Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 436: Heart shift

Here is the top floor of the fruit house, exclusive to Sophie’s room. Sophie Fei did not go offline, but rushed in with a sigh of relief, fell on the bed, and wept silently.

The door didn't close, Liu Yanyue knocked on the door, and the footsteps came in. He sat down to Sufifei and smiled. He said, "Sister, don't cry first, talk to your sister about the conversation?"

Sophie did not respond, and the dagger was squatting in the quilt, shaking his shoulders.

"Sister, do you like Tianxie, a person of his passion, or a passionate person?" Liu Yuyue's right hand was pressed on the shoulder of Sufifi, his eyes blurred and said softly. When she finished this sentence, her head raised slightly and gave a very light and light sigh.

"Yes... you will love that he is a special person, and there is a girl. I don't want people I like to be able to cherish life for myself, not to be afflicted with any other woman, not for any other woman. I am tempted...but, for the past few years, I have been eager for him to be a passionate person, even if it is a passion."

She smiled a little, but it was a bitter smile. In the blurred eyes, she replayed her mental journey over the years.

Sophie’s shoulders no longer trembled. She squatted on the bed motionless, her body curled into a moving curve, apparently listening to what Liu Yuyue said. At this time, her inner confusion is like a boat in the waves. She doesn't know what to do, what to do... I don't understand why Liu Yuyue wants to say that she would rather be passionate and even passionate. people.

Liu Yanyue reached out and lifted Sufifi's body from the bed. Although her movements were gentle and slow, she was armed with an irresistible force, so that Sophie could not sit up with her resistance. After all, Liu Yuyue is not an ordinary woman. She grew up in such an environment. What she has is not only the human heart and the means... Only the left-handed army and Murong Qiu Shui know that Liu’s skill is no less than Any one of them.

Sufifi’s dagger hangs down, his eyes are red, although he is holding back tears, but the tears are still overflowing. The grievances, the pain of betrayal, and more... are the fears of leaving Ye Tianxie because of it.

Liu Yanyue stretched out his fingers and wiped the tears on her face bit by bit. The gentle movement was like a mother who comforted her daughter. She said slowly: "Sister, you know that before the evil spirits, there are A glass fairy?"

Sophie’s eyes were blurred, and she lowered her head and choked her voice and said, “I know...”.

"You know her existence... but I don't know what she looks like. Because when she disappeared, everything about her appearance disappeared, disappeared, including all her photos, including which went to the network. On the top, the pictures of the people who were shocked by countless people disappeared. The only ones who knew her appearance were those who had actually seen her. Her appearance, I can't describe it, I only know that she is the only one in the world. One, can make me feel as good as it is... even, a self-defeating woman." Liu Yanyue looked up slightly, and in the brain, the sinful shadow appeared... Yes, it can only be described by "Xianying" In the subconscious, even Liu Yuyue, never dared to regard her as a mortal, the kind of roots that are not true, the roots that should not appear.

It’s so beautiful, even the painter with the highest painting skills in the world can’t describe it... This kind of beauty can only be truly seen when I look at it with my eyes, because even in my mind, I can’t fully depict her. Really, there can only be a vague sky.

Sophie Fei looked at Liu Yuyue in amazement... This is called the most attractive woman in China, this **** fairy who is enough to make any woman self-deprecating, actually... actually will be so in the face of another woman, the glass fairy Child, is she really beautiful to that extent? No, it must be more than just appearance. It is just that the appearance of the words is not enough for the woman like Liu Yuyue to be so impressed. Her temperament and breath must be extraordinary. What kind of girl is that?

"She not only has a dreamlike appearance, but also, you can't imagine how good she is about evil spirits. Her care for the evil spirits is like careful protection of a small piece of snow that melts and touches. She is real. I love him with all of my own. Many of the evil things come from her, including his character and most habits, even the way he does things, and his temperament, are in her It is cultivated under the smudge... The evil spirits are in front of other people, even in front of my Zuo Zhenhua, I have always been a proud gesture from the bones, and only in front of the glass fairy, he is all one Dependence, and mutual dependence. The evil spirit is the whole of the glass fairy, and the glass fairy, is not the most important person in the life of the evil spirit, more important than his life... three years ago, when the glass When Xianer suddenly disappeared from his life... You can't imagine how painful the evil is."

Liu Yanyue closed her eyes and recalled that she still distressed and wanted to cry: "I wouldn’t even scream if he was interrupted by the whole body, but he cried like a child, hitting the wall with his head. The right hand tore the ground, the day after night, the crazy search, for a whole month without any quarter of an hour of sleep... And that month, he only drank a few mouthfuls of water, nothing to eat until he finally tried his best When I passed out, I fell asleep for less than an hour and went crazy. I have to go all over the world to find her, until I faint again... If it’s not the body of the evil spirits, it’s different from the ordinary people, and the seriously damaged body and heart are enough. He died."

Sophie Fei’s eyes widened, her lips squinted, and her eyes squinting at Liu’s eyes, she had forgotten her heartache...

"Later, the evil spirits that finally had no strength to look for again were shrunk in the room that originally belonged to the glass fairy, holding the only thing left by the glass fairy when leaving. And that room, the last thing left is her last. The taste... He never let anyone enter the room, even if I break the army and the autumn water, he will be driven out when he is close. The broken army and Qiushui have been afraid that he can’t think about it, take turns to stay at his house, every day will The meal was quietly placed in the door of the room... It was not until two months later that he came out of the room and told him that he was fine."

Liu Yanyue opened his eyes and said quietly: "Sister, do you know why I want to tell you this? Now, can you think about it, to what extent does he have a deep affection for the glass fairy? They are not just one For lovers, long ago, they had already lived by life, and the souls depended on each other. The life of the evil spirits was also saved by the glass fairy. In his most desolate time, the glass fairy called him back. He is a family and gives him the care of transcendence. Even if the evil spirits must be sorry for the whole world, they will never be sorry for the glass fairy..."

Sophie Fei did not speak, and the heart was chaotic and did not know where to return.

"I like the evil spirits... Before I met him, I never thought about it. I will love a man one day, or a man who is younger than me." She smiled and said softly. come out.

Sophie’s eyes stayed, she bowed and said, “I know.”

The same woman, she is enough to smell from the eyes of Liu Yuyue to Ye Tianxie, and the words of Zuo Bianjun and Murong Qiushui also make her more and more understandable... Now listen to her so directly When she came out, she was not surprised at all, but her heart was even more amazed.

Liu Yanyue laughed, laughed so obsessed and bitter: "Do you know how much I love him... I tell myself again and again that for him, I can give up everything, as long as he wants to do it for him. I am willing to do anything. For so many years, I will think about him every day. The people who appear in my dreams will always be him. Once I thought that even if I had a family, I would definitely dominate everything, but now, I I secretly learned everything that a perfect wife should have. Outside, I will let the whole world know that my evil spirited brother has a noble and beautiful, and that all the wives of his men are with him. I will always stand behind him, everything is led by him. At home, I am a perfect housewife who knows everything and can do everything so that he does not need to worry about anything... In bed, I can become the world. The most slutty slut... But even then, I still retreat... because he has a glass fairy around him. If it is someone else, I can not hesitate, but I know that I can never take him from the glass fairy Around away, you will never be. "

Who would have thought that a woman who was regarded as a fairy **** by a man who was almost all Jinghua, fell in love with a man so humble.

"Since the glass fairy went away, I never expected that he would accept me, because with his feelings for the glass fairy, even if he could never see him again, he would wait for her forever. But..." Liu Yanyue's eyes Turned to Sufifi, his eyes became blurred like water: "He actually... accepted you,"

Sophie Fei: "..."

"I can't believe it, until I finally determine the authenticity of this matter," Liu Yanyue's mouth has a perfect arc: "I am very jealous of you, but more is happy... you must imagine not At that time, I was so happy."

"Why..." Sophie's eyes were still red, she said with a slight bite on her lips.

"Sister," Liu Yanyue did not immediately answer her, but instead asked: "Now, you still hope that he is a special person.... If he is as ruthless as the glass fairy, No one else, then he will not really accept you... On the day when the glass fairy returns, you will be separated from him, always separated... You hope so?"

Sophie Fei stunned, a deep fear grew rapidly in her heart. She shook her head hard, and the tears rushed out of her eyes several times faster. The voice was filled with a trembling cry: "No, I Don't... I don't want to be separated from the evil spirits... never, don't..."

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