Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 216: Protecting the wrath of the undead


This tone makes Ye Tianrui feel confused and think carefully... Why does the system deliberately suggest that one hundred warriors have been defeated? After defeating one hundred, there will be another undead, or trigger this task. One element?

The speculation of Ye Tianxie did not come true. Because with the horrifying sound and vibration of the surrounding ruins, a large warrior undead appeared in the distance of the line of sight, and quickly approached Ye Tianxie with a deep sense of death and anger... This time, the number has been doubled and doubled... there are hundreds of people.

Endless... Ye Tianxie bit his teeth, visually measured the distance around him, and stood in the center of the circle. The encirclement of a hundred people - this can be said that after he entered the world of destiny, he faced the situation of an enemy for the first time. If this is a group of twenty-five monsters, Ye Tianxie will still have a headache for a long time, and a hundred 20-level monsters, he can still easily get right. Because although there are only five levels of difference, it is one can kill, the other can not.

Therefore, the skill is reapplied, and when the soul of the 100th warrior is approaching, the moment will be healed by the mysterious cure. When the new wave is approaching again, the red wall of the mysterious spirit is centered on the body. Open, the dead souls of those who are close to all are forced to open, ruthlessly swallow their lives.

The undead of the warrior has no real consciousness. The sense of death propped up by the thoughts of battle and guardian will only guide them to attack the invaders until they are killed. Therefore, in the face of the repulsive power of the wall of revenge and the additional powerful damage, they still rushed forward without stopping... and at their moving speed, after being arranged, they could not flash again before the wall of revenge. Rushing to the front of Ye Tianxie, so they were arranged again and again, one after another, and the rear will immediately swarm up, the former servant...

Ye Tianxie has once again learned another terrible ability of the cockroach... the strong lethality of the undead creatures. At the moment, the violent nature of Beckham was standing on the horse's buttocks, watching the fallen enemy disappeared and had no chance to shoot.

The wall of Vengeance lasted for twenty seconds. Under the impact of the undead warrior, the red barrier was flashing for the fifteenth time, and the last warrior undead was also dismissed, and it fell into revenge. Outside the wall, scattered into a worn armor.

"Oh... you have defeated the undead of two hundred warriors."

Another reminder to kill the number of undead, Ye Tianxie secretly thought for less than five seconds, the ground in the distance came again with turmoil, and the soldiers of the dead appeared around Ye Tianxie, marching The uniform pace, with an invisible invisible momentum - goal, only one Ye Tianxie.

And the number is two hundred!

Two hundred... Ye Tianxie finally began to feel a little pressure. With his comprehensive strength, to be safe without any danger, the two hundred warriors will be defeated. The best choice is to choose a direction to break through quickly, and then attack back and attack. With the previous method, although the speed can be very fast, but once surrounded, the risk factor is undoubtedly much larger.

Ye Tianxie smashed the little meeting, but still did not move, waiting quietly for their approach. As before, at the most appropriate time, the mysterious healing of the cockroach...

White light shines, more than 30 warriors undead instantly turn into a corner of the ruins of the bones. At this time, Ye Tianxie finally had an action, and the body rushed forward. When approaching the ranks of the soldiers and undead, he recovered the sweaty horses and the cockroaches, and the dragon shadows suddenly started, and the body took a lightning-like light and shadow. The dense wall of the person pierces and brings up a series of red damage numbers. When the body stood still, it quickly turned back, and the darkness of the destiny was swaying. Two black arcs covering the largest range were drawn one after another, and a small piece of warrior undead in front of him was killed.

Although Beckham has a strong attacking ability and a single-headed ability, his attack mode determines that it is not suitable for group battles. Although the pace is unpredictable, in the dense enemy group, dodge and sneak attack techniques are completely difficult to take effect. For its safety, Ye Tianxie still takes Beckham together with the cockroach... and he will do It is a person who will destroy all the soldiers of the 200th level and 20th level.

In fact, with his current vitality and attack power, it is not a difficult task.

Ye Tianxie did not rush forward, but kept at a speed that was just right. Although there are many enemies, but only the belief of guarding and attacking, no intelligence is a fatal flaw of them. Only those who knew the attack were easily pinned down by Ye Tianxie. The movement speed of the undead warrior is roughly the same as that of Ye Tianxie, and after Ye Tianxie rides on a sweaty horse, he is completely holding their noses, taking three steps back, reflexive attacks, killing small pieces, and more enemies. Retreat a small paragraph before the surge, attack again...

Repeatedly, after a minute, more than 30 warriors were killed by him. Ye Tianxie was a little depressed and looked at the undead of the warrior who was chasing him in front of him. He then thought of the relaxed feelings of these warriors in the dead, and the heart’s resentment for his lack of group attack skills was a bit deeper. . He summoned the embarrassment, no longer retreated, and reflexively rushed to the ranks of the soldiers' undead.

The scorpion's mysterious healing is launched, and a vacuum of 10 meters in length is cleaned around. The fate of Ye Tianxie is randomly waved, and the speed of the sweaty horse is left and right in the enemy's ranks. Riding the thousand postures... In fact, his uninterrupted attack once and for all, the speed of destroying the soldiers' undead is not as good as the five-second healing.

The skill of 夭夭 does not need to be close to the enemy. It stands on the back of the horse and is well protected by Ye Tianxie on the chest. Under the amazing judgment and position of Ye Tianxie, it will not be undead by the soldiers. Injured.

"Oh... your pet 'Beckham' ranks up to level 6..."

"Oh... you have successfully defeated the undead of three hundred warriors."

Half a minute...

"Oh... you have successfully defeated the undead of four hundred warriors."

Once again, all these undead warriors were killed. Under the healing of the mysterious spirits, and the warrior’s undead, they never knew what the scattered forces were close to, and defeated the two hundred warriors’ undead. In just three minutes.

Don't say that the 12 20-level players are teamed up, even if they are 12 30-level players, and all of them are priestly professional teams. Faced with such an enemy, it is impossible to achieve such an amazing speed.

"Oh... you killed the undead of four hundred warriors in five minutes, and touched the hidden branch of the Quest of the God of War - guarding the wrath of the undead!"

When the tone of the sound fell, a wave of pressure from all over the sea came from all directions... It was a kind of irony gas that would only exist on the battlefield filled with blood and blood. This momentum has made Ye Tianxie's breathing suddenly become difficult.

The unbearable smell of decay seems to have faded, as if even the breath from thousands of bones has been suppressed by this breath.

Dilapidated armor, weapons such as raised dust generally danced in the sky, staggered, armor and weapons flying also left a clear bone on the ground - complete, broken, shocked.

Ye Tianxie’s scalp began to numb... still the undead of the warrior.

A piece of black pressure!

When no more new armor weapons are flying, the worn-out weapons and equipment that have been silent for many years have been cast into a special team...or, that is, an army.

An army of thousands!

The ranks of thousands of people are surrounded by a standard ring that is impenetrable. The center is only riding on the horse, and the lonely Ye Tianxie.

"Oh... because you killed the dead souls of four hundred soldiers in five minutes, it caused the anger of all the dead souls in the nearby area. The will of the dying guards and the fighting will wake them up. You will face them. I’m a good guy, I wish you good luck.”

Ye Tianxie: "..."

Thousands of people attacked one person, and the target of the attack was themselves. This feeling really accelerated the uncontrollable heartbeat of Ye Tianxie. The thousand people team finally took their first step, one step, and the ground shakes.

In the Heavenly Soul cemetery, he triggered a hidden task branch of the resurrection of all the members of the Heavenly Mercenary Mercenary, because of the quick resolution of the head of the Heavenly Mercenary Mercenary. The difficulty is several times that of the "Relics of the Mercenary King" itself. This time, because of the too fast to destroy the soldiers' undead, a terrible hidden task branch opened for him.

If it is an ordinary 12 squad, what kind of shock and despair will it be in the face of such an enemy. Perhaps this time, before entering the scope of their hatred, it is best to use the return to the city to escape immediately. Even the only choice.

However, if Ye Tianxie chooses to flee, he is not Ye Tianxie.

A long breath, his eyes glanced around, calculating the time they were close, bowed his head and said softly: "Hey, rely on you...Show all of you, don't need any reservations! Have you Yes, we can win, and, it is very easy to win!"

He looked up and looked at Ye Tianxie with his white crystal eyes and gently nodded.

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