Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 675: Team final

Holding the purple slate in the hand, the heart of Ye Tianxie is difficult to calm down for a long time. Its power is unquestionable, and to play its attributes, it must be embedded in the equipment... Where should he be embedded?

The moment of destiny is naturally impossible. As a special equipment, it can't be embedded in anything. Even if it can, Ye Tianxie will not allow anything that will destroy the things left by Xian.

Equipment on the body... At present, helmets, armor and boots are all 50-level equipment, and there will always be changes in the future. The brave guardian of the face, after he got Huang Yuan, the "spirit of destiny" was opened, the base lost its function... because in the past its greatest role was to attach the "crude heart" to an absolute crit, and the fate The blazing soul is an additional 30 seconds of absolute crit. The current brave guards are only used to cover the face.

On the wing of the Akane? As a genius of the gods, it is impossible to make a cloak of the gods. However, the most powerful attribute of Ziyao Stone is that the purple light emitted can cause a deterrent to the dark and undead monsters. Therefore, this purple saucy stone is best exposed in front of the body, so you can use the light to shake the front. The enemy, if it is set in the back, will be covered by its own body...

Holding this special gem with the attributes of the anti-sky, for a time, Ye Tianxie could not think of how to use it.

He put Zi Yao Shi back, took the star glass back home, played with her for a little while, and finally took her back to the bed and watched her sleep peacefully. With Ye Tianxie around, she fell asleep very quickly, very stable, and her body did not curl up as before. Before she fell asleep, Ye Tianxie also seriously accepted that she would stay with her and would not leave.

When the star glass fell asleep, Ye Tianxie stood up from the bed and came to the middle of the room, kneeling down on the ground, took out the Yanyangzhu, and released the Emperor Dongzhu from the Yanyangzhu.

Suddenly, a group of dim and thin green light is released, which is the light of the green soul. Ye Tianxie's eyes just looked at the Emperor's face and he had no interest. Finally, his gaze fell on a jade jade hanging on his chest...

That is……

One of the three artifacts of the king of Dongpu, eight feet Qionggou jade!

"Oh... it’s the smell of the green soul, oh... the fruit is woken up by this smell."

The fruit that was awakened by the taste of the green soul yawned and floated out. It is now four o'clock in the morning. It is the sweetest time when the fruit is usually sleeping, so even if she ran out, she was also a listless look. .

Ye Tianxie’s gaze was fixed on the eight-footed Qiongyu jade, slowly saying: “The reason why the Emperor’s vitality was not taken away by the green soul should be this eight-footed Qiong jade. At the same time, it also trapped the young soul. This emperor's body can't be separated... Then, if you take this hook jade down..."

"Yeah! No!" The fruit immediately stopped, "The fruit feels that it is indeed this thing to transfer the power to the uncle, and block the green soul. If you take it down, the soul will immediately Run away... The green soul is not willing to go back to the moment of fate. If it smells the fate of the moment, it will run away immediately, and then find someone to possess... Yes! Green soul It is very clever, as smart as Blue Dragon. When it finds someone to possess, it will definitely come back to kill the owner because of the fate of the master... Hey, so scared."

Ye Tianxie: "..."

"What should I do?" Ye Tianxie's hand stopped in the air and said.

"It's very simple."

"...What?" Ye Tianxie looked up at the fruit...

"Hmm! It is to find a safe place, then take that thing down, and then wait for the green soul to escape, the owner finds the person who is possessed by the green soul, killing the green soul! The owner even Huang Yuanhe The combination of Green Wave has defeated you, and you can certainly defeat the Green Soul." Fruit really nodded.

Ye Tianxie twitched his mouth and did not speak.

This is a method of p... and does not say that whether he can defeat the strength is far better than the green soul of Huang Yuan and Green Wave. If the green soul really has the intelligence of blue dragonfly, if you deliberately hide yourself, you How could it be so easy to find out which one is possessed by the Qingshen.

"Forget it." Ye Tianxie took the Emperor into the Yanyangzhu, stood up, silently thinking about & If you can find the nameless, he should know how to solve it... wrong! Ye Tianxie shook his head again... It was said that he had to rely on his own strength to find the core of fate, and he could not rely on anyone.

Then, should...

Suddenly, Ye Tianxie’s brain flashed...

If the green spirit is bound to be attached to a person or a beast, then if you can exert strength, then if it is in a relatively small space, can it be easily found?

At the same time, if the Qingshen really has the wisdom and consciousness of human beings, it chooses to possess it, and it is most likely to be a human carrier. And when it comes to the least people, and other worlds, and the places that are lost in the mainland...

Novice Village!

The map size of Novice Village is not as big as one thousandth of the lost in the mainland. Although there are many beasts, the npc of each novice village is less pitiful. At present, new players entering the world of destiny will be arranged only in the first 10,000 Novice Village for the sake of the number. The No. 60001 Novice Village where he was originally has no new players, that is, now there is no There will be players...unless someone who has a brain bleed has always stayed in the novice village.

Green soul...

The weird old lady who wants a million wolf eyes.

That promised to tell him a "great secret" woman after he found Xiao Ming...

The statue of the mysterious big raptor...

There are a lot of anti-sky props in the hands of the round... and, in the mouth of the crow, he has the ability to unlock the seal of Suzaku...

The water of life that can make the teeth of the dragon, the teeth of the dragon, and the imperial reincarnation in the hands of the left-handed army...

and also……

very many……

Then... Since there are so many reasons, today, I will return to the novice village. Ye Tianxie’s mouth evokes, today is the award ceremony. Novice village transmission scroll, there is nothing to stop Ye Tianxie from getting it.



In the early morning, the star glass woke up, the first thing I saw was the eyes of Ye Tianxie. She laughed and threw herself into his arms. After a short while, she slept comfortably.

Starry glass has amethyst on all sides of the body. He has tried to let the star glass remove the amethyst, but. Star Glass i also has no way to remove them, just as they are part of the body of the glass.

The motionless squatting close to his Amethyst girl, Ye Tianxie suddenly found that the girls around him had extraordinary experiences. Xiao Xi was entrusted to him by Xian Er, and his body was full of mystery. What she exposed in the real world is simply the power of the mythical gods, but she never shot in the game world, nor will she venture with Ye Tianxie... although Ye Tianxie is sure that she is in the world of destiny. It also has extraordinary strength. Fruits need not be said. Starbucks has a crystal heart that ordinary girls will never have. There is also a day-to-day production ability that makes people shocked again and again. Chen Xue is from death. She was rescued by the edge. Now she has the inheritance of the Baica Sage. She has the strongest cultivation, medicine, and refining techniques in China. The various rare medicines he usually uses are from her hands... ...and the amethyst girl around her, she is more than just "uncommon." Once you break the Qinglong, you will come up with a crystal that transcends the mysterious nature. Such a girl's root is not something that can be described as "extraordinary".

Speaking of it, he is not a normal person. Ye Tianxie laughed at himself with a mockery. He glanced at the star glass, couldn't help but kiss her face gently, and gently put her down, covered her with a quilt, and then silently off the line... If you don't go to breakfast, Fifi will definitely worry .



Lost City Center Arena.

"Hey... welcome players to the game. This morning, it will be the finals of our first team in the China Magic Wu Group, and the final game of this competition. After the game, we will hold the winners. The award ceremony...There are still ten minutes from the start of the competition. Please prepare for the competition."

"Second brother, have you really robbed the emperor of Dongpu? Really? Really? Really!!"

In the front row of the audience, Ye Tianxie is suffering from the indiscriminate bombing of a certain party. The six people participating in the Tianshen Mercenary Group turned a deaf ear to the just-prompted tone, and the expression was even less nervous. It seemed that they had already won the prize, and the root did not have to be on the heart.

"Let's let you see after the game is over... a middle-aged uncle who looks wretched, what are you so interested in?" Ye Tianxie said helplessly.

"It's not a matter of interest or dissatisfaction... Big Brother, you can actually rob the Emperor from the heavy guards of the Heavenly Palace. This is... I can't believe it if it doesn't lie." One million players together in the palace, it is completely looking for death, let alone hijacking the emperor." Ling Jie said with two eyes.

"Oh... Dear brother's wisdom is not something that you and other people can understand." Murong Qiu Shui sang a smile, said slowly: "No wonder the second brother to inquire about the location of the beast around the Emperor City... Hey, Sure enough, it’s a good thing to make a mistake, and then the fisherman will benefit... but even if others can think of it, it’s only the second brother who can do it.”

Situ was chin on the chin, and the spring breeze said, "I am interested in two things called the grass sword and the eight-footed Qiong jade... Dear head, can you..."

"Win the game and say it again." Ye Tianxie answered directly.

"ok!" Stuart took a snap. "If this game is not good, I will cut jj!"

The two teams that entered the finals, one is the team of the Heavenly Mercenary Mercenary, a total of six people: Su Feifei, Zuo Bianjun, Murong Qiushui, Shen Xiaoyao, Situ, and Situ.

The other is a team that does not destroy the reincarnation, a total of ten people. The two vacancies, one for the king and one for the dream feather. And these ten people...

All ranked in the top 30 of the China Rankings! It is an extremely powerful and luxurious lineup! g! ~!

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