompt to join the team's success sounded in the ear, and the trainee Guardian had already ran to Ye Tianxie. He said in a hurry: "Fast, trade the recovery medicine to me... This is a level 5 boss, not only can Let you share a lot of experience, and send you a piece of equipment, you earn big!"

If it is not forced, the red leaf wall will never be able to resort to such a player who has not changed the whole new clothes. Ye Tianxie took out the five bottles of small remedy in his backpack and traded him. Trainee Shield quickly took over, no longer talked, turned and rushed to the giant fierce wolf who was chasing the trainer archer, shouting: "Ready to output!"

Trainee Shield quickly applied a "provocation" skill, the body of the giant fierce wolf paused, and then turned over and rushed to him. Trainee Shield used a shield to resist the attack of the fierce wolf, which originally fled The three of them all gathered together and started another round of attacks. And Ye Tianxie didn't know when he slowly walked over, and the new hand sword in his hand stabbed the giant fierce wolf with a sword and a sword. The damage was undoubtedly...


There is a name for the evil day on the team panel, and the level behind him is 1 level. The faces of the four people of Hongye League showed the same disdain.

The life of the giant fierce wolf has dropped from 200 to 150, and then from 150 to the edge of 100. The battle that wielded the two-handed sword stunned Ye Tianxie, and said to the red leaf, "Kick him out, otherwise Will divide our experience... I will probably grab the equipment when I pass."

The voice of the trainee soldier just fell, and Ye Tianxie’s ear rang the sound of “You have been kicked out of the Red Leaf Iron Wall Squad”. A sneer twitched in his mouth and he suddenly stepped forward, the novice shorts in his hand. It has disappeared, and when it is shot again, a huge black arc is drawn to the front, in the middle of the giant fierce wolf body...


Gorgeous yellow crit damage appeared on the head of the giant fierce wolf, instantly emptied its life in a screaming wolf screaming, the huge wolf body fell to the ground, bursting out of the copper plate and Blood bottles, as well as three pieces of equipment that shine with blue light.

"Hey, you successfully killed the Samsung elite giant wolf and gained 400 experience points."

10 points lucky, the highest lucky value that players can achieve at present, so that Ye Tianxie's attack crit rate is much larger than the average player. The explosion rate and equipment quality when killing monsters are far beyond.

All four of the Red Leaf League were there, and they looked at Ye Tianxie and picked up the three pieces of equipment from the ground. The light of the equipment confirmed that it was a steel-grade equipment. It was enough to surprise them with three pieces of steel equipment, and their eyes were now concentrated on the huge black weapon in the hands of Ye Tianxie. Also exaggerated shape, twisted and indescribable strange shapes, occasionally flashing strange colors, it is estimated that any player will show the same expression when they first see this weapon.

After the shock, it was the inciting greed. They didn’t say anything and didn’t believe that Ye Tianxie would kick out the team’s embarrassment. Even the humiliation and anger that he had robbed the boss became very weak, the strange shape and the leaves. The evil that has just been hit by the evil spirits is undoubtedly a must-have weapon.

"Don't dare to grab our boss, go! Explode him!"

Trainee Shield's face changed constantly, and then finally snorted, first rushed to Ye Tianxie, but in front of him, Ye Tianxie's face was so strange and unpredictable that his heart was inexplicably "sudden", and the footsteps were also A little bit of self-prohibition, with one of the swords on the body of Ye Tianxie.

"Oh... you were attacked by the Red Leaf Iron Wall team and there were 30 minutes to fight back."

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