Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 297: Board of fate

"Sister, have you heard that?"

Listening to the familiar voice, Yu Chen heart smiled and picked up the talker: "Hear, Cher, where are you now?"

"That's great... Sister, I am now in No. 99999 Novice Village, a perfect number... It's so beautiful, it's more beautiful than I thought before, no wonder my sister likes it here."

Chen Xue, who first entered the world of destiny, looked excitedly at the surrounding scenery and breathed the fresh air of the world. The mysterious and fascinating game world is more real and beautiful than she imagined.

Sophie Fei finally set her game equipment, it is also a very beautiful small wristband. Chen Xue put it on his hand and couldn’t wait to come to the game world.

"It takes ten levels to get out of the novice village... Xueer wants to cheer."

"Well! Brother? How can I contact him?" Chen Xue asked.

"His call is limited to a few people except for a limited number of people. Otherwise, he will be quarreled every day with his popularity. Wait a minute, I will let him talk to you."

Hang up the call with Chen Xue, Chen Xin connects Ye Tianxie: "Heavenly Brother, are you there?"

"Oh... the player you are calling is in a special closed scene and can't talk to the outside world."

Chen Xin: "..."

"Xueer, the evil spirit of the big brother, he has something now, can't contact, how about later?" Chen Xin immediately called Chen Xue.

"Uh huh... that sister, I will go to leveling first, then I can catch up with you."

Hang up the call, Chen Xin has lost a long time... Because the game id of Chen Xue is awesome... "Brother baby of the brother."

In just a few days, has she been so dependent on him?


It may not be strange at all, because when he met him, Cher got a new life, and his face had a smile that he had never seen before... And he is the only one who has petted her for years. Plus, what must have happened before they came back.

It can be said that the current Cher is living for him...

However, this is not a bad thing. With his protection and petting, she should be able to worry about the future of Chen Xue at all... just, deep down, there is always a singular feeling that is unclear.



In the world of road confusion, Ye Tianxie completely lost his way.

Dead road... dead road... dead road...

The road sometimes has two forks, sometimes three minutes, and there are countless winding roads in the road. When the sense of direction is finally lost, Ye Tianxie is completely caught in this huge labyrinth. I don’t want to find it. Exports, even the road to return has not been found.

Ye Tianxie's footsteps have been much faster than the original. He looks calm and his eyebrows are wrinkled tightly, looking at the front, and calmly remembering the path he has traveled...

However, this maze is so huge, how complicated it is, even if Ye Tianxie has a memory of the sky... He can remember the first road, you can remember the second road, and the third paragraph... the fourth paragraph... In the fifth paragraph, he lost again and could not find his new starting point, and the end of the road he chose would always be blocked.

The maze test is not a person's military value. When the maze is complicated to a certain extent, even the wisdom value will be useless, but the patience of the test, and a large part of the luck component. A complex labyrinth is sometimes more horrible than the most feared enemy, because it can easily defeat a person's mind.

It is obviously impossible to remember the road, and to mark it... In this game world, it is also impossible. Because it is impossible to make scratches on the ground or on the wall, it is useless to throw things away in the place where you walked. Because the discarded things will disappear automatically after one minute, not only waste, but also fail. What effect.

An hour later, Ye Tianxie was still trapped in it, without any clues. His arrogance was thoroughly inspired by this maze... Instead of wanting to give up or be anxious, the brain became more and more awake. The more this kind of exercise is, the more you can't lose your calm.

In front, it was a dead end. He stared at the wall that made him want to destroy it, and walked back silently...

and many more……

Here I remember that there is a fork on the left... Why is it right now? Is it a mess for yourself?

Ye Tianxie licked his own eyebrows... This huge maze, is the road really useful? In fact, the base will not have any effect. Even if you remember nine, and the rest is wrong, then everything will once again fall into a chaotic deadlock. Luck is the most important thing.

Another hour passed... Ye Tianxie’s eyes became very sharp, as if he wanted to see through the walls in front of him. It is a dead end, and he returns again. He couldn't be sure where he was standing now...has he always been in a circle.

Three hours, four hours passed...

Ye Tianxie’s heart finally began to get tired, stopped, and some weakly relied on the wall. Continuously in the labyrinth for a few hours, if it is an ordinary person, may have been heartbroken or even mad.

Do you have to be trapped in this maze! ?

Can not be separated, can not find a way out ... Here, is the first layer of the tower of fate, actually it is terrible to such an extent.

Obviously, this maze is to block the monsters that occasionally escape from the above layers to the first layer. Once they fall into this maze, they will not be able to display the big collars, but they will be trapped in it until they are alive and dead.

In these few hours, the arrogance of the unyielding death made him not out of control under the torture of this kind of heart, and always kept as calm as possible. Gradually, he began to vaguely notice that something was wrong.

Occasionally, once or twice, maybe it’s your own mistake or memory confusion...but, so often...

Is this maze... a maze that moves by itself! ?

"Master, are we going out?"


"Oh... that fruit continues to go to sleep, the owner is cheering."

the host:"……"

Hand on the dark wall, suddenly there was a slight concave feeling, Ye Tianxie moved, turned to look at the place where the wall's own fingers were pressed, and his tempted hand wiped, suddenly, the layer on the wall The black was directly wiped off, revealing a slightly silvery wall.

The black layer on the wall is the magic of deposition, and it is scattered at the touch. Black erased, a few words appeared on the exposed wall. Ye Tianxie quickly moved his hands and erased a larger piece of black.

There are several weird words on the wall, but Ye Tianxie still recognizes it effortlessly. It is written on the 0th floor of the Tower of Destiny - the chessboard of fate.

Before Ye Tianxie walked to the opposite wall, he also opened the black mist, revealing the same row of words engraved on it. The walls here are made up of pieces of square walls, each piece is exactly the same, and the same handwriting is printed on it.

The 0th floor of the Tower of Destiny... Isn't this the first layer, but... the 0th floor! ?

The chessboard of fate... refers to this maze?


and many more! !

The spirit of Ye Tianxie glimpsed, and a hint of aura flashed through his mind. He turned and looked around himself, his brow sinking heavily. A chessboard of destiny... The root is not a maze, but a root can't go out - the puzzle! !

Here, no matter which road you choose, the end point you reach will be a dead end. At the same time, the pattern of this maze is not static, but has been quietly changing. If the two are combined, if they are obsessively looking for exports, even if they walk for thousands of years, they will not be able to go. Go out.

Because this is a chessboard, and the ones that enter it will become the chess pieces on the board... the chess pieces at your fingertips!

There are only two methods for the chess piece to be separated from the chessboard. One of them is to be eaten, that is, to die. If Ye Tianxie dies in it, naturally he can be resurrected directly at the recent resurrection point, and thus detached; second, being Take the chessboard... But now, there is only Ye Tianxie alone, and no one will take him to leave.

No, there is another way,

That is... ruin the board! !

The sudden Ye Tianxie is no longer trying to move forward, because no matter how long it takes, it will only be futile. He thought for a long time, and finally called out the moment of destiny, holding his hands up and pushing hard against the wall in front of him.

Hey! !

A shock, the shock force let Ye Tianxie's body back a half step. This blow has already used the power of more than half of Ye Tianxie, but the walls...have nothing to hurt, even a trace of scratches.

In the "Destiny" world, the destruction of the scene will not be as casual as the real world. Otherwise, the swarming player can destroy a beautiful map in a short time. Destroying the scene is not impossible. It requires a special attribute - the most difficult "destroy" attribute. This property generally appears on the weapon and can be divided into destruction, severe destruction, and complete destruction according to its strength. A weapon with a "destroy" attribute can damage the scene to varying degrees depending on the attack power and the strength of the attack.

However, the moment of destiny does not accompany the destruction of attributes, at least not now.

Hey! Ye Tianxie did not give up, but he did not leave any traces on the wall.

"Dragon cracks!!" Ye Tianxie sings low and drinks, and holds high the fate of the moment, the body rises high, condenses the power of the whole body, to force the majesty of Huashan!

boom! ! !

The impact sound is more than a few times stronger than the previous one. The huge shock force makes the leafy evils of the landing step back a few steps. The fate of the moment is almost relieved. He looks up to the front... The position just hit is still smooth and intact. .

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