Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 295: Tower of fate

"Okay, I accept!" Ye Tianxie nodded.

"Do you really want to accept?" Tianchen City owner frowned, but his heart was quite disappointed. Not only has it become arrogant and arrogant, but it is also so arrogant and not self-sufficient. Doesn't he know what mission he is taking! ?

"I have no reason to accept such a task." Ye Tianxie said incomparably.

"... Well, if you help me get the snakes of the undead snake within a month, even if you finish the task."

"What reward can I get?" Ye Tianxie asked directly. The reward for sending the mission made him deeply disdainful. And this task... rewards can't be so shabby.

"What reward do you want?" Tianchen City asked, he never thought that Ye Tianxie would really take over the task, and it is even more impossible to think that he would have the possibility to complete this task, so the root did not think about anything. "Reward" and the like.

Ye Tianxie clicked on the chin and laughed insidiously: "Since this is a 'challenging task' in the mouth of the city, it is not easy to think about it, and the reward is naturally not so cold..." He thought I thought about it and said, "I have heard that there was a goddess named Xi Yao who gave you a moat artifact in each of the five main cities... If I finished the mission, I would take it..."

"That is the treasure of the town of Tianchen City, there is no possibility for you!" Tianchen City said categorically, forcing the impulse to scream and scream... This kid, even his mouth wants his Tiancheng City's moat artifact! ! Oh, this is the case! !

His artifacts in Tianchen City have always been carefully carried around, lest there is something wrong... because this is the strongest guardian barrier of Tianchen City.

And this evil day, even the lion opened to this extent! !

It’s just arrogant and endless! !

"No, the city owner misunderstood, of course, I know that the **** of the gods is important to Tianchen City. If I complete the task, the city owner will give me a few days of how to let me feel the power of the gods." ... um, it doesn't take too long." Ye Tianxie rubbed his fingers and said with a smile.

Tianchen City owner has been indulging for a long while. He is convinced that Ye Tianxie is absolutely impossible to accomplish this task, but he can't understand where he came from when he said these words. Not long after, he ordered: "Good! You are one of the young people I admire most... No, no one, if you can really complete this task, I will borrow a piece from the Emperor's bow." Time! But remember, your mission time is only one month."

The Emperor's Crown of the Emperor of Heaven is the motive of the goddess of the goddess of the gods, and this artifact has defeated the dangers of Tianchen City dozens of times. It is a well-deserved town. How can such an artifact be handed over to a player's hand. Tianchen City Lord will agree so so, completely because he does not think that Ye Tianxie can complete this task. Even the first condition for achieving this task - entering the tower of destiny is impossible!

Even, how long does he even lend him to "a period of time" is too lazy to ask or define.

"Heyday Emperor's bow?"

Very domineering name, and, obviously, a bow.

"Yes. The Emperor's bow is the **** of the goddess of the day, and it has the power to open the sky. It can destroy the enemy thousands of miles away. It.” Tianzhu City’s master explained with solemnity that when he mentioned the four words of Xi Yao’s goddess, his face showed a very pious expression.

The main body of Tianzhu City is a "golden arrow god" with a mid-level strength.

"Oh... show me what it looks like." Ye Tianxie said.

Tianchen City owner shook his head categorically, and said very rudely: "You didn't let me qualify for it before I completed the task that I handed you."

Ye Tianxie's eyes flashed, and he was immediately covered by him. His mouth swelled and he smiled at the city of Tianzhu. He could show a meaningful smile: "Can you... the lord of the undead dragon? I will be Get it back in a month, remember when you get it... Don't eat it!"

After that, he went out without looking back.

Waiting to go out, the Scorpio Lord shook his head silently and sighed a little: "Evil God, I hope that you can recognize your strength from this doomed failure and converge on your arrogance so that you can grow up...唉!"

Tianchen City sighed, sat back in his chair, picked up the little book, and continued to look up. After a while, the face showed a beautiful expression, and the one that looked was called a relish. Obviously, I forgot everything just now. As he lay down from sitting to squatting, the cover of the small book was also revealed. Come out - "Pig Eight Rings vs. Wu Tenglan".

From the city government, Ye Tianxie laughed and called a happy.

What did Tianchen City think about, how could he not understand. But a pity...

The tower of destiny is indeed very human-accessible. During these years, there are only a few people allowed to enter the tower of destiny, including the nameless... but with the power of nameless, they have to choose to escape on the 80th floor. The tower of fate is a total of one hundred and eleven layers. The upper layers will be terrible to what extent.

The Tower of Destiny is the first forbidden place to be lost in the mainland. At all times, there will be a blockade of heavy guards and various powerful formations. According to the death command of the Lost City, only the talents who got the God of War badges have the qualification to enter... Tianchen City owners will naturally not think that only the brave badge, the Ye Tianji who has a long distance from the Ares badge can enter the tower of fate. But... Ye Tianxie is an exception!

Because in his hands, there was a ruin in the bones. After completing an impossible mission, the God of War did not return to him - the transport stone of the Tower of Destiny.

This transport stone allows him to move instantly to the first floor of the Tower of Destiny, and there is no limit on the number of uses.

Therefore, the biggest threshold for the impossible task in the eyes of the Tianchen City Lord is that it does not exist for Ye Tianxie.

As for the undead dragon...

Don't say that it is just a demon dragon, even if it is a dragon, Shenglong, as long as the words "not dead" or "dead" are added in front, and then strong against Ye Tianxie will be a pile of slag.

Now Ye Tianxie likes to play the monsters that are not dead, especially the boss... Because his partner is completely the ultimate nemesis of the undead monster, as if it was born to sanction undead.

Then, go to the Tower of Destiny.

After getting the stone of the Tower of Destiny, he has never been to the Tower of Destiny, because it is too mysterious and terrible to be rendered by many people, as if there is an endless abyss that can't come out as long as it enters. Now, he is so arrogant that he has no scruples about the roots there... or, now, he can't find a place that he can't care about.

"Tower of Destiny... It’s time to go and see." He took out the seemingly old stone, held it in the palm of his hand, closed his eyes and said: "The Tower of Destiny."

With his screaming, a layer of colorless brilliance suddenly emerged on the stone, and quickly spread to the body of Ye Tianxie. In less than three seconds, Ye Tianxie’s eyes were dim.

Ye Tianxie closed his eyes subconsciously. When he opened his eyes, the scene in front of him made him feel a little stunned. At the same time, an extremely large sense of oppression came from all sides, pressing on his body and spirit. In a blink of an eye, his breathing became obvious. It's a lot heavy.

"Oh... you have entered the most dangerous area of ​​the lost continent - the tower of destiny. The tower of destiny appeared in the early days when mankind began to multiply, no one knows who built it. And its purpose is to seal the disaster. The evil beasts of the world and the evil spirits of the world, there are also evil deities or people, but those who are sealed into the tower of destiny, under the power of the eternal destiny of the core of the seal of the Tower of Destiny, have never had Who can escape. However, as time goes by, the tower of destiny has begun to highlight its intrinsic crisis. Nearly 100,000 years, the beasts, devils, and demons sealed by the Tower of Destiny are getting more and more. The magic of the spirit finally expanded to the extent that the Tower of Destiny could not bear..."

"A hundred years ago, the long-lost Devil suddenly reappeared in the lost continent, bringing countless disasters. The leader who led the Mozu is the powerful and powerful Eight Devils... After a long period of fierce battle, guarding the twelve sages who lost the mainland The people died and they also succumbed to the Eight Devils, but in the end, they had to sacrifice the eternal destiny of the tower of the tower of destiny, and between the two, the Eight Devils were sealed into the fate of the strongest seal power. The top of the tower."

"But the magic power of the Eight Devils is too strong, so that the Tower of Destiny, which was overwhelmed by the original, is crumbling...just, the Tower of Destiny has existed for nearly 100,000 years, and people who have lost the continent have become accustomed to its existence. The roots will not sense its internal troubles. Finally, three years ago, under the magical riots of the Eight Devils, the seal power of the Tower of Destiny could no longer be completely blocked, and the strong magic that has deposited for 100,000 years. In the evening, I disappeared into the top of the tower of the Tower of Destiny. I don’t know where to go. The Eight Devils at the top of the tower fled, and the tower of the destiny that lost the power of the seal also burst wildly, gradually spreading to the entire lost continent. Spread the negative interest that can affect the soul of the soul........."

"The magic of the Tower of Destiny has been spilled by a small half, but the intensity of the internal magic is still extremely terrible. The number of monsters here is not only a large number, but also extremely fierce and violent, and prone to various changes, runaway, the same level. The strength is far beyond the monsters in the ordinary environment... Please be cautious."

Ye Tianxie: "..."

Perhaps because Ye Tianxie was the first human to step into here, when he entered, the system prompt gave him a long introduction to the tower of fate, and a warning. At the same time, he unexpectedly got some reason why the fate of the moment disappeared from the tower of fate... For this reason, even the Scorpio Lord did not know.

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