Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 469: Unbearable look back

However, when they grow up in an extremely superior environment, especially when they are in charge of a large number of rich or powerful children, they are so slap in the face of an outsider, nothing more than two kinds of reactions, one is in fury. The sign is desperate, the other is to scream and scream while running...

However, Ling Fengfeng is the third type, and his style of acting is also reflected in his reaction.

Such a heavy slap can stun a normal person to the living fan. Even if it is not fainting, the pain of being interrupted by three teeth is enough to make him faint. This slap made the fat manager scared a few steps back, hesitated for a long time, did not dare to go up to help ... he was afraid to help, Ye Tianxie is a slap in the face. And Su Feifei and Chen Xinchen Xue are also scared a big jump, the subconsciously holding their lips... Even people are flying, how can this be imagined.

Three **** teeth fell on the chilly floor. Ye Tianxie took back his right hand, blew his hand, and looked at the lingering wind that fell on the floor with a smile. He would go crazy, or he would go crazy...

Yan Lingfeng's body stiffened on the ground for three seconds. Then, he climbed up from the ground without a word, patted the dust on his body, reached out, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and looked at Ye Tianxie with a dull look. From beginning to end, he did not say that his emotions were out of control, and there was not even a scream. The calmness can be said to be difficult to understand.

"I don't know, my friend is satisfied? The mistakes made by my men are my lack of discipline. This is not an exaggeration. I hope that some of them can solve this temper and don't break their feelings." He wiped the blood from his mouth. The red one on the left, like blood stained, can be imagined how strong the pain. But he didn't say anything, even the smile was so natural.

Ye Tianxie suddenly found out that he had looked down on this person.

The dog that will be called does not bite, and those who do not call it are the most terrible to start crazy. And this kind of commonality that can be so forbearing on the surface is necessarily... This is not a stupid person, knowing when and what kind of posture should be held in front of someone, and once they are caught by revenge They will unscrupulously move in the most embarrassing direction.

"What is the pain?" Ye Tianxie's mouth, pulled out a very embarrassing word.

"Fortunately." Yan Lingfeng smiled lightly. "But I think friends should remember the name of someone I am."

Ye Tianxie directly ignored his second half of the sentence, shook his wrist and said: "Yes, I will never feel pain, you will be the thickness of your skin, afraid of the atomic bombing, but it is Drop a thin layer of skin."

苒凌风: "..."

Ye Tianxie smiled and turned his eyes to the fat manager. He smiled strangely: "You are trying to greet me for three cents, and your master just slaps this for you. Should you be grateful? ?"

"Yes...Yes, I know it is wrong. I will remember the goodness of the young master. I will never dare any more in the future." The fat manager felt that he was just a clown who was used to play with him. He could only be sad. Shake the tail and pity. He is the most innocent victim.

"Ha ha ha ha," Ye Tian Xie screamed, "Yu Lingfeng, you are good, you have to promote and promote... Well, it seems to be your mobile phone, there will be something interesting inside."

Ye Tianxie once again picked up the mobile phone from the fat manager's hand and fiddled with his fingers on the screen. After a long while, his eyes flashed and his face showed a strange smile: "Oh... ...to listen, what is this?"

When the finger is pressed, the phone suddenly sounds:

"...put them to me, I have to look up their details and understand that there is no..."

The face of Yan Lingfeng and the fat manager changed at the same time...because the inside came out, it turned out to be the voice of their speech! That is the recording! !

Ye Tianxie grinned at their wonderful faces and pressed again...

"Idiot! Who told you to stop them, is to drag them... If you can't think of a way, you will wait for them to buy, and then say that you can't swipe your card and only receive cash... Hey! Buy the jewelry for a woman. They will definitely leave two people there when they go to get cash. This time is enough..."

"...the woman who wears light blue clothes is Suluo's only daughter, we can't afford it... the man, he used to pay Li Tianpeng's hands and feet, and is still lying in the hospital......... ...this is what you sent me to the past, no matter what method you use... if you dare to mention me, be careful about your dog life!"

"啪", the phone was closed by Ye Tianxie, he smiled and smacked his hands, and made a "slap" and "slap" applause: "Not bad, people who can climb to this position really It’s not too stupid. If you want to improve and protect yourself as soon as possible, it’s best to seize the boss’s handle. If you want to achieve it, you have to do it, you don’t forget to remember when you get along, or when you call. ...... Hey, you know why your master will be the master, and you are a man who is slap in the face and can’t argue, slaves? Because your ability is enough, but your face is not thick enough... Your master can Responsibility is all pushed to you, and the face that does not change color is a slap in the face, and the performance in this process is even more admirable. If you don’t go to take Xiaojin, it’s all white, even I almost think that he is actually Just arrived, nothing happened before. I forced my two cousins ​​away, but in front of the two cousins, they called themselves 'always looking for', 'tea no rice', the thickness of this face, really is my leaf The most seen in this life Amazing ah ...... ha ha ha ha - well, let's go, where the air is too dirty, and make people uncomfortable. "

Ye Tianxie cast a mocking smile on his face, and he no longer looked at him. He went out and went to the fat manager and put his mobile phone in his pocket: "Your mobile phone ""

The fat manager’s hand was smashing, the phone was stuffed back, but he didn’t dare to touch it with his hands for a long time.

All the people who have been waiting for Ye Tianxie have gone out, and the fat manager has been trembled and said: "Tell."


The slap fan is on the face of the fat manager. The muscles on the face of Ling Feng are twitching constantly, a large amount of blood is spurted in the mouth, and a broken tooth is also caught... that is of course not an anger and a spurt. The blood of the teeth, but the blood flowing out of the broken roots, he has been tightly sealed in his mouth.

The teeth were interrupted, and the pain was more than the pain of the fingers and toes being cut off. The hate of Ling Ling’s pain could not vent a few times, and Ye Tianxie took them. He had been unable to maintain the calm and picked up the phone. , biting the blood and pointing the dial...

"Ready... no woman, but the man must die! Remember, kill me with a sniper rifle! If you find it, run it for me, don't divulge it, otherwise..."



"Brother, he was so heavy, he must have died, hehe."

"The pain is affirmative. If you shout out when you are in pain, the pain is greatly reduced. If you are dying, you have to pretend that nothing has happened. It will make the pain worse.嘿..." Ye Tianxie turned his head and said to Chen Xin: "Chen Xin, do you think that I have done something."

Chen Xin is obviously thinking about things. The white clouds-like hands are going to touch the "blue of angels" on the neck from time to time. Suddenly I heard Ye Tianxie ask questions. She "hhat" and then shook her head quickly: " How could it... I hate him for too late..."

"That is! The person who is all bad in the whole body, I can't wait for him to die immediately!" Chen Xue said with hatefulness, the two rows of pearl-like white teeth were bitten tightly.

Ye Tianxie smiled and said: "You left home two years ago. Shouldn't you just suspect that the death of your parents is related to them, or is it forced out? After all, Cher's body is so bad, even if you know Nothing is really going to leave."

Chen Xin bowed his head and did not speak. Chen Xue took Ye Tianxie’s hand. He always smiled on his face with a smile: “They are all so bad... After Mom and Dad are gone, they, they Let the sister do this and do that, just like a call to the hoe. Later, even the people who cleaned the yard at home called for their sisters... And when the sister was still in school, there was no income, but they I never give my sister a penny. My sister is always taking care of me. I have been patient, and my illness... They don’t have a single person. Every time my illness is in a bad state, my sister is alone. I went to the hospital... In order to raise money for me, my sister stopped going to school, sold my favorite things secretly, borrowed a lot, and went to work for others. They didn’t have a penny. I have seen it, and no one has ever seen me. If there is not a sister, I will die when you are, and no one will know."

Ye Tianxie’s footsteps paused and his brow tightened.

"That's awful! You have blood relations after all, they are like this... The roots of the roots are gone." Sufifi frowned and said, "Chen Xin, really, you." I have already said to me earlier, I will definitely let my dad press them to go bankrupt...but these things have passed, my heart is good sister, I will be the happiest and happiest in the future, God will let you eat. A lot of suffering will also give you more compensation."

Yu Chen’s heart looked up and there was a mist in her eyes. She whispered, “Thank you, Big Brother, Feifei sister... Ever since I met you, I really... really happy.”

"I will continue to be happy in the future. Believe me." Sophie Fei said softly in Chen Xin’s ear.

"Then, you left?" Ye Tianxie took Chen Xue's hand and continued to ask.

Chen Xue’s hand holding Ye Tianxie tightened and bowed his head. He said, “Come, my sister is for me, even if I suffer from countless grievances, I have no intention of leaving, because there is still a place to live after...but That day, that day..."

"Snow, don't say." Chen hearted his voice.

Chen Xue looked up and said it: "That night...he, that's the Lingfeng, he ran to my sister's room, wanted, wanted..."

"What do you want?" Ye Tianxie's foot steps stopped, and the sound slammed down.

"I want to invade my sister! My sister threatened with suicide. Many people heard the movement and came over. Nothing... Then, I forced my sister to leave with her. Even if I suffer outside, I don’t want to see my sister again. Bullying, hurting." Chen Xue’s eyes are full of crystal tears.

"Chen Xin... This is, really?" Sufifi’s eyes widened, and her heart seemed to be full of something to explode. They are, after all, the cousins ​​of the same blood with the same sect... This is the singer, how does he do it, and he still has no humanity!

At that time, Chen Xin, what kind of fear he was suffering from... just thinking about it, she was so distressed. g! ~!

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