Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 293: Pet list

The red leaf gale does not want to be an enemy of Ye Tianxie, at least not now. On the contrary, before, he also had a certain degree of admiration for evil days, and he wanted to know it face to face. However, the discovery of the matter has gone far beyond his expectations. He thought that with his sincerity, even if the purpose of this was not achieved, there should be no bad results, but he did not expect...

Since it has developed to such a degree, he does not need to endure any more. With a quiet voice, he said: "Evil day, we have no complaints in the past, there is no hate in recent days, you are still kind to us, although you have repeatedly forced people, but I am not wanting to make trouble with you. Turn over, after all, even if you can't have more than one friend, you shouldn't have one more enemy. You can't forget the help of my Red Leaf League, and the red leaves will not forget... What's the matter today?"

Under such circumstances, it is still suffocating, and the city of Hongye gale is visible... At the same time, this concession is also for the face of evil. However, evil Tiangen would not buy his account, and he browed his head and slowly shook his head: "If I don't want to stop here? The wing of the sky is still a group of ants in my eyes, not to mention you are the Red Leaf League. Since you have chosen Provoking to me, now I want to count it even?"

"That's okay." Red Leaf Gale said helplessly: "Since you despise my Red Leaf League, I dare to accept the challenge of my Red Leaf League!?"

The red leaf iron wall looked up and looked at the red leaf gale.

"Challenge?" Ye Tianxie showed a very interesting expression.

Hongye Lifeng bit his teeth and said: "Evil days, you are really strong, but do you really think that there are no people in China who can compete with you? The real strong, never expose themselves. Strength!!"

"What you mean is that you have such a person in the Red Leaf League... hahahaha." Ye Tianxie seemed to hear a funny joke, scornful laughter.

"Noon after three days, Tianchen Arena... Come and not, follow you. Iron wall, let's go." After the red leaves, the wind blew, and turned away.

"Oh..." Looking at the back of the red leaf gale, Ye Tianxie’s mouth is slightly hooked, and the red leaf gale is thinking about something, how could he not know. However, he did not break. Waiting for them to go out of ten steps, he suddenly browed for a week, shouting: "Stop!!"

The red leaf gale stopped and looked at him and sneered: "Are you afraid?"

"Afraid? You are a red leaf league in your district. I don't even have a few interest in poison. I will be afraid... The red leaves are not good. Your Red Leaf League is not very good. The brain of your Red Leaf League seems to have been arched by pigs. No wonder it’s such a bunch of waste from the Red Leaf League."

The red leaf breeze brows suddenly wrinkled, and the tight hands of the two sides make a "squeaky" bone staggered sound.

"I just want to ask a question..." Ye Tianxie's first half of the sentence was still a lazy and disdainful smile. When it came to the second half of the sentence, his face suddenly cooled down: "How do you know that I live here!!"

When he first arrived at the door, he met two people from the Red Leaf League. It was like waiting for him after he got the news of his return. That means... they actually learned that this is the news of his home in the game!

"Hey... there are a lot of people who care about you. The news that you live here is no longer a secret. If you have a little heart, you will find out." The red leaf gale said badly.

"Yes... very good." Ye Tianxie’s eyes were half-squinted and his eyes were low. He turned and said to him: "The red leaves are gale, you better give me the eyeliner that I used to stare at here." I will withdraw all of them within three minutes. Otherwise, if I find out that there is a shadow of your Red Leaf League around, I don't mind if you are going to sit in the headquarters of Hongye League. If you really force me to go there, the consequences, maybe It will be you but can't afford it!"

After that, he pushed the door open and walked in. The door closed automatically and separated them from the two people of Hongye League.

"This evil day... too arrogant!!" The red leaf iron wall bites the teeth. His madness has been revealed in the novice village, but the performance just now is more than a hundred times more than in his novice village! !

"Let's go." Staring at the door, the face of the red leaf gale changed for a while, spit out two cold words, and took a step.

"But... the lord, why do you want to propose the battle to Ye Tianxie? We have a red leaf league who really can resist him?" asked the red leaf behind the wall.


"Then why..."

"Why... do you really want to understand?" The red leaf gale did not turn around and said calmly: "If I don't do this, what consequences will you have if you just said something? You will be chased by him." ...and seeing it once. At the same time, the temperament of his vengeance is likely to be hostile to all of my Red Leaf League. Last time he could encounter the siege of the wing of the sky and block it. Let the wing of the heavens be greatly frustrated in terms of interests and fame... Then, he will do the same for my Red Leaf League. In this case, would you like to see it?"

"..." The expression of the red leaf iron wall was stunned. I remembered that he was a powerful enemy and his face was slightly white. After seeing the war of subversion, who dared to say that one's ability could not be a war.

"This battle can make him divert attention, at least you will not become his target." Red Leaf Gale slowly said.

"Allies... Thank you, the lord, this time I was too rash, only..." The red leaf was grateful and embarrassed.

"This is no stranger to you. After all, evil days can be said to be the most arrogant and arrogant person I have ever seen."

"That... the three-day battle, how to deal with it." Red leaf iron wall asked some concerns. With his understanding of the Red Leaf League, there can be no one who can challenge the evil spirits alone... even the lord of the Red Leaf is not possible.

“It’s very simple.” The red leaf gale snorted and said plainly: “It’s good to let a person go casually.”

The red leaf iron wall smashed for a moment, then suddenly realized.

The name of evil days is already known to the world, and his power is recognized by the whole world of destiny. This battle seems to be the stupid decision of the Red Leaf League. In fact, the Red Leaf League randomly sends a person and a single day of evil. Anyone who has no suspenseful battle will be 100% considered to be evil, so that The ordinary player who was randomly sent by Hongye League was completely reasonable. It was a normal thing, and his reputation on the Red Leaf League would not have any damage to the whole word.

And an ordinary player who defeats Hongye League in evil days will not make people have any surprises, and will not get more honors or prestige. This will be a very boring battle. It has no influence on the Hongye League, but it can transfer the attention of Ye Tianxie, so that the conflict just returned to the plain with the end of the battle, so that Ye Tianxie has no reason. Make other moves.

However, they apparently married Ye Tianxie.

His arrogance and arrogance does not mean that he is a rash, a rough-minded person.

Stepping into the fruit house, Ye Tianxie's face sneered, and when the red leaf gale proposed the appointment, he already understood his purpose. He promised... But the rules of the game are not made by the Red Leaf League! !

At this moment, Ye Tianxie’s ear sounded a system prompt tone:

“叮...Huaxia Theater Announcement. Up to now, the number of players with non-ornamental pets of Level 3 and above has reached 100. The Huashi Theater Pet List is about to open, so please keep your attention.”

"Oh... your pet 'Beckham' is ranked first in the pet list, is your name revealed?"

"Oh... your pet 'Xuan Ling Xue Hu' is ranked third in the pet list, is your name revealed?"

Ye Tianxie’s footsteps stopped, half-turned up and said with a blank expression: “Don’t ask me again about such an idiot problem, I, and my partner’s name must be memorized by the whole world! Do you understand!! ”

System prompt tone: "..."

After a minute.

"Hey... China Theater Announcement: The pet list in the Huaxia Theater is officially open!"

It has been ten days since the opening of the pet system in Huaxia District. Hundreds of millions of players, in a dozen days, the number of players with pets that can fight is just over one hundred! This is a small to amazing number.

At the same time, it also shows how hard it is to get a fighting pet in the world of destiny.

However, strictly speaking, this situation is not surprising. As a result, the player's level is generally low, the monsters facing can only be low-level monsters, and the low-level monsters have a very low probability of popping out pet eggs. At the same time, the learning of "capture" began when the pet system was started. Up to now, it was only ten days, still at the lowest level, and the chances of capturing success were negligible.

However, refer to the experience of the past game world. After the player level is high enough, the probability of getting the pet will rise straight, and the pets will even be flooded.

Pet list:

First place: Beckham, grade: Xianling, grade: 18, master: evil day.

Second place: Ice and Snow Wolf, Grade: Faerie, Level: 14, Master: Su Diyan.

Third place: Xuan Ling Xue Hu, grade: five, level: 20, master: evil days.



After reading the top three, the pet list was directly closed by Ye Tianxie, because the following, he did not even have a glance at the interest, completely disdain. Even, he is thinking that those junk pets don't match, and he and Beckham appear on the same list.

Soon, Ye Tianxie's talker sounded, and the voice of the left-handed army came: "Two brothers! Look at the pet list? Your little fox and mob cat are all on the list!! Top three Give up two, the other is your Miss Su Da!"

"It's no surprise. Those slag-like wastewood pets have the same qualifications as me and Fifi's pet partners." Ye Tianxie picked up the talker, it doesn't matter.

Left Broken Army: "..."

The second phase of Mars's roar will not appear, because the roaring body is now bumping! Then... After an hour, please pay attention to the work related......... Before you look, prepare the tickets for the red fruit, as well as the paper towels... and the broom. 】

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