Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 493: Xiaojie’s determination


"Oh... the Hongye League plaque was destroyed. The Hongye League guild channel was closed, all the large and small stations were reclaimed, all the original Hongye League members were automatically separated... The Hongye League was dissolved. The guild name will be locked for two weeks, and the original red leaves within two weeks. The Owner of the League can apply again to rebuild the Red Leaf League. After two weeks, the lock will be lifted. Any player who meets the conditions can apply to register for the 'Hongye League' guild..."

The loud reminder sounds throughout the Huaxia District. When the size of a trade union reaches the top ten of the entire theater, no matter the establishment or advancement, there will be a theater sound, which is equivalent to the propaganda initiated by the system. Similarly, if the top ten guilds with comprehensive strengths are disbanded or disappeared for any reason, there will be a prompt tone.

All the players in the Huaxia Theater were in the first moment of violent movement...

Since the evil sky rushed into the Red Leaf League, no one dared to believe that Ye Tianxie could not destroy the Red Leaf League. But when this reminder sounded, their reaction was still deep horror and long sluggishness...

It’s gone... A big guild has been standing in the game world for five years. The Red Leaf League, which nobody knows, is really destroyed. It is still destroyed by one person!

Time, pointing to 10:40.

At this time, I don’t know how many people are in the air.

ten minutes! !

It only took ten minutes! !

This is not a rumor, not a fairy tale, it is the fact that they saw it with their own eyes and heard it! The system prompt tone can never be faked.

The players in China are shuddering... and the guilds of the guilds are more firmly remembering the names of evil days. Seeing the detour, this will undoubtedly become a creed that they must abide by in the future. Throughout the entire China, how many more comprehensive strength than the Red Leaf League? The conflict between a lord of the Red Leaf League and his fart can lead to the demilitarization... Who else has eaten the leopard and can’t think of it any more!

In the Red Leaf League, a roaring sound with incomparable resentment sounded, and the red leaf gale watched the guild plaque ruined. When the eartips sounded, he changed the calm and gentle text of the weekday, such as the mad madman rushed to the Ye Tianxie, Ye Tianxie is a scream of laughter. He doesn’t look at him. He takes back Beckham and the ice feathers under his body rises and flies out on their heads. The room has already flown out of the hall.

The players of the Red Leaf League all stayed there, and they were at a loss. The big scream of the red leaves gale came out: "Give me the kill!! Kill him!!"

The temperament of the red leaf gale is notoriously calm and soft, not arrogant, this is even the first time they heard him making such a loss of control, can imagine how angry and even desperate he is now. However, the Red Leaf League was destroyed, and their fighting spirits were wiped out almost without a trace. Almost even the desire to run and catch up could not be lifted.

Ye Tianxie stopped in the sky above the Hongye League and looked at it silently. The low voice passed very far and was quickly spread to all corners of the Huaxia country by various media: "You all listen... remember Live, the Red Leaf League is destroyed by my evil days. If it is gone, you will never want to appear again! If there is another 'Red Leaf League' in the future, no matter who it is, I will destroy it! Any guild established by the Red Leaf Gale, How much is built, how much I am ruining! The guild that dares to keep the red leaves and gale, I will also let it die! From today, the Red Leaf League... will disappear forever!"

The words "permanently disappearing" completely eliminate the fate of the Red Leaf League in the world of destiny. There is such a sentence in his life, and with the terrible strength he showed today, even if the Red Leaf League is really established, who else will join? ? Who dares to join? The Hongye League in the strong period was still destroyed by the evil spirits in just ten minutes. It is not easy to destroy a reconstructed Red Leaf League! ?

From the words of the evil world, the discerning person is enough to hear something... Everything today seems not to be the clash of everyone, but the hatred of Ye Tianxie on the red leaf gale. Otherwise, why does he need it? Deliberately targeted at the red leaves. His words are squatting. After the red leaves, they don’t want to set up a trade union in the world of destiny. Even joining other trade unions can't... because no one dares to take it.

After that, Ye Tianxie made a cold smile, and the feathers of the ice breeze broke away. In the blink of an eye, they disappeared into the line of sight. At the speed of the weeping feathers, they just wanted to chase them. . Although he left, the original Hongye League station where countless players gathered gathered for a long time and could not calm down.

"Call... It’s terrible. If someone told me before that I could kill the Red Leaf League for ten minutes, I will treat him as a mental illness... Now even if I see it on the spot, I still don’t dare to hear it. Believe in your own five senses... It’s terrible.” The gods of the gods’ domain are staring at the shocked face... Today, he and the funeral **** came to the scene, I wanted to see a good show, I never thought of it. What I saw was actually the result.

"If the original Tian Mo Xie is the peak player of the game world, then the evil day... is just a bug-like existence." The funeral slowly said.

"Bug? Indeed... this is the virtual game world, not a stand-alone game... No! Even a stand-alone game, there is no such exaggeration. It is impossible to imagine that in this world where the rule is fixed, How come today's strength."

"In short, don't provoke him as much as possible. This person made me feel jealous and fearful in the game world for the first time. Having said that..." The brow of the burial **** was slightly wrinkled and his eyes became sharp: "In this game world, It seems to hide something particularly interesting."

"Less Lord, what do you mean?" The gods are slightly puzzled.

"We have always habitually regarded "Destiny" as a game world like the virtual game we have experienced, following the rules of leveling, exploding equipment, establishing and developing guilds... But the performance of evil days has been especially Everything that is revealed today, let me begin to understand why this game world is called "Destiny." "The burial **** eyes a glimpse, then said: "This virtual game world is not built with the technology of our planet, its fundamental philosophy. And the world view may not be the same as our virtual game world. The core element of the virtual game world in the past is balance... But "Destiny" is pursuing an imbalance!"

"This..." The gods are amazed.

"What is fate? Destiny is the experience of a person's life. If you follow the rules of the virtual game, you will follow the rules and go to the level of equipment. In this cycle, his fate will be as ordinary as countless people. Evil heaven... He is called the 'unbeaten evil emperor', acting arbitrarily, will not take the path of ordinary people, he goes to places where others dare not go, doing things that others will not do... and therefore, he The fate is destined to be different from others."

The burial **** looked up and said with a smile: "Now, I finally understand... I think that after today, many people will understand. And those who do not understand can only be ordinary in this world of "Fate". Go on."

The gods of the gods carefully thought about the words of the burial god. They must look up. He looked up and nodded and said, "The Lord, I understand."

The funeral nodded, looked at the direction of the evil day, and silently looked at the place where the original Hongye League was, and said: "Let's go... I am looking forward to the fate of my world. ...will lead to where."

"Let's go." In another corner, a sword Lingyun said in a light silence after a long silence. He walked two steps, but found that the person behind him did not come over, frowning back, seeing the shadow of the star soul is just looking at the direction of the evil day, such as the loss of the soul.

"Xiaojie, go." A sword Lingyun again. His face was calm, but in reality the tremors in his heart were as intense as volcanic eruptions. Before that, he could hardly imagine that one person could be so powerful. The gap between his evil days is vastly different.

The shadow star soul returned to God, but he did not take a step, saw a sword Lingyun three seconds, suddenly said: "I want to leave the cycle."

"Reason." A sword Ling Yun asked directly.

The shadow star soul did not speak.

"Do you want to join the Heavenly Mercenary Mercenary?" A sword Lingyun slightly frowned.

"No." The shadow star spirit shook his head and looked straight at a sword Lingyun with a firm gaze: "We Lingjia has you sitting in the town and not reincarnation, it is enough. It doesn't matter whether it is me or not. It doesn't matter. Things, you don’t even have to mention it with the king, because he wouldn’t care about my little Lingjie’s stay.”

"Why are you leaving?"

"Because, I want to be as powerful as evil days!" When the movie star soul finished this sentence, there seemed to be something shining in the depths of his eyes.

A sword Lingyun: "..."

"I finally understand why today, whether it is the original Tian Moxie, or the evil days now will be so strong. And why is the blood demon month with the same name as Tian Moxie so strong... I have been treating "Destiny" for a long time. A simple game, but they don't have..." The shadow star soul turned and went: "The game world, the only thing that determines a person's strength is only the level, equipment, attributes... I used to think that, now, I Believe - no!"

A sword Lingyun: "..."

In the silent, he received the sound of the shadow star soul has been separated from the invincible reincarnation.

"Well, I have already retired from the indefinite. In the future, whenever I go, I will act alone... and I will only go where you will not go. Because...after today, I will only kill Destroy the monsters above my level 20! You have also said that peace and quiet will never grow. In the future, every day, I will challenge my own limits. No matter what the outcome, even once a day, I will face it once or even I died... I also looked at this road."

After that, the shadow star spirit walked in the opposite direction.

"Two and a half months later, the first Magic Wu Conference in each theater was held... I am looking forward to you, you can defeat me at that time." A sword Lingyun looked at his back and lowered his eyebrows.

The footsteps of the shadow star soul paused and continued on, his goal has been locked.

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