Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 483: Big conflict

The same thing, the left-breaking army, they have already encountered more than once.

The left-breaking army has a hidden profession. No matter the equipment, the basic attributes, and the skills are far beyond the ordinary shield, the same level of monsters, he pulls seven or eight at a time without any problem. Murong Qiushui and Situ Chang can unscrupulously launch the precise shooting that will be the second most important thing. Although Situ is ruthless, he rarely speaks, but his output is the most violent, like a ghost, the speed of shooting is even more eye-catching. .

Coupled with the attribute bonus of the Soul Mercenary, the combination of four people, the efficiency of destroying monsters is also difficult for a team of more than a dozen people. Four people brushed a large area without pressure. Huaxia has the largest number of players, but the Huaxia Theater is not the largest in the world. The size of the theater is not based on the size of the country's population, but is equivalent to the size of the country. As a result, the Huaxia Theater also competed for the most frequent and frequent occurrences of leveling sites or competing for bosses. The four of them occupy such a large area that it is strange not to make people jealous.

And if they belong to a powerful alliance, it is estimated that no one will come up to grab. But they don't even have a logo on their body. It is very likely that there are some players who have no union power. Such players are bullied without pressure.

However, this group of people apparently found the wrong object this time. If the former left-breaking army can reveal the name of the Soul Mercenary Corps on the head, these are a few more courageous, and will not come over.

The sloppy language of Stuart will be worthless to the gang of people on the opposite side. The scornful tone seems to be a way of saying a bunch of silks that are not critical. Let these powerful alliances of powers linger behind each other, and make a fortune. Those who dare not get used to it all have a black face. If it is not evil, they must have already rushed up. Ye Tianxie’s eyes glanced at them, his eyes stopped on the pattern printed on their chests, and suddenly he sneered: “It turned out to be the person of the Red Leaf League... Oh, you can already roll.”

The people of Hongye League are first and foremost. It seems that some people can’t believe in the style of evil days. They just let them go, but immediately, in fear, an incomparable grievance condenses in the chest. . . . that sneer, disdainful voice, and the infinite contempt that the voice is hidden, the look, even the roots are too lazy to look at them...

If they have retired before, it is because they are jealous of evil, and they retreat by knowing that they are invincible. This is also the most sensible choice... But this evil day reveals to them that they are as contemptuous as they are watching ants - even They are ants and have their dignity. There is another man who can bear such contempt - even if he is evil!

If they are gone now, it is estimated that even themselves, they will look down on themselves.

The person who took the lead was called Hongyehan. He was one of the thirty-seven masters of the Hongye League. There were more than 2,000 players in his hands. In addition to being in front of the ally, he is always sought after wherever he goes. If he is occupying any area, the sign of the owner of the Red Leaf League will be on the scene, where the players will walk away cautiously... When is it so despised by one person? The disdainful voice and demeanor have been faced.

A flaming fire burned, the flame was fierce and even depressed the previous fear... He did not leave, bite his teeth, if he really left, then a dog that was scared away by the evil sky What's the difference.

"Oh, dear brother, I think there may be a problem in my ear... You just let them go?" Murong Qiu Shui showed a rather exaggerated expression and knocked on his ear, as if I thought that there was a problem with my ears.

"You didn't get it wrong," Stuart immediately put on the interface, and his face showed a very poor expression: "Our head is a good person, or a good person with principles. Even if you meet a bad person, you must have enough to take it." The qualifications are right? These little fish are even too lazy to start, how can I qualify for our head... Ang, let them get out of the way, blocking it is really blocking the line of sight."

The smattering of Situ's moment seems to have poured a large bucket of gasoline on the anger of the people of Hongye League. All the angers are smashing up. Everyone releases the anger of the beast, and the anger is under the top. Even the fear of evil days has been suppressed... Now, it is estimated that they are asking them to go, and they will not be willing to give up.

The weapon of Hongyehan was drawn out by him, pointing to Ye Tianxie, his eyes shining with the spur of fire: "Evil day!! Others are afraid of you, Lao Tzu is not afraid of you! I admit that you are indeed very powerful, but I am not in Hongye League. One is a scorpion! We are all dead in your hands today, but we have more than 100,000 brothers in the Red Leaf League! Do you think that our Red Leaf League will be afraid of a bad area? We countless brothers can drown you in a mouthful of water. One hundred times, I advise you, being a low-key person!!"

The left-handed army looked at his eyes and became pity.

Situ and the Murong Qiushui showed a helpless expression at the same time, and even the muscles of Situ's ruthless face twitched.

It is the most powerful force of the Chinese nation. It is more than ten times as large as the Red Leaf League. However, it was killed by one person and wounded without any injury. It also took away the leader of their leader. Abuse... Then, the wing of the sky is devastated. Ye Tianxie’s sudden appearance of more than 400 million is how others come. Others don’t know, but they know very well. And after such a long time, the wing of the sky does not say revenge, and there is no sound. why? Because they have personally learned the horror of evil days. Although he can't deal with thousands of people by one person, as long as he locks in the target, how many people are arranging for him.

Therefore, what the lord of the Red Leaf League said, for them, the root is a purebred idiot to say it.

As the sound of the red leaves fell, the people behind him also picked up the weapons. Even if you are dead, you don’t look back. Ye Tianxie glanced at them and smiled casually: "Oh, Red Leaf League? After that, don't take the name of Hongye League to arbitrarily, because it will become a synonym for shame... Hongye League will soon be from the world of destiny ……disappear!"



Surrounded by it, it suddenly became quiet, and all the people of the Red Leaf League were stunned, and even the four left-wingers were there.

"Boss will not be serious?" Zuo Bianjun whispered.

"Do you think our second brother is like a joke?" Murong Qiu Shui glanced at him.

"But... even the second brother..."

Murong Qiuqiu moved his nose and did not speak.

If Ye Tianxie can kill their ally under the protection of all members of the Red Leaf League, they are completely convinced, but if he can kill one ally by himself... or the huge Red Leaf League...

This is not something that one can do! Even if it is currently the most powerful, with a million people covering the sky and the gods, it is almost impossible to do. And Ye Tianxie will not have any power in his hands, he really wants to...

"Ha ha ha ha, ha ha ha ha..." After a short silence, the red leaf cold was not afraid, but instead laughed like a funny joke: "Everyone says evil days, I am a knowledge today. . . . This is nothing but arrogance. It’s just crazy. Even my own name is forgotten. You want to destroy our Red Leaf League? Well, there is a kind of you who have killed our Red Leaf League today!! If you can kill it today, I am a red leaf league, I call you a grandfather for a lifetime, if you can't destroy it, oh... you are evil, that is, my grandson is not aware of the high-grand grandson!"

A murderous murder suddenly shot at the red leaf cold, so that his body could not help but tremble. This murderousness is not from Ye Tianxie, but from the left-breaking army and Murong Qiu Shui.

Ye Tianxie was unexpectedly not angry, his mouth was slightly hooked, and he slowly said: "I don't have a grandson like you."

"Haha, how come, don't you dare? Hey... evil days, no ability, don't be so arrogant. If you kill me, what is the matter?" Red leaves cold sneer, while lifting their own talker, gloomy I laughed: "I have just recorded all the videos. I will send them to the Internet right away. If there is a kind of thing, I will kill my Red Leaf League today. Otherwise, the whole world will know that you are my Red Leaf League. Grandson, hahahaha..."

Before being dismissed by disdain, the red-yellow chill that sighed with anger and humiliation caught the opportunity of slamming back and deflation, and began to vent madly. He knew that what he said before would definitely let the evil day kill him. He knew that he would die. He was not afraid, but he was screaming and screaming.

Ye Tianxie is still not angry. Instead, he has a playful expression. If he looks at the performance, he looks at the red leaves and the big cockroaches. When he finishes, he turns around and gently sighs and says: Oh, are you serious? Very good... Now, let’s just send the video to the Internet. The sooner the better, go... Let’s tell a red leaf gale, let him go offline immediately. Turn off all communication tools, otherwise he will not sleep untilnight."

Ye Tianxie’s words made the red leaves cold and stagnate, and suddenly there was a clear sense of suffocation. He sneered and said: “Hey, evil days, there are species, come to our Hongye League... oh, let’s go !"

As soon as he finished, he took it back to the city at the fastest speed and saw him leave. The people behind him immediately left. From the beginning to the end, Ye Tianxie did not shoot to stop them.

Today's birthday, I received a lot of blessings, received a lot of rewards, rewarded me for receiving, blessing, and also brought to you. 】

Excited... I love you! Mars exists for you! 】

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