Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 318: Black horse black king


"A big posture, hehe!" The left-handed army in the crowd gave a cold cry. Immediately, he frowned and said: "Just, the second brother clearly only fights the 'king', why these are the people who do not destroy the reincarnation I came first... what do they want to do?"

"If your IQ is equal to your weight, you will find that this is normal." Murong Qiuqi half-closed his eyes, slowly said: "The three restless families have decided to develop here. Going down, half of the top ten in the rankings are indefinite, which is enough to make a big noise. But if they want to have a greater degree of development, they still need an opportunity... Today, it seems to be a good opportunity."

"You mean?"

"With the character of the second brother, who did he ever propose to challenge?" Murong Qiu Shui asked.

"Never." Zuo Bianjun shook his head: "There were countless people who wanted to challenge him, or they were defeated, or the second brother was lazy, but the second brother never took the initiative to challenge who. Because no one. Can have such qualifications."

"Then, is there the so-called 'king'?" Murong Qiu Shui said.

The left-handed army pressed the nose and said hesitantly: "Maybe, after all, the strength of this person is there. Only by leveling speed, he should be stronger than killing the endless and **** moon."

"Oh, you really are a stupid cow." Murong Qiu Shui swayed his finger: "If you can seriously calculate, you will find that the king used an ordinary player to rush to the top of the rankings in about half of the time... ...and the second brother, when he was the first in the rankings for the first time, the average time for leveling every day was not even a quarter of the time of the players who leveled every day. You think that he really would Is this 'king' so important?"

"...fourth, what do you mean?" The more the left-handed army, the more confused it is.

Murong Qiu Shui's eyes swept the eight people who did not destroy the reincarnation. He whispered: "With the second brother's temper, someone wins him first. He is uncomfortable and is very uncomfortable with us. But... Wang, only It can be part of the reason for the second brother’s decision. What he really wants to do is to touch the bottom of this indefinite cycle. You think... as long as it’s about the second brother, it will be the focus no matter where it is. This time, the second brother initiated the battle initiated by the announcement of the whole district. Anyone who can cause a sensation can predict. If you are a person who does not destroy the reincarnation, in the face of the upcoming scene, it is too wasteful to not use it. ?"

Left Broken Army: "..."

"So, these eight people appeared before the king at the same time, and they shocked all of them in a short time... I admit that even I was shocked. It is a group of monsters who belong to those three places. Their talents and abilities. They are not comparable to the average person. They can occupy half of the top 20 in the rankings. It is not surprising," said Murong Qiu Shui.

"Indeed, the people in those three places are group monsters, otherwise it will not make my dad so jealous." Left broke the army and nodded. Compared to the shock of others, the degree of surprise of Zuo Bianjun and Murong Qiu Shui who understand the invincible reincarnation* is slightly smaller. The possession they have is a level of talent and ability that exceeds the normal level. In this game world, it will also override others.

"Look at the reactions of the people around you... After today, who else will not know the name of the reincarnation? With the forces owned by those three places, there will be no more people in the current reincarnation, not to say The ratio of the wing of the sky to the gods is nothing compared to those of the small and medium-sized power guilds. But these people are, the speed of development will not be faster than any other force. Today, the reincarnation is obviously borrowed. With the prestige of the second brother, and creating a big 'potential' for the reincarnation, obviously, they are very successful. However, these two brothers should have already anticipated it. He may not care much about the development of the reincarnation. What he wants to know is exactly what they are showing now." Murong Qiu Shui said slowly.

"But why the second brother should do this deliberately, this does not seem like his style." Zuo Bianjun thought and said.

"Wang is a reason, understanding the cycle of reincarnation is a cause, and another important reason..." Murong Qiu Shui gaze with a black dress, the face of the dream of the feather coat: "Dream feathers are blood demon month, blood demon Month is the dream of Yu Yi, the second brother had let us investigate the true identity of the blood demon month, but we used all means, but still have nothing... Now she finally appears again, but there is already an indefinite reincarnation behind it... Didn't we find her in the past. Because of her, do you think the second brother will not take some action?"

Left Broken Army: "This..."

"The eight people... This is not the reincarnation, what is the way to come?" said the son of Heaven with a sullen face. He has two people in the top 20 of the rankings, but at least nine indefinitely! In the face of this unknown, the mysterious forces that first appeared in the game world, even him, felt a lot of pressure.

"Is there any way to find out their way. This indefinite reincarnation is not ordinary and not simple." The other side of the funeral **** also lowered his voice and said. His heart is also not calm.

But the answers they got were all the same... shaking their heads. In the face of these people who seem to come out of nowhere, they have no way to check. Lingjia, Cangjia, blood dream paradise... Three taboo families, very few people can know. Even if they hear it occasionally, they will not be able to move their identity to the three taboo families.

In the speech between Zuo Bianjun and Murong Qiu Shui, there was a sudden commotion in the north of the crowd. The eight people who did not destroy the reincarnation were also inductive at the same time. They turned their heads to look north.

Another channel was squeezed out by the hard, with a sizzling sound, a black shadow rushed from afar, the speed is very fast, the speed is so jaw-dropping, because this can really be said that they are in the world of destiny The fastest speed I have ever seen. In a blink of an eye, the shadows in the distance are already in sight. The first thing that comes to mind is a horse... a whole body painted black, without a trace of variegated horses. This horse is not an ordinary horse. The speed just now, even the best sweaty BMW sold in the mount store, can't be compared. What is even more eye-catching is that... This horse is much larger than the ordinary horse. The appearance is even more extraordinary. The horse is full of power, and it is inviolable as a horse in the middle of the horse.


The dark horse in the fast running was firmly fixed in the field, and at this time, people only saw the person immediately... a person with the same black body.

Although it is on the verge, it still makes people see that his body is called "tall" at a glance. The eyes are amazingly cold, and all the people who have been swept by his eyes will not help themselves... ... In addition, people can no longer understand more about his appearance, because in addition to a pair of eyes, he is all under the black. Even his face was wearing a dark metal mask that no one had ever seen. There were two round holes in the mask, revealing two cold eyes.

There is a word floating on his head... Wang!

The arrival of one of the protagonists should have made the atmosphere warm, causing bursts of sorrow or cheers, but the strange thing is... his arrival made the surrounding quiet, and even the whispers were not heard. The eight people who did not destroy the reincarnation, all of them did not scream, but their eyes were obviously changed, and they focused on him.

The king who does not destroy the reincarnation, the first place in the current rankings finally appeared ... and this is also the "king", the first time in the player's sight, compared to evil days, he is more mysterious. Almost all players, the first time I saw him, saw this mysterious figure.

The dark horse, the whole body black, the image of the king is printed in the hearts of everyone. This mysterious figure, even if it appears in the public eye, is still mysterious. And his appearance, so that the surrounding air is strangely cold, his eyes are cold and terrible, people who are swept by his eyes, can not help but fight a cold war.

Terrible eyes, is this the human eye?

The evil spirits have not arrived, and the eyes of the black people have become colder.






The phone rang three times and finally woke up Ye Tianxie from the nap. After all, the feeling of weakness caused by the massive loss of dragon blood is not so easy to eliminate. He took Chen Xue out and went crazy after a lap, had lunch, and fell asleep. I only slept for a little while, and the phone rang again and again.

"Break the army, what is the matter." Ye Tianxie answered, the voice said vaguely.

Listening to Ye Tianxie’s apparently drowsy voice, the left-handed army was completely speechless: "Second brother... You are not going to take a nap? The king has arrived, you are fighting with him..."

"Approximately... Oh, I almost forgot!" Ye Tianxie patted his head and said: "Break the army, I will wash my face first, and I will arrive soon."

Left Broken Army: "..."

It’s been five minutes after noon, and the evil days are still not there.

The king has been quietly staying there and waited for five minutes. The original momentum also basically blew a seven-eight-eighth eight-eighth, and a pair of eyes also became cold from the cold... because, almost everyone else waited for him instead of waiting for him. Others, this evil day...

Why does he call himself "king"? Because he believes he has the strength of the king. How is evil day... In half of the time, he only spent half of his time, and he will rank above him. It is above all players. Wang is strong and proud, and there is only one in the world. "Wang", from the day he had the power of "king", he did not put anyone in his eyes. In this game world, what is the evil day, what evil days, he is too lazy to pay attention to. If it is not for the reincarnation, he even disdains to accept this battle.

But now, that evil day has made him wait for so long! !

Those who did not destroy the reincarnation also frowned and began to sink. They even thought that many players also thought... Is this just a prank? And it is a prank that others have faked the name of evil days. Because, the announcement was not sent by the evil day, but the so-called "representing evil days."

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