Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 233: Indefinite reincarnation

Hey, this chapter is almost four thousand. No way, it was raining outside, and I couldn’t go back for a while, so I shrank in the office and coded it again... The rain didn’t stop. 】

The first auction of the Chamber of Commerce in July ended with just four pieces of equipment, three of which were owned by the gods of the gods. This result is not unacceptable, because this is the strength - the strength of the domain. But relatively speaking, the biggest winner is no doubt the July Chamber of Commerce.

In the first auction, the July Chamber of Commerce was just an incredible amount of $103.2 million in ticket sales. This number has undoubtedly exceeded the virtual game world and even the highest in the real world. . The achievement of this record is rooted in one, the great influence of the world of destiny, the second is the great attraction of the auction equipment, and the third is the subtle calculation of Liu Yuyue.

The gold coins obtained from the auction equipment are: 10.81 million.

Total: 1,11,410,000 gold coins.

A real day number.

No one has thought of it... Perhaps in addition to Liu Yuyue, even Ye Tianxie and Zuo Bianjun will not think that there will be such an incredible income.

At the same time, compared with this money income, the reputation of the Chamber of Commerce in July was also thoroughly resounded in the Huaxia Theater. Even foreign players who are concerned about the direction of the Faerie in the Huaxia Theater have also remembered the name of the Chamber of Commerce in July. Today's July Chamber of Commerce is no longer just known for its moon.

On the other hand, how did the Shangtian No. 1 Chamber of Commerce later proceed and how it ended? There was no one concerned.

In the afternoon after the auction, the players who went to the Chamber of Commerce in July to carry out various equipment consignment almost broke the threshold and could not squeeze in. The strength and the popularity of the show that was revealed in just a short period of time made it easy for players to be convinced and became their first choice.

In the afternoon of the same day, in July, the Chamber of Commerce began to recruit a large number of the best chef professional players, engineering players, design learners, collecting planting players... all kinds of, and even the most basic receptionist, waiter, welcome Guest players, the minimum pay is enough to make people jealous to vomiting blood. Under heavy remuneration, players flocked in from all directions...but, an announcement will directly brush these players down for a long time... Male players don’t recruit, non-life careers don’t move, appearances are not beautiful, don’t be good enough. No.

And all the female players who applied for the job were swept down by a large part of their careers. In the first instance, they were brushed down to the vast majority. The beauty of the beautiful women who chose the last one was made by Liu Yuyue personally. Choice... Whether in the past or the present, the Chamber of Commerce in July has always had only women, and in the future, it seems that it will only be a chamber of commerce for women.

In this auction, the income from the tickets was vested in the Chamber of Commerce in July, and the 1 billion and 1010,000 gold coins from the auction equipment were all transferred to Ye Tianxie’s fund card by Liu Yuyue. Her explanation is ... The size of the Chamber of Commerce in July, and the prestige gained this morning, all come from Ye Tianxie. It can even be said that the Chamber of Commerce in July now belongs to Ye Tianxie. The gold coins obtained from the auction are naturally attributed to him. Instead of charging the 15% auction agency fee.



The sky is still bleak on Wednesday, July 27, 2210

From a very young age, I lived in the shadow of the disease. My body was weak and like a dead grass, with almost no resistance. For me, my father and mother have been looking for a lot of doctors, but I always know that my life can no longer be saved in any way.

However, for the family, I have always had the courage to struggle to live... I am twelve years old, I am not dead, but my father and mother...but already before me, leaving one after another...when the potential source of the disease is once again When it broke out, I suddenly lost my rebellion against God. If it weren’t for my sister, I really wanted to leave this seemingly gentle but murderous world.

My condition is getting heavier and heavier. About two-thirds of the time is spent in the middle of the day. On that day, my sister told me happily that she made a fortune in the mysterious and desirable fate game. I am so happy, just, I am still dragged by my sister... It is her drag and her last weakness.

So, I can't die.

After that day, when my sister talked to me every day, she would mention a boy. She said that he gave her hope and courage. She said how good he is. She said how dazzling he is. She said that he brought her Come to a sense of security, she said that he has a very beautiful girlfriend, she said he...

When I mentioned him, my sister’s eyes were so bright... slowly, I seem to understand something...

My sister often said, I am Angel, not a human being. God old man wants to take it back early, but she is not willing, so she has to **** it with the old man of God. Silly sister, you don’t know how Angel will keep your warmth. Can't you violate the command of God's old man?

I really want to bask in the warm sunshine before leaving, look at this world where there is darkness but a sister, touch the softness of the grass, listen to the crisp sound of the bird, feel the smell of drizzle... there are really many good wish……

My sister went into the game again, went to the house where she said the game, and I want to see it... but this body is really weak, weak... let people despair...

The feeling of wanting to sleep forever is coming again...but if there is no me, what should my sister do... she is alone... how to stick to it...

That day, the bad guy named Huang Quan came again. Although he was once again driven away by Li Wei, this time, his face is terrible. He said that he will bring a lot of people to take the sister directly away next time... I hope that it is just scaring us, certainly Not really, but I am so scared...

I have been bruised and bruised, then, since the fate has already discarded me, I will treat my sister well, can I... As long as my sister can be safe and happy, even if she can only live in the gray desperation, I will be willing and satisfied.

My sister said that she only has me left now. I am her whole world. But why isn’t my sister not all of mine? She is like the only brightest in my dark world, although it is weak, it is my whole sun.

As long as there is a sister, even if I am in hell, I have the courage to smile and look up to heaven. If anything can be exchanged, I am eager to sleep so deeply, using my broken life, but in exchange for my sister’s crystal-like smile...


The only small window that was projected into the soft light was shining in the corner of this small space. Chen Xue gently closed the diary. Close your eyes. Breathing the air with the smell of death... I don’t know when it’s so difficult for her body to breathe.

She turned her head and looked at her sister lying next to her, trying not to let herself make any noise. At this time, Chen Xin’s sleep like a sea breeze, a quiet and beautiful face with an intoxicating smile... She likes to see her smile from the heart... In the game world, she must be very happy and happy. . And the time she is in the game has been quietly getting longer... But as soon as Chen Xue moves a little bigger, or screams, she will immediately come out of the game.

"Sister, you will be happy... Then I will be in heaven, watching you silently in silence..." She looked at her only dependence, whispering with the lightest voice.

Today, it is the eighth day of Ye Tianxie’s journey to Tianricheng Road... During the eight days, the players who lost the mainland have not calmed down... After Ye Tianxie completed the task of the gang alliance system in the Huaxia Theater, the Huaxia Theater The major forces have been formally established and slowly matured, but also these days, one has never appeared, but the names of the eyes and hearts of countless Chinese players have stunned in the eyes of Chinese players.

Through the territory of the 80-level monster gold armor, Ye Tianxie finally came to a small town. He took a break, opened the rankings, and then his brow suddenly moved.

Rank leaderboard (the same level of experience is preferred.)

First place: evil days, level: 20, occupation: anti-bone dragon, belonging forces: none.

Second place: Tian Moxie, level: 18, occupation: shooter, belonging forces: the wing of the sky.

On the day when the wing of the sky of the world of fate was formally established, the news that Tian Moxie joined the wing of the sky was like a fierce storm, causing strong turmoil in the Chinese player group. Once Tian Moxie was a solitary lone ranger, and this time... he even joined the wing of the sky!

And the real Tian Moxie...that is, the evil day now, sneer...

At the auction venue that day, the person he saw when he left, the man standing behind the son of heaven, covering his face and wearing a bowman costume, although he hid his information, how could he escape? The eyes of Ye Tianxie's evil dragons, when the three words of Mo Xie appeared in front of him... If it was not the next moment he was passed away from the auction hall, he might lose his mind.

Tian Moxie... This is the name she gave him, and she led him into the virtual game world. This name also accompanied him for five years.

Nowadays, the name...the name she has taken for him is actually occupied by others, and the anger that is ignited is the anger of his topping... It’s not pure because of the prestige of the undefeated evil emperor. Coincidence, but someone deliberately. At that moment, he finally understood.

It is the wing of the sky that uses his name... Because Tianmoxie is recognized as the king of the virtual world of China, it is recognized as the "unbeaten evil king" and is the first in China. He has countless admirers and pursuers, his prestige is unparalleled, the whole world has been trembling because of his name... And if one day, the monogamous Tian Moxie suddenly joined a force... then even It’s just a small, small guild, and that guild will resound overnight.

The wing of the heavens was successful, and the success of the thoroughness, the news that Tian Moxie joined the wing of the sky, and the admirers of the evil spirits flocked to the wing of the sky... Incomplete statistics, the wing of the sky and The **** domain alliance was established at the same time, but in the days after its establishment, the new members of the wing of the sky increased almost five times faster than the gods' alliance... The influence of the Tianmo evil is unparalleled! And everyone believes that with the heavenly wing of Tianmo, it will be the real "wing of the sky"!

Another consequence of the success of the wing of the sky is... the anger and hate of Ye Tianxie.

However, what makes Ye Tianxie somewhat puzzled is that the Son of Heaven is still only the sixth in the ranking list. What is the method used by the Wings of Heaven to push this fake Tian Moxie to the ranking list? High position? Since there is such a method, why is the Son of Heaven not on his own?

Third place: Meng Yuyi, grade, 18, occupation: Assassin, belonging forces: not reincarnation.

Fourth place: kill endless, level: 18, occupation: sword warrior, belonging forces: none.

Fifth place: Dust, level: 18, occupation: summoner, affiliated forces: not reincarnation.

Sixth place: Son of Heaven, level: 18, occupation: gun warrior, belonging forces: wing of the sky.

Seventh place: A sword Lingyun, level: 18, occupation: sword warrior, belonging forces: not reincarnation.

Eighth: Funeral God, Level: 18, Occupation: Assassin, Affiliation: Divine Alliance.

Ninth: Wang, level: 17th, occupation: blood hand, belonging forces: not reincarnation.

Tenth: Shadow Star Spirit, Level: 17th, Occupation: Sword Warrior. Affiliation: Do not destroy the cycle.

On the day when a new power was established, a name that made China's vibrations be remembered by almost all Chinese players, that is, it does not extinguish the cycle. Because that is the day. In the top ten of the rankings... There are actually four people who belong to the invincible reincarnation!

Today, the original four have become five, and half of the top ten rankings belong to the same force! This is a fact that is extremely shocking. Numerous speculations have pointed to this unfamiliar, mysterious, but powerful to the inexhaustible reincarnation.

At this point, the original four people added a man named "Wang", a strange and mad name ... and let Ye Tianxie surprised that his profession - "blood hands"!

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