Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 338: Weeping feather

This chapter is so hard to write, two hours and two thousand words... Ang, first of all, the next chapter or the next chapter. 】

"Hey! Evil day... evil day!!"

"You are coming back! You can't go away... I don't want to be alone here, oh... I will be so scared... evil days, you are coming out!"

"Oh... evil, I hate you!!"



Evil days are very hot.

When the front of the eye is dark, he knows what has happened... The little force of the finger, it really triggers some of its abilities as Star Treasure said, and the feeling that follows, Clearly is the shuttle space.

An empty illusion with space power... Where will it be transmitted by this space power?

Ye Xingtian’s thoughts just flashed, and the darkness in front of him disappeared. The first thing that came into view was a pool that was not big and seemed to be made of marble.

What is this place?

Ye Tianxie glanced around, the most direct feeling is that the air here is a bit cold, although not to the extent of "cold", but the temperature is definitely lower than Tianchen City. The air here is very fresh, but it is strange and quiet, without a trace of noise.

It’s obvious that no one has been here for a long time, and there are weeds everywhere, and if you look closely, you will find that under these weeds, there is more of a dead flower... and the shapes of these flowers are extremely weird. Non-ordinary wildflower weeds.

Ye Tianxie's gaze looked forward, stayed for a while on the pool where he could not see the water, and could not see the bottom, and then continued to look forward. In a flash, his breath suddenly caught.

In front of me, it is a very short, very old, but overly large palace. The palace does not know where it has spread, but it does not see it inside, because the palace’s door is tightly closed, and the door is still amazed. lock.

And let Ye Tianxie's breathing stagnate, is the front door, the one who crouched there, motionless, seems to be in the strange creatures who are sleeping.

This is a creature made of water blue ice. The whole body is full of water blue color - and it is the purest and pure, only the purest water element will release the blue of heaven. The body is three meters long, the body surface, the blue scales release the almost glaring crystal awns, the scales are shaped like the dragon scales of the legend of the Chinese dragon, but its body is not the dragon's body, it should be said, It won't belong to the body of any beast known by Ye Tianxie... The body is not stout, and the limbs like icicles are also covered with ice scales, slender and slender, with a long tail, two meters in length, and the shape of the tail. Like the tail of a dragon, but the tip of the tail is a cold, sharp spike like an arrow. What is more conspicuous is that... Its back is slanted with two huge ice crystal wings, and the shape of the wings is like the legendary phoenix wing.

Its head shape is even more bizarre, like a deer and not a deer. It is like a horse and a horse. It has a slight shape of a dragon head. However, what you can see at a glance is the majesty and prestige it releases. A half-meter long ice-blue crystal corner of the forehead is cold, and when people look at it, there will be no sorrow.

what is this? Ice horse? Ice Dragon? Ice unicorn?

And having such a strange body, this must be an extremely simple animal, and although it is sleeping, it does not find the closeness of Ye Tianxie, but the cold and cold pressure from it is still as substantial, highlighting its power. .

Ye Tianxie did not move, his breathing slowed down, his eyes fixed on his body, and he was surprised to find that his evil dragon's eyes actually detected its message.

Weeping feather ice lining: 30-level **** mysterious beast, life: 30000000, lost one of the mainland's twelve gods and mythical beasts, once ranked the eighth in the lost mainland animal list, and then fell to the first due to the rapid decline of the ranks Fifteen. The lost ice beasts of the mainland have endless water power, which is derived from the fusion of Tiansheng Mountain and the pure water spirit, and then derived from the life of the water of life, which has evolved in countless years. It is increasingly powerful, and it has been kept in front of the Temple of Heaven after it is created. It will ruthlessly attack all the creatures near the Temple of Heaven and the Fountain of Life. Because of its body covered with ice scales, when the wings are unfolded, they will continue to slide down the water droplets, such as tears, and thus have the name of "Crying Ice Lin". Three years ago, the spring of the Fountain of Life suddenly began to decrease and disappear, and completely dried up after two months. The power of the life of the water of life, and relying on the breath of the water of life to survive and grow, the fate of the ice feathers fell so much, three years from the original 90 to the current level 30, and have to rely on long-term The speed of sleep that curbs the power of its own life.

Talent: The body of the ice spirit: absorbs any water attribute damage, and the whole physical attack is immune 20%. In the cold environment, the life automatically returns 10000-30,000 every ten seconds.

Skills: water mirror, ice crack, blizzard, cursing hail, frozen land, ice dance, Chinese, ice and rain, star breaking, ice crystal snow dance, rebellious against the water, hail, the world, freezing The wall of purity, the fog of the water, the limit of the ice wall, the limit of the ice burst, the sigh of the **** of ice and snow, the roar of the **** of ice and snow.

The trick: the weeping feathers, the ice and the ice.

God's Prohibition: Freeze the Hail of Hell.

Ye Tianxie: "!!"

The mysterious beast! ?

Ye Tianxie's breathing stopped almost in an instant. He couldn't think of it. Inadvertently, he himself witnessed a beast of a mysterious god... God Xuan, lost in the mainland, second only to the peak of the holy era, a human root The terrible existence that cannot be defeated. Whether it is the instrument of the gods, or the beast of the gods, there are very few lost in the mainland. Add up, but only a dozen or so. And they generally exist in extremely secret locations, which are beyond the reach of ordinary people.

Although, this weeping feather ice Lin is only 30, but it is also a **** of mystery. And although it is only 30, the health has reached 30 million! It can be imagined how powerful the power of the mysterious beast is.

And what is mentioned in its property introduction is clearly... Tiansheng Mountain, the fountain of life!

Ye Tianxie soon remembered where he had heard these two names... No. 66666 Novice Village, in the introduction of the water of life in the hands of Yuan Zhen, isn’t the fountain of life from Tiansheng Mountain marked? Is this position where you are... It is the Tiansheng Mountain... and is the fountain of life nearby?


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