Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 251: Wake up the holy beast

Bumpman, who was defeated by Mars, said that he would like to organize a group next time... Hey! 】

"This is just one of my requests, a desire... If possible, I hope that you can find the devil in the shortest possible time, and use the power of the four gods to destroy or surrender him... The devil is resurrected No one knows the news, otherwise the lost continent will be doomed to be calm. Now, the only person I can tell that it can exist is only you... Of course, this is just one of my expectations, a request, you can not agree As long as you are willing to take away the St. Marks, countless dead people of mine and me will be grateful to you under Jiuquan."

In the voice of the old man, there is more pleading. At the expense of the genocide, the demon **** was subdued, so that he could no longer continue to be lost to the mainland... But at this moment, the consciousness woke up, but found that the scorpion who had been subdued at such a large price had once again appeared in the lost continent. Even if only the last gods are left, he still feels endless unwillingness...

Ye Tianxie did not immediately answer, but said a true color: "Now I am the favor of your fantasy orc. If it is an ordinary wicked person, an enemy, I can help you. But the original demon **** is even four gods. Destruction can't really be annihilated, I...who depends on what to defeat him?"

Laozi seems to have expected that he would have such a question, and did not sigh, but directly replied: "Indeed, with the power of the devil in the past, there is no power to resist. But now the demon **** is already heavy. Lost in the mainland, but did not bring any storms, because although he was separated from the sky, but one of the costs must be ... ... the power he has, will be the Holy Spirit, the destruction of Shura, the Blue Emperor The power possessed by the abyss knights is forced to offset... In other words, if the demon gods have five cents of power, and the four gods each have one point of power, then, after leaving the sky, the best As a result, his power was offset by four points, leaving only the last point."

"You mean, the power of the demon **** is far less than it used to be, the weakest time of his life? And it must be looking for ways to restore strength... So, will you hope that I can find the devil in the shortest possible time? "Ye Tianxie frowned."

If you lose the continent without being calm, you will hide a bigger crisis that is unknown. When everyone’s eyes are concentrated on the transformation of the Tower of Destiny and the Eight Devils who escaped from the Tower of Destiny, the Demon God, who is horrible several times than the Eight Devils, has quietly returned...

And myself, he became the first person to know this terrible news.

Then, do you want to tell this news to Tianchen, let the world know?



It seems, can't.

At the same time, the emergence of the Eight Devils and the escape from the Tower of Destiny... Will it be related to the Devil?

"Yes, this is my request... It is for myself, for my illusionary orcs, for your entire lost continent."

The sound of the task was not heard in the ear. Explain that this is really just a request, there will be no rewards after completion. He thought for a moment and said: "Since you can feel the existence of the demon god, you should be able to detect the strength of my strength. You think that now I... in time, regardless of the consequences, using the magical change, it will be The devil's opponent? The ancient demon is the ancient demon, even if only one tenth of the power is left, it is not what I can resist."

"Now you... can't. But you have a holy mark... If you can get the inheritance of all four gods, you can have a battle with the current demon. The power of the demon is terrible, but If he wants to restore the lost power, he will be extremely difficult. Perhaps the millennium, perhaps the eternal years... It will not be completed in a decade and a hundred years... The person with the holy mark is chosen by God, I believe... You can!"

The voice of the old man made Ye Tianxie once again slightly stunned. He thought about the effect of the magical change and the terrible use of the effect. After a slight thought, he asked: "I am just a person, even if I can get all the power of the four gods. Inheritance, every time you illusion, you can only be a illusion. Why do you say that if you can get the inheritance of all the four gods, you can definitely have a battle with the current demon god... ?"

"Yes." The voice of the old man gave him a definite answer: "In my illusionary orc, there has always been a distant legend. The highest state of the power of my illusionary orphans is not a magical change. But... the holy mark becomes. When a person with a holy mark wakes up the holy beast and gets the power of the four ancient gods, the person with the holy mark and the holy beast will work together to complete the existence of the legend. There has never been a change in the mark."

The voice of the old man is very vague, but when it comes to the word "sacred mark", there is a clear desire for endless yearning in the voice. The person with the holy mark has appeared, but he is never able to see the legendary most powerful illusion...

"St. Marks... What is that? Is it a stronger god?"

"Maybe... what is the illusion of the sacred mark, no one knows. But in the ancient stone of my phantoms, there is a record of the change of the sacred mark. The strongest magician of my family. It took us several generations to decipher a name from the ancient stone, and that name is most likely the name of the demon **** after the change of the holy mark."

"What is the name?"

"The name is... Bumpman."

Ye Tianxie: ⊙_⊙b! @#¥%......

"Young man, your expression tells me that you are surprised at this name. Have you ever heard of this name?"

"No...no." Ye Tianxie did not trace the cold sweat on his forehead.

Bumpman, your glory is unstoppable... The peace of this world is also handed over to you!

"In any case, I hope that one day... you can use the power of my magical orcs to destroy, or surrender to the demon god. I am an illusionist... How can the most powerful race be such a vain? If not I will completely annihilate or surrender it with the power of my phantom orc, so that he will never be lost to the mainland for the disaster... I am not blind." The old voice sighed long and released the unconstrained and unwillingness.

No matter who happens to this kind of thing, it will be infinitely unwilling.

"Well, I know. If there is a possibility to overcome him, I will find him and destroy it with the power of the phantoms." Ye Tianxie replied.

At this time, what he thought of was only destruction.

In the mouth of the old man, what is said is destruction or surrender.

Ye Tianxie automatically ignored the word "submission". Because the terrible demon can not surrender, he can be surrendered. To make him really no longer a disaster for the mainland, the only means is complete destruction. The seal from the array of heavens can not help but the devil, the so-called surrender, completely placed around a terrible time bomb.

And on that day... When he finally knew the true face of the cockroach, he remembered silently why he had to bring a "submission" in what the old man said. The road to destiny is always accompanied by too many accidents and unpredictable things... even unbelievable things.

"Thank you, young man... Thank you for satisfying my selfishness of this dead person. You are the man of the destiny with a holy mark. I believe that since you promised, you will definitely do it... this way, I Finally, I can safely go... Before that, my last wish was to witness the mysterious beast of my phantoms. The formation and existence of the sacred beast is an inextricable mystery. He appeared in the phantoms. It existed for a long time, and it has been unknown for many years. Every minute and every second is releasing the eternal sacred light. One generation has guarded it, but no one has ever seen or knows its true appearance. You... can Will it be completely awakened now?” The old man made the last request and his voice was beginning to weaken. Obviously, his last consciousness has reached the edge of dissipation.

Ye Tianxie nodded and stood in front of the light ball that was faint before the light: "How can I wake it up?"

"Put your hand with a holy mark on its egg, summon it with your mind, guide it to wake up completely from sleep, then break open the shackles and come to this new world in the new life."

Ye Tianxie extended his left hand according to his words. Before the ball of light, a warm feeling of touch came from the palm of his hand. He closed his eyes and slowly felt his own strength and another warmth coming from inside. Be careful with the power. That kind of power makes him feel inexplicably warm, and even has a sense of familiarity that should not exist.

"Come out, sleep for so long, you should wake up. Come... Remove the obstacles around you, smash out, then you will find that the outside world is better than you think... Come, come out. ”

He conveyed his voice gently with his thoughts. Gradually, he felt that the power was no longer so cautious, but approached him close to him...and then approached...


On the floating ball of light, a slender crack suddenly appeared. Gradually, in the slight cracking sound that is connected together, the crack spreads longer and longer until the illuminating sphere is evenly divided into two halves.


The white light disappeared, and the floating light ball split into two smooth halves and then fell to the ground. At the same time, a group of white smoke held a creature that could not see the form in the smoke slowly falling from the air and touched the ground.

The surroundings became quiet and quiet, and there was no sound. The old man had no voice, but Ye Tianxie was enough to feel that he was condensing all his gods to see the appearance of the holy beast. If he still has a heart at this time, he will be extremely excited in the excitement.

The white smog slowly dissipated, and the face of the sacred beast was completely presented in front of Ye Tianxie. g

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