Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 451: Magical change - the abyss knight!

The sea beneath him was uneasy and turbulent. When the white light of Ye Tianxie flashed, as many bombs exploded, the sea was brought up by a huge wave of dozens of meters or even hundreds of meters high. The power is surging, and the surrounding space is beginning to be distorted. It seems that it can break and collapse at any time. In the tremor of space, Ye Tianxie’s body shrouds the sacred light that is unique when launching the illusion... Lonandis, or Long Yuan, they have different attributes, but they all exist for guardianship. Their powers are sacred white. Among the white light, the equipment of Ye Tianxie was taken back in an instant, and the body became higher and higher, getting bigger and bigger...

In the north of Tianri City, the ruined ruins of the illusionary orc ruins, the first hall where Ye Tianxie first entered, the statue standing in the east suddenly lit up with white light, as suddenly from sleeping. wake up.

The silent statue of the Four Gods, the Southern Sword of the God of War and the Abyss of the East, released a burning white light. The destruction of Shura in the West and the blue Emperor in the North are still silent.

"Ah, ah! Appeared... It has appeared again! The master has to become a great and terrible person!"

Every time Ye Tian is illusory, there is no shortage of fruit. It is obviously an exclamation of excitement. In her shouts, Ye Tianxie’s body has grown to a height of more than five meters...

Consciousness still belongs to Ye Tianxie, but the body is not his own body. From the present body, he felt a heavy... No, it should be a heavy force - that is the power of guardian!

He raised his hands and looked at his current body. At this time, he wore a gray armor. The color was similar to the aging steel. At first glance, it was impossible to identify which metal it belonged to. This armor wrapped him from the upper body to the lower body, without a trace of ventilation. The armor is extremely heavy, its thickness is even more amazing than before. Before that, he never thought about it. The original armor can also be thick to this extent. Especially the breastplate, at least 30 cm thick!

The armor above the arm is relatively thin, and it is a soft armor with a certain ability to move freely. On the hand, a pair of equally singular armor will wrap the whole palm and five fingers. On the foot, it is a pair of heavy boots, on the head. It is a large helmet that completely covers the neck. The helmet is sturdy in the head, only in front, with two holes of the same size as the eyes... and these two holes are the only ones in the whole body. Closed place. In addition, any other part of the Abyss knight's body is wrapped tightly.

The abyss knight has no ability to fly. At this time, he is still riding on the feathers of the feathers and floating in the air. What is even more bizarre is that when Ye Tianxie's body began to grow rapidly, the body of the sobbing feather ice lining actually became larger, and the body grew to a length of nearly seven meters, perfectly matched with the height of five meters on the back. The abyss knight. The extremely heavy armor did not make it feel unbearable.

Both Qinglong and the girl have stopped fighting, and they all look at Ye Tianxie...because, that is enough power to make Qinglong jealous! The attribute of this power - guardian!

Ye Tianxie raised his hands and pointed at the sky. In a flash, the dark sky flashed a dark thunder, and the black lightning did not know where it came from. It fell straight down and fell on the hands of Ye Tianxie. In the deafening snoring, a huge black shield quickly formed in the hands of Ye Tianxie.

It was a square shield, four meters high, nearly three meters wide, traversing there, covering most of his body. There are no special lines on the shield, single black, flat square, excessive simplicity. The only special thing is the black lightning that flashes and hums above the shield.

Ye Tianxie holds this shield in both hands, and his deep eyes are shining directly into the air...

Long Yuan: The "Abyss Knight" who guards the destiny of the four gods of the phantom beasts. When he guarded the lost East of the mainland, he was rumored that he could perfectly guard a city, and he had the most powerful sacred basalt. Guardian power. The father of Long Yuan is the son of the dragon and the dragon, the body of the half man and the half dragon, and the surname is the dragon. The tragic death of the family makes him white hair overnight, and enters the abyss with the power to protect everything. After returning from the abyss, he joined the Eudemons for protection and became one of the four people in the Eudemons who could be turned into gods. A thousand years ago, in the fierce battle with the demon god, he and his partner "eternal eternal" together, turned into the "Earth of the Sky" of the seal demon.


Occupation: Abyss Knight.

Life: 2800000000, Magic: 400000, physical attack power: 10000, magic attack power: 10000, defense power: 300000, hit: 15000, avoidance: -3000, attack speed: 50, moving speed: 50.


Guardian Spirit: Passive ability, immune to 60% of any physical damage, immune to 50% of any magic damage.

Unmoved soul: Passive skill, when attacked, 99% probability of probability of immune repelling, hitting, knocking down and other effects.

Extreme Defense: Burns the guardian soul, increases the ability of the body to counteract damage to the limit, increases the physical damage immunity rate to 90%, increases the magic damage immunity rate to 75%, lasts for one minute, consumes Magic 2000, and cools for 10 minutes. .

The trick: shifting the flowers: release the guardian's hood to cover the surrounding space, within three minutes, all the damage of the covered partner will be 100% transferred to himself. The coverage range is three hundred meters around itself, consumes 15,000 magic, and can be used 20 times a day.


Eternal End: Hands shield, holy destroyer, use requirements: soul attachment, exclusive abyss knight. The ultimate shield that Long Yuan brought back from the abyss has a horrible defense ability. And its power is not only manifested in guardianship, the black lightning around it will be a nightmare for all enemies.

Attributes: Defense +30000, Defense +70%, Physique +800, Agility -500, Lucky +10, 30% probability of blocking attack, when defending, there is a certain probability to fly the opponent's weapon, the opponent's strength is lower, the weapon The lower the grade, the greater the probability of triggering a fly.

Talent Attributes: Resentment Counterattack: When subjected to any attack, it forces a 30% damage, and a 5% probability of a 100% damage.

Active skills:

Ultimate Shield Hit: Both hands grasp the shield and slam into the front, creating a huge collision field. All targets that are enveloped by the gas field have a great probability of being hit by force. If it hits directly on the target's body, the probability of flying will increase to 100%. When launched, it will cover the front 50x100 range, plus 50% of the random equivalent physical attack - 100% damage judgment, consume magic 800, cool time five second.

The ultimate shield wall: throwing out the eternal end, turning into a black shield with a length of three kilometers and a height of three hundred meters blocking the front, resisting all attacks from the front. The ultimate shield wall lasts up to ten minutes and can be retracted at any time. It has no magical consumption and can be used once a day.

Holy Prohibition:

Arrival in the sky: release all the guardian power of the eternal end, give yourself and the surrounding partners an indestructible absolute defense, completely defend against all damage within a certain period of time. The range of the sky is 100 meters around it, lasts for 100 seconds, and consumes 5000 magic per second during the continuous process. Use up to three times a day, with a minimum of one hour between uses.

Looking at his own attributes and skills at this time, his hands clenched the heavy shield, and the shock in Ye Tianxie’s heart can be imagined. Once again, he completely saw the power of the sacred power.

The Abyss knight's health is more than twice that of the Holy Sword, and the defensive ability is more than several times, but the attack ability is low, but it is not as good as a normal small boss of the same level, and among his own skills, No one is an attacking skill. Even the only attacking skill that comes with the shield is nothing more than 50% of the normal attack - 100% damage. However, he has only four skills in his own...just four skills, and who dares to doubt his guardian ability! !

Plus the shield he has... The world, who else is he unable to guard?

The transfer of flowers and trees, the arrival of the sky, can make the guardian even if it is attacked, it will not be hurt at all. And his terrible body can offset most of the damage, the ultimate shield hits, can hit countless enemies, it is difficult to step forward, the ultimate shield wall, it is unbreakable invincible guardian... The defensive occupation is generally a one-handed shield, one-handed single-handed sword, and the eternal end of the Abyss Knight is the two-hand shield that Ye Tianxie has never seen in the game world. The double-handed shield means that there is no possibility of attack at all, but The abyss knight can only stop, can't fight back?

No... He not only has a counterattack, but he is also strong and counterattacks! The black lightning on the eternal end is the root of the resentful counterattack. All his injuries will be forced to rebound by 30%. His counterattack comes from all attacks against him. If a person inflicts 10000 damage to him, then he himself will be forced to bounce back to 3000 damage.

"Hey, come out!"


The time of the illusion is only three minutes, and he will go to delay. With his cry, he appeared in front of him, even if he cast a magical change, he could still summon his pet, and then he shouted and released a colorful light. It spread quickly and spread to the area of ​​300 meters around it. The colored light touched the body of the girl and the girl. They also had a circle of colored aura at the same time... As long as the aura does not disappear, 夭All the damage suffered by the donkey and the girl will be transferred to Ye Tianxie.

Yeah! I suddenly saw that some people are entangled in why they are sacred, Qinglong has more than 10 billion lives, and Carol Nandis is only a billion.... Is this difficult to understand? I seem to have mentioned ~www.readwn.com~ I don't want to sweep it over. Then I will explain it again. Simply put, the talents of the peak beasts are far superior to human beings...not to mention the beast of the peak, that is, the physical strength of a tiger is far stronger than human beings. Do you dare to admit it? Not to mention dragons, sacred beasts and the like. In the online games, which of the moguls at the same level as their own is not higher than their own lives? Can you beat you? Can't beat, how can the blood of a small boss be more than ten times yours? Can you single out? It's very simple to be ko; the life of the Dark Ghost King is nearly three times that of the Holy Warrior, and it is also the scream of the Holy Sword God... Why? The high talent of the beast makes them far superior to human beings in life attributes, but the high life does not represent the level of strength, and the advantage of human beings is that they can use external forces and use various equipment props, such as the holy sword of the Holy Sword, and at the same time, There are also a variety of powerful and powerful skills that the beast does not have the right to own... So, it should be enough to understand ╮(╯▽╰)╭】

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