Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 366: Explosion, anger

"Come on, attack me, enjoy the attack, don't be polite!!" Ye Tianxie grabbed the continually struggling Son of Heaven with one hand, and the five fingers were caught on his collar like an eagle. If this is in the real world, the degree of struggle of the Son of Heaven, the quality of the clothes is not enough to be shredded, and then the whole person falls. But in the world of destiny, even the most pale, no-novice novice equipment, unless attacked in a way with destructive attributes, it would be harder to destroy.

In the world of destiny, as long as the strength is sufficient, one person can not mention another person, but the premise is that the other party does not resist, but in the state of resistance, the person will be brought up like Ye Tianxie to catch the son of the sky, and ignore it. The struggle, a necessary condition, is that the strength is much higher than the other.

The strength of Ye Tianxie is higher than that of the Son of Heaven, but it is not as high as "too far higher", but he grabs the Son of Heaven with one hand, and if he is so struggling, he is not forced to loosen. The signs, even under his struggle, the left hand, like a cast iron, generally moved, as if it was not an adult, but a mass of cotton... This is a bit strange. Perhaps the only explanation is that Ye Tianxie has a body different from ordinary people. Perhaps this is why he did not struggle to break free when he first stepped on the king.

However, in this situation, who else will have extra thoughts to think of this. The people who covered the wings of the sky were all stunned, and looked at the son of the sky that was caught in the hand with horror... In the face of the cold voice of Ye Tianxie, who dared to attack at this time, because once attacked, attacked Perhaps it is not Ye Tianxie, but the Son of Heaven.

At the door of the hall, slowly walked out of a girl. Petite, blue, and a veil of the same light blue on her face, I don't want to let people see her face. The pair of bare eyes looked at the air and flickered. The young master of the wing of the heavens was arrested. This was the first time in the history of the establishment of the wing of the heavens, and such a wing to the heavens could be described as a terrible change. The girl turned to calm in an instant. Her gaze no longer looks to the Son of Heaven, but looks at Ye Tianxie and looks at it.

A wonderful feeling is faintly impacting the nerves of Ye Tianxie. He suddenly feels that there is a strange feeling on the left, which makes him almost uncontrollable. Then he is very clear. Scorpion.

These eyes are beautiful, very quiet, but strangely deep. When Ye Tianxie saw the pair of scorpions, he obviously stunned. Gradually, he began to discover that his eyes were like being pulled by something, even the body. He also began to be pulled, so that he couldn’t help but want to approach this girl... For a short time, the noise from the bottom and the struggle from the hand was completely forgotten by him, and he couldn’t feel it anymore, even he still didn’t release it. The anger also quietly began to calm down...

When Ye Tianxie was awake from the shock, the noise in his ear remained the same, and the Son of Heaven in his hand was still struggling in the arrogance. He was convinced that he had just watched her five seconds in sluggishness, but when he was immersed in it, he felt that time was as long as it had been for years.

The word "spiritual power" flashed in the mind of Ye Tianxie. He once again saw this girl who was too calm and remembered her name, a very strange name...Angel Flap.

When Ye Tianxie turned his head and stopped looking at her, the girl’s calm, watery eyes were violently violent.

"Let us be the Lord! Let go of him!" The squadrons of the Wings of the Sky screamed in a panic, but their snoring was great, but they were exceptionally weak. They can't fly, and they don't dare to attack. Nothing can be done except for drinking. There is only one person in the other party. They have not made an attack, but they have already turned their tens of thousands of people into a group.

"Give me your so-called Tian Mo Xie!" Ye Tianxie looked down at the dense crowd below, and the low voice pressed their hearts. The people below have not responded, and the Son of Heaven has already shouted: "Evil day! Don't dream, Tian Moxie is the person who covers my wings, but I am not bound by my wing, he is my cover." Wing's friend! We cover the sky and never make a friend's business! Don't say that he will not be here, even if we know where he is, I will never tell you!! You have kind Just kill me! I am just a person who covers the wings of the sky. I cover the sky with a million people. I will compromise with you in a sinister day! You kill me today, I will kill one day. Repaying!!"

These words are vigorous and sorrowful, and if the uninformed person listens, it will surely touch his "heavy feelings and righteousness"... So, the people below are moved, and they are full of blood and follow loudly. For a time, the morale of the panic-stricken element suddenly became high... Even the younger ones were ashamed, and they were not afraid. They still have any reason to retreat.

Ye Tianxie sneered and said with a voice that only the Son of Heaven could hear: "Hey, acting is good."

The Son of Heaven is not afraid of death. Not only afraid of death, but also very afraid of death. Relative to death, he is even more afraid of the identity of Tian Moxie. Because of the consequences of this, he died more than once, and it is undoubtedly much more terrible to drop the equipment. Therefore, he bit his teeth and said the words of the righteousness.

The Son of Heaven suddenly gave up the struggle. The silver awns in his hand flashed, and a silver-colored rifle appeared. Then he labored and turned, and stabbed Ye Tianxie. Although he was arrested and arrested, his limbs did not lose his freedom and he could launch an attack.

A soft bang, the thorn of the gun head on the shoulder of Ye Tianxie. A "-98" damage figure floated on the head of Ye Tianxie, making the Son of Heaven almost unable to believe his eyes. Ye Tianxie sneered at the injury figure, disdainful sneer: "You are so a little attacking..." He slammed his eyebrows and raised his head and said: "Give me your so-called 'Tian Moxie'... ...to give you the last three seconds, don't test my patience!"

"You are dying, there is a kind of you will kill me!" The Son of Heaven followed the big martyrdom, and the rifle in his hand was attacked again and again on Ye Tianxie.

Ye Tianxie turned a deaf ear to him, and his attack was even more blind. The low voice passed through the ears of everyone with the same penetrating power: "Three...two..."


"Ha ha ha ha, even if you die, you will not tell you where the evil spirits are, just rely on you, not to see him!!" Three seconds later, the Son of Heaven laughed wildly. The man below the wing of the sky shouted and shouted and shouted at the name of the Son of Heaven.

"It seems that it is really not the Yellow River." Ye Tianxie also laughed. Under the brave care, the smile was so horrible, when Ye Tianxie smiled, the son of the sky Suddenly I felt that my back was getting cold, as if there were two rows of demons' teeth, which were close to his throat.

"Kaka, let's play a game." In the laughter of Sen Ran, Ye Tianxie made a low voice. The next second, he finally moved. Kaka's illusion of the feathers of the ice rushing forward, the speed is extremely fast... It is the fastest speed that it can display. From the bottom, it looks like a blue light from the sky.

The guild hall of the wing of the sky is a dozen meters high, and the walls are made of hard marble and polished. The location of the so-called Yubing Binglin is a hard-to-find marble wall.

The rapid wind whizzed through the ears, and the wind blew overwhelmed the noise of the ear. When he finally understood what Ye Tianxie was doing, the hard wall was close at hand, his eyes were in horror for a moment. It’s huge, it’s amazing, and there’s a terrifying scream in the mouth...


boom! ! !

The world is suddenly still.

The weeping feathers that ran at full speed rushed over the wall... No, it’s not the weeping ice lining that hits the wall directly, but the one that is in front of it is the son of the sky. body.

The crowd of the wing of the sky trembled in incomparable horror, and the screams from the Son of Heaven made them almost stop their hearts. Under the astonishing speed, I can imagine how terrible the collision will be, and the Son of Heaven...they are the Lord of the Wings of Heaven, a cloud home with an extremely noble identity and an extremely powerful background. Even under the impact of this smashing bone, the smash hit the wall.

That collision, which was magnified in their hearts by countless times of collision... almost made them feel the ground trembled by this collision.

"Less... little less and less the Lord..." At that time, the black man who was always with the Son of Heaven shivered, and the voice shouting in his mouth was trembling. The people who covered the wings of the sky were even more frightened and frightened. The momentum that had just been brought up by the shouts of the Son of Heaven disappeared. This time, the impact brought them a huge scare.

This collision, the Son of Heaven lost more than 400 lives. This kind of non-weapon physical injury has only a slight judgment, but under the slight judgment, it has caused such a big injury. It can be imagined how big the impact. Compared with the fall of life, the physical pain of the impact is undoubtedly terrible.

At the moment when the Son of Heaven hit the wall, it was the most miserable cry that he made after he came to the world. At that moment, he felt that all the bones of the whole body were crushed by the impact, and the consciousness was followed. The huge pain that has come and spread throughout the body has become a blank. His face was white and scary, although the pain was incomparable, but the strength of the whole body was completely smashed under the impact of the previous one, so that he did not have a bit of struggling strength, such as being directly killed, the 耷 pulled by Ye Tian The evil is caught in the hands.

"Now, give me your so-called Tian Mo Xie! Three...two..." Ye Tianxie’s voice once again sounded in the ears of the members of the wing, but this time, they no longer dare to shout The words of "big righteousness" just like that.

"Evil day... There is something to say, let us first let us have less masters, and have something to say..." The heads of the wing of the heavens were all scared and eclipsed, and they made a gesture of forgiveness, but they did not know how to make a fortune. The sound didn't stop...



The weeping feather ice lining back, then the speed of the whole body, once again hit the wall with a huge momentum.

boom! ! !


The sound of collision and the sound of screams, once again slammed on the heart of the players who covered the wings.

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