At the end of the night, Star Bo still did not wake up. Ye Tianxie has not moved, and she has not called her again. He knows that she is actually really tired, so let her rest well.

When I went to sleep, the fruit went straight to sleep and yawned. Ye Tianxie stayed in the same position and was pressed by Star Treasure. The body was somewhat numb, but he did not want to move to avoid awakening her. The monsters that are occasionally close are all solved by Beckham. After getting Huang Yuan and Green Wave and career advancement, Ye Tianxie's attack ability rose sharply. However, on the ability of single attack, unless the blood of fate is sacrificed, it is still not comparable to Beckham. At present, Beckham's basic attack ability is 3720, and the nightmare's claw becomes 11122. After the riot light, you can hit 12 seconds in one second. One second is just 100,000 damage. The same level of monsters has no suspense spikes. Ten-level monsters can't hold back for a few seconds... not to mention the high probability of death and absolute hits. The suppression of the level on the hit does not exist at all in Beckham.

There is no night in the world of destiny. Ye Tianxie took a look at the time. It was already after midnight, and Star Baoer still kept his original position in his arms, and there was no sign of waking up. Ye Tianxie confessed to Beckham, let him wake up all around, and closed his eyes... But he didn't close his eyes for a long time, and he felt the strange touch in front of him.

Ye Tianxie opened his eyes and silently watched Starbucks yawn, subconsciously reaching out to his own eyes. Star Baoer finally felt the existence of Ye Tianxie, turned to look at him, his eyes flicked for several times, his eyes said: "Boss, how are you here... Oh, how do I fall asleep."

"I also want to know how you fell asleep." Ye Tianxie said with a smile.

Star Baoer just wanted to say something, and suddenly the whole body trembled, screaming and jumping from Ye Tianxie, his hands subconsciously guarded his chest, and his face panicked and said: "Old and old boss... you and you You didn't do anything to me!!"

"o(╯□╰)o...what can I do to you."

"Cocoa...but how can I be sleeping with you! People are girls! You have never been taken by a man, you and you... I am..." Starbucks panicked, her The reaction is big, and the reality is beyond the expectation of Ye Tianxie. Ye Tianxie turned his eyes and stood up from the ground. Because he was sitting for too long, his body was somewhat numb, and he stood up a little while he stood up. "I don't hold you, can you let you sleep on this pitted ground?"

"But...but...but how can I suddenly fall asleep?" Starbucks is still in the fuss. She knocked on her head, and then she calmed down a little and recalled the previous thing: "...I remember, the man named Tianzhao ran away, then I was talking to the boss, then..."

"Then I fell asleep. To be precise, it was fainted." Ye Tianxie walked to the side of Star Baoer, holding one hand on her shoulder and bowed down and asked: "Bo, you know why you are." Fainted? Did you suddenly faint like this?"

Star Baoer looked at him and shook his head.

Ye Tianxie sighed slightly and said: "Boa, since you know that I have investigated you, you should know that I am very clear about your current state. You don't need to hide me... Is it your body, let you be Is it often coma here?"

Ye Tianxie’s words made Star Bao’s expression clearly stunned, and his face showed a clear panic: “I...I don’t have it, my body is...and it’s not...”

Ye Tianxie just asked for an exit, and it has already reacted... The left-wing army found out that Xing Bo’s physical state was passed through a test list that was secretly discarded by Star Treasure. She knows that Ye Tianxie knows the environment she is in, but she does not know that Ye Tianxie knows her physical condition. Hearing, it was a panic for a while...because, that is the secret that no one knows except herself.

Since I have already said that it is impossible to talk to each other, he will kneel down and say softly to Star Treasure: "Boa, when I first met you, I did investigate people, and those who investigated People are almost the strongest intelligence organization in China. They won't let go of any clues. Everything you know, I know very well, including when and where you were picked up by your 'mother', including you. The current physical condition... Boa, I know, this thing, even you have forgotten, because you already know your ending, you don’t care, just want to finish all your thoughts at the end of life. Doing things. However, you must also want to have someone who is worried about you, right?"

Star Baoer looked at him and slowly lowered her head. She did not deny it. With a low voice, she said faintly: " know that I am a person who will die soon, why To be so good to me, I will die... It is impossible to pay back your money, and it is impossible to repay you. Why do you want to be so good to me... I... so much money, you can obviously do it. A lot of things, why would I be willing to give me such a dead person..."

"Because you are a treasure. Boa is my friend. When I was besieged by the people who were covered by the sky, I killed a single person and saved me. From then on, we will know, and Become a good partner, we also signed a 'selling deed' right away, bought you with a lot of money, stayed with me... you surprised me at that time, and I have a strong will The impulse to stay. But at that time, what I was looking at was the value of the potential stage in your body. Later, I slowly learned about you."

He grabbed the hands of Star Boer and smiled and said: "There is no such thing as no reason in this world. We are already good partners. I will help you. It is something you should do as a partner. And you The money I get from my hands is also what you deserve. It is what you have exchanged for your own abilities and efforts. It is definitely not for me to give you. And the things you give me, the value, are far. More than the money I gave you, so..."

"Boss..." Star Baoer interrupted his words, bowed his head and said in a very light voice: "I am really not stupid, you don't need to comfort me, I know all, one has more money. People, can't be willing to do it for only half a year, pour nearly a billion dollars in a person's body... just, I have never known, you know that my physical condition, I am willing to be so right. I... I... I..."

For a dying person, a person who is destined to be unable to return to him, but willing to silently pour so much... she feels the trembling of her heart. These may be just the subconscious behavior of Ye Tianxie, but for her, it is a debt that cannot be completed in ten lifetimes. No one has no reason, she is close to him, and she has always been only for money, why should she be so good to her a mortal person...

"Who said that you will die?" This time, Ye Tianxie interrupted her words. He straightened up and said with a mild look: "You need so much money, it is for the vow you made, you hope So many people around you... Those who are abandoned, seriously ill, and children can get happiness, hope that 'mother' can get better, but they haven’t thought about themselves... but, he put Star Treasure Both hands grabbed and said: "Remember the original 'selling deed' of our sign? Eighty-nine million, you are already selling yourself to me, and, since you have called me Be the boss, that is my little sister for a lifetime, since it is my person... how can I allow you to die?"

Star Baoer looked up at her face and her nose twitched. Suddenly she cried and tears came out.

At this moment, she really began to fear that she would really die... never been so scared.

Just as she was shocked by Ye Tianxie's hug, she couldn't help but lean her body on his chest, secretly crying, crying and speechless.

Ye Tianxie held her shoulders, and her heart filled with a slight warmth: "...just before, I thought I would die in the hands of Azure, there is no second possibility. But, The impossible is true. This makes me believe that the world has never been absolute. Even if I have fallen into the abyss, I will not give up hope as long as I have not reached the last moment. Believe me, I will not It really makes you die."

"Well... I believe, I really believe." Star Baoer is crying, and the clothes on the chest of Ye Tianxie who are crying are all wet. "Boss, do you know the two words that I hate, what is it?" ?"


"It’s fate... I hate these two words. At first, my mother and I said that the fate of a person is born to be doomed, and we are destined to be a bitter person, unable to change... I don’t believe it! Why? We must be hard-working people, why can't we change... I really don't believe it. They say that the big houses in the city can only be seen from afar, they can't live forever, I don't believe, I want everyone to be Living in a big house, they said that going to school can only be a dream. I don't believe it. I want the children there to go to school. They said that the mother's roots can't be cured... I don't believe it! I will make my mother better. Everyone is getting better... Since it is an unfair fate, why should we go to the right and not to fight... Say what fate is doomed and cannot change, I don't believe it! I am going to change..."

Star Baoer’s words swayed Ye Tianxie’s heart. He found that he was still underestimating the girl. Her heart was pure... even in purity, she was detached from a realm that ordinary people could not reach.

She is only 15 years old!

"Yes. So, Boa also believes that he will be better... At the same time, believe me too, okay? I am not a lie." Ye Tianex extended his finger and gently hooked it. In this way, a delicate little finger of Star Baoer passed her a vow.

"Yeah!" Star Baoer hooked him back with his fingers: "What is the boss's most common words in my heart... That sentence often appears in my heart when I first became conscious, but also That sentence, let me support the present - as long as enough to believe and persever, what kind of miracle, can happen, is this sentence! When I sleep every day, I will read this sentence to fall asleep... ...every day."

As long as you believe and persist, what kind of miracle can happen...

At first glance, it seems to be a very common sentence. But from the mouth of Star Boer, but inexplicably let Ye Tianxie feel a shock, as if by something invisible to gently hit.

", I believe that I can bring happiness to those around me. I did it. We have a bigger house now, we can eat better, we wear higher, and those children can go to school... I have done it all. My mother's illness will be better, I will do it... Before, I firmly believe that the boss must not have something, will not die... Then, the boss really does not die. Well, that Tianzhao actually ran away, hehe."

Ye Tianxie: "..." g! ~!

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