Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 689: Kirin Heart

There is no magic in the world, and the so-called demons are forced by the cruel and ruthless side of human humanity.

I used to suffer from the evil, and finally received the bad results. Lost the invasion of the Mozu in the mainland, and it is not a disaster that human beings have brought to themselves. There must be a cause for it, a cause and a result, a cause and effect, and retribution is unsatisfactory. This is an axiom that has never changed. Ye Tianxie is silently thinking about his own self. At the beginning, he did not deeply resent the world because of everything he encountered. He hated and rejected everyone, and wanted revenge again and again...

"Some things, there is no way to distinguish between right and wrong, people have reasons, you have a reason to demon. Humans fight against the devil in order to protect their homeland, of course, there will be nothing wrong, and the devil in order to survive, but also to retaliate... seems to There is nothing wrong with it. Everyone is self-defeating. However, the expulsion of dark magic should at least be a matter of 10,000 years ago. At that time, people were already dead, and there should be no existence of the devil at that time... ...oh, except for the devil in your mouth, then..."

"I know what you want to say." Mrs. Blacksmith interrupted him: "Maybe you will feel that since the wrong person and the deportee were dead, we have no reason to be so dead with humans... but From the time when the first person who practiced dark magic was transformed into a demon under human persecution, the devil and the devil have become natural enemies. The hostility between man and devil does not need a reason, only victory or defeat."

"In this case, why do you want to marry a human." Ye Tianxie asked.

"Because, even if it is a demon, no one will like to fight and kill. Here, I have all the magic dreams. After so many years, my heart has become calm, and I don't want to be a 'magic.' '. What I said to you does not mean that I am still hostile to human beings. Those words, I am speaking to you as a former demon, and now I am... a person, an ordinary person. Man, a person who has no power and no dark power."

No dark power? No power?

"So, will your body recover?" Ye Tianxie swept over her body and asked with amazement.

"Yes, once my body was eroded by the dark forces, I could become one of the nine devils of the demon status second only to the devil. What I have had is the power of darkness... and the more the dark power Powerful, the more the body is back. If you have seen any of our nine demon kings, you will know how dark the power is at that level and how terrible the body will become."

Ye Tianxie did not see the demon king... In the underground of the illusionary orc ruins, the dark ghost king only had one point to be like a human, nine points more like a ghost, walking on the street, enough to scare the timid passers-by directly. Pee pants.

The devil is still like this, but I can imagine how much the darkest power of the demon **** will meet and how scary it will be... It will be enough to make a few months of nightmare without looking at it?

"I came here through the cracks in the space, and the dark forces disappeared. After that, I was in a coma for decades. In these decades, my original body was surrounded by various flowers and plants. Under the influence of the year, it gradually recovered and became a 'human'... If the demon bat did not appear, I may have forgotten that I used to be a demon and forgot the existence of the Mozu."

The depths of Mrs. Blacksmith’s eyes flashed deep anxiety. This is a world that is isolated from the world and will not be touched by those who she does not want to see, but she did not expect that even in such a world, she could not calm down.

"After you are still discovered by the Mozu people?" Ye Tianxu asked. The demon bat is undoubtedly a demon. It appears in the novice village. It is obviously because of the existence of her, and it is because of the discovery of her existence. So, there seems to be too many people to understand. The place, why did the bat catch her son, not her? What is the purpose of arresting her son? Coercion? Not at all. discipline? What is even less puzzling is how the bat came to the novice village?

There are a total of three volumes in the Novice Village. One of the mysterious businessmen in the first hand, one of them was used by himself. Is there a novice village transfer volume in the hand of the bat?

"No, they didn't find me. They all thought that I was dead. My appearance is already human. It is totally different from the past. The dark forces are all gone. They are standing in front of me. I will know who I am, let the demon bat come here, not me, but my son Xiao Ming." Mrs. Blacksmith... He is the voice of the former Qingge ghost king.

"Xiao Ming?" Ye Tianxie was amazed. Is there anything that can't be done on this little child?

Mrs. Blacksmith did not hide him at all, and the voice slowly explained: "My dark power has disappeared, and the body has become a human body, but my quality is still a demon, the environment and loss of our magical continent. The environment in the mainland is completely different. It is full of ridiculous, poisonous, cursed smoke, and countless disasters that may break out at any time. The body that grows up in this environment is destined to be different from people. So, Now I have a human appearance, but after all, it is not a real human being... Although it can be combined with people, the children born are also destined to be stillbirths."

Ye Tianxie: "!?"

"From the first day I was with my husband, I knew this fact. I am eager to have a child, so I succeeded in conceiving and giving birth, because, on my body, there is just one that can hold the child's life and let He won't die when he was born. That thing, when my child was still in my body, I was sealed in his body and became a long-time assimilation and child growth. His life."

A sense of chaos arises in the brain of Ye Tianxie. The source of the demon and the fact that the old woman is a demon king, he is reluctant to accept it, and what she said later makes him feel more like listening to a mystery. The strange story can not be Xuanqi.

These are some of the mess.

"Do you mean that the thing that attracted the demon bat to come here is the thing you sealed in your son's body?" Ye Tianxie said, this may be the only explanation.

Mrs. Blacksmith nodded indifferently: "Yes, the demon bat follows its breath and does not hesitate to follow it."

"But..." Ye Tianxie frowned and thought of something incomprehensible: "If the demon bat came for the things in Xiao Ming's body, then why did it take Xiao Ming for so long, and did not kill him? Take out the things in his body? Instead, block it in the dark soul beads... When I encounter the demon bat, it has been a few months since it took your children."

"I said that that thing has merged with my child's life... If it kills my child, then that thing will also 'death' and lose power. I want to take it from my son's body. To take it off, there is only one way... to keep his life, to use a special force to strip its power from my son's body little by little, this will be a difficult and long process. Because, that thing The power is too strong..."

"So... what is the thing that protects your son's life?" Ye Tianxie finally couldn't help but ask. It is not easy to let the demon bat catch up with the newbie village.

The blacksmith's wife still did not hide, and did not have any refuge to say the name: "The heart of Kirin."

Ye Tianxie: "!!"

The heart of Kirin! ?

Qinglong, Suzaku, Baihu, Xuanwu, and Qilin are the five guardian sacred beasts lost in the mainland, and the head of the five sacred beasts... is the unicorn.

The ring of Qinglong, the scorpion of Suzaku, the ring of white tiger, the step of basaltic martial arts, the heart of unicorn... These five pieces of the gods that inherit the power of the five sacred beasts, the same, are also the most powerful with the heart of unicorn.

The devil's green ghost king, the wife of the No. 60001 novice village blacksmith Lao Wang, has the strongest unicorn heart in the five artifacts!

The movement of Ye Tianxie's expression was taken by the wife of the blacksmith, and she said lightly: "It seems that you know what the heart of Kirin is, then... do you want it?"

"Think!" Ye Tianxie did not want to answer. This bears the ultimate instrument of the power of the original unicorn, who does not want to get? He can't make hypocrisy and cover up.

"So, I will give it to you," said Mrs. Blacksmith, more than he answered. The sound is dull and calm, and it seems to be a promise to send a cabbage that is everywhere.

Ye Tianxie was so excited... It was too direct! It’s so cool!

Before the Ye Tianxie was excited, the blacksmith continued to say: "But it takes time."

Ye Tianxie was a glimpse first, but he immediately responded. The heart of Kirin is now tied to the life of Xiao Ming. If you want to take down the heart of Kirin, you need a relatively long process, which takes time and takes time. It must not be short, then...

"Since your son's life is assimilated with Kirin's heart, if the heart of Kirin leaves his body, will it let his life disappear?" Ye Tianxie said with a deep heart.

Mrs. Blacksmith shook his head and said: "For seven years, Xiao Ming’s body is already a life without any incompleteness and abnormality under the power of Qilin’s heart. Now even if it is separated from the power of Qilin’s heart, There is no difference between normal people."

"Then I will be relieved...but, how long will this time be?"

Mrs. Blacksmith glanced at him and still shook his head: "I don't know, maybe a few months, maybe half a year, maybe a year... I can't tell you the exact time, I can only say... no more than a year, no Less than three months. If I can find you at that time, I will give you the heart of Kirin, it is a reward for you, and at the same time... it is not a valuable tool for me, but at any time. Will bring disaster to the source of disaster."

At least three months, up to one year?

Ye Tianxie twitched in his heart... Do you have to wait here for three months to one year?

If you don't wait, he has no chance to return. It is the heart of Kirin!

If you wait... for such a long time, who is it? Who is willing to spend so much time in a small novice village.

Ps: I don’t know if my brain or my fingers are venting in the last chapter, and I’ve turned the Ghost King into a Luosha Ghost King. Corrected it. Does anyone still remember the name of Luosha Ghost King? The students who don’t remember gently flipped through the plot of the Heavenly Soul Cemetery. 】

In addition, I suddenly found out today that my keyboard has been used for three years! From Shura to evil dragons, there are more than five million words added, and Nyima uses this keyboard code! In the past, when using the code word, this external device was also used. The desktop computer is also plugged directly into this. Only when the code word is occasionally used in the car will you use your own keyboard. That is to say, all of the more than five million words are from this. The keyboard, plus the usual writing, chatting qq... and the fierce trampling of various games... Three years, not bad! A key is not broken, and the thief is comfortable! Even the printing on the keycap is not blurred!

This shows what?

This shows that it is a penny! Cheap, no good goods, good goods are not cheap! The keyboard that was bought at a high price is not the same. It took three full years, and I don’t know how many times! Therefore, everyone must not buy cheap things in the future, and high prices represent high quality.

Hmm... my keyboard is bought by 19 oceans, high-end usb interface keyboard. 】

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