Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 670: Rushing sunshine

The daylighting is in front of you, but the pressure from his gods has completely disappeared, and the disappearance has disappeared, and there is no residue left. The terrible heat that he released was completely gone, as if the root had never appeared. This is enough to make Ye Tianxie puzzled, and the reaction of Tianzhao is even more amazing...

The red-yellow light around the body of the sky was shaking, the outstretched hand was slightly trembling, and the reddish-eyed eyelids contracted conspicuously... as if something was happening that made him fear.

Because she found that her body was suppressed by something, it could not move. Then, even the last control of the body was lost. The red-yellow light on the body suddenly dissipated, and the body was free from the sky. The falling state fell down, and the heavy fall fell on the ground in front of Ye Tianxie.

This sudden change made Ye Tianxie unprepared, and for a time he did not know what to do. A few seconds after the silence, Tianzhao finally recovered his control of his body. He stood up from the ground, and there was a bit of awkwardness between his looks... He had existed for a few years, but he never experienced a sudden loss. The terrible feeling of controlling your body... This feeling appears on a true God like him, enough to make him fear.

The control of the body is restored, but the fear of being left in the heart for a long time will be difficult to erase. This feeling eventually turns into extreme anger, and the hand slams out, without any reserved attack to Ye Tianxie...

Ye Tianxie did not move... and Tianzhao’s body suddenly stopped again.

His raised hand was stiff in the air, and the control of the body that had just recovered suddenly disappeared again, making him unable to perceive the existence of his body for a moment. The body seemed to have no belong to him, and all the feelings were gone. He went away... The pupil of the sun shone again, and the body fell soft again on the ground. In the eyes, it is full of horror and incredible than before...

what happened……

My body... Why can't I move...

what happened! !

Ye Tianxie's brows were wrinkled, and the reaction of Tianzhao made him unable to confuse him. Star Baoer also turned his face and looked at the sky as if he was puzzled. He looked up and asked: "Boss, how is he? What? It seems very strange..."

"Boa, stand here and don't move!"

Ye Tianxie whispered, let go of the star treasure, and the shadow of the shadows rushed forward, and suddenly rushed to the front of the sky, a blow of fate sanctions cut on his body...



Under the sanction of life, there are 800 million damages... It means that there are more than eight billion lives in the sky! And that "1" means that his basic attack power is completely unable to break his defense.

"Guardian sanctions... poisonous!"


"Oh... the defense of the sun has dropped to zero within 24 hours."

The connection was attacked by Ye Tianxie twice. The sun still could not stand up from the ground. The attack of Ye Tianxie began to fall on him like a blast...

"The Devil of Destiny!"

"Water guide!"

"The soul of destiny!"

"Magic Sanctions - Magic Brake!"

"Scorpio sanction - God collapses!"

"Dragon Soul Crack!"

The power of sanctions has been repeated on Tianzhao's body, and then it is the dragon spirit split that is fully swayed.

With the ability of the sky, even if his defense power is forced to fall to zero, such attack intensity will not have any effect on his body. However, under the dragon's soul, the sunshine at this time was retired again and again. After five dragons split, Tianzhao was repulsed more than 30 meters like a kicked ball. far.

Finally, he once again restored his control of the body, and suddenly got up, the angry blow with resentment slammed into Ye Tianxie... It was about to kill him into a pile of broken debris that could not be broken again. He is a **** of the mainland, and he is so abused by a human being. How can he not be angry! !

However, just in the moment when the attack was about to be shot, his eyes were once again horrified, because he once again lost control of the body, and then it was the unreserved attack of Ye Tianxie...

"Oh! Master, it’s weird, why don’t this big sister attack? It’s so powerful. If you attack, you can knock down the owner at once.” Fruits floated with the movement of Ye Tianxie’s body. While shouting in his ear.

Why doesn’t Tianzhao attack? This is also the answer that Ye Tianxie wants to know, even the answer that Tianzhao wants to know.

It’s not that the sky doesn’t want to attack, but one after another. At the moment when he is about to launch an attack, the power of the whole body will suddenly disappear. One, two, three, four, five times... I finally found this terrible fact.

Once again, the control of the body was restored. The body of Tianzhao moved back and moved to a hundred meters away. The hands clenched and gasped against Ye Tianxie...

What happened... Why did the power disappear when it started an attack... Is my power blocked by something, can't it be used?

The emotion of the sky has experienced dramatic fluctuations. The power of God is terrible after all. With the turbulence that he please press, the surrounding air is also violently turbulent. The sky is in great anger, and the hand slams backwards, and a loud noise comes from behind. The hill was smashed in the air and turned into a flat land.

This time, there was no feeling of power disappearing. Tianzhao’s eyes are cold, his fingers are turned up, and the colorless Sunfire is burning between his fingers... This is a kind of person who will not die, but will smash people, burning for forty-nine days before The flame of its burning is more cruel and terrible than the fire that can burn a city into ashes. This kind of fire, he only used to sanction the evil beast, let it yield in pain, or use it for the first time.

The big sun burned, without any block completion, and then he waved to Ye Tianxie... But, at the moment he swung his palm, he felt clear and clear, and the big sun fire went out for a moment. And his body once again lost all power...

In the end... what happened! ?

Is this... curse?

Tianzhao fell in the horror of the horror... He finally began to understand that not his power was blocked and could not be used, but... the novel came to fight as long as his attack was against Ye Tianxie, inside his body. The power, and the power that he exerts, will be as if it has been evacuated, and disappeared without a trace.

Curse... He can only understand that this is a curse!

"Oh, Tianzhao, this is the strength of your **** of Dongpu? It’s really a big laugh. I haven’t done it yet, you can get rid of yourself. The power of your great god... oh, really right and wrong The same is true."

"You..." In the face of Ye Tianxie, it was full of sneer sneer, and Tian Zhao’s heart was unstoppable and there was fear. From the moment he just snarled him for at least ten seconds, he was shocked enough. Now... his body seems to have been planted with a terrible demon. As long as he attacks Ye Tianxie, the power will be exhausted. The body will be powerless to fall directly.

He can think that this is the technique of the demon used by Ye Tianxie...because there is no other person besides him.


The fullness of the wrath of the sun, the recovery from the force, he abandoned the majestic roar of God, his hands raised over the top, for a time, the sky was dark and dense, and the huge force shrouded the earth with the collapse of the sky. ... This time, his power did not target Ye Tianxie, but directly enveloped the vast land around him... The attack could not attack him, and it directly destroyed the land under his feet.

The thunder of the rumble rang in the sky, and the whole face of the sky was incomparably dark... Suddenly, his face changed dramatically in a moment, and the body fell straight from the sky, and I didn’t know where to float. The dark clouds disappeared without a trace, and the dark earth under the black clouds also restored the light.

"How... how can this be." Azure looked at his own hands... He obviously did not target Ye Tianxie, but locked the whole piece of land, why the power suddenly disappeared.

Is it... as long as it will hurt his attack, it will be swallowed up...

This is exactly what... ?

"Sure enough, the power of God is boundless. The power of the **** of Dongpu is really admirable. The teeth are falling, hahahaha..." Ye Tianxie patted his hand and walked close to the sky. Although he also did not understand what happened to Tianzhao, the horror of the face of this **** of the East will not be false. And he was able to play with his **** of the East, and he couldn’t play such a fake game with him.

"Where should you go back, go back, don't throw your Dongren's face again!!"

Ye Tianxie's body moved, and the dragon's soul smashed into the sky. The sky snorted and was swept away by the distant cockroaches. When it landed, the body slid far away on the ground.

Obviously, a face can destroy him. He clearly has a different strength. He can only passively withstand his repeated attacks, without any ability to fight back. This feeling of being trampled, scorned, ridiculed, and disdainful by a human being makes Tianzhao’s heart explode. He recovered the body and he did not launch an attack. He looked at Ye Tianxie with a bitter look. He remembered every feature of Ye Tianxie's body and then disappeared in front of him.

The current sunshine can only choose to escape... to escape in front of a human being.

Ye Tianxie calmed down with a sneering face, and the condensation between the eyebrows was deeply puzzled. In the ear, it is the cheer of the fruit: "Wow! The master is too powerful, but it is the **** of the East God... The master actually beat the gods of Dongpu!!"

Ye Tianxie returned to the front of Star Baoer and smiled and said: "It seems that we are all dead, and that national border scroll is also useless."

"That's it! I said, how can the boss die?!" Star Baoer almost jumped to him in front of him, and then said with amazement: "But it’s strange, just that person. It’s so powerful, but why..."

"噗通", when it was said that half of the Star Bao children, suddenly the body swayed and fell to the ground, motionless.

Ye Tianxie was shocked and quickly helped her up. He just wanted to talk, and suddenly found that Star Bo's entire face was pale and could hardly see a trace of blood. Her eyes are closed and she has no consciousness.

It wasn't that she accidentally fell down... but it suddenly fainted. I passed out in this game world.

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