Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 695: Sword of the Holy Ghost

Twelve dark eater flowers were also wiped out by a single blow. Ye Tianxie came to the third level of trials with ease... Of course, with his current strength, this abyss trial that made him a life of nine deaths. At this time, it is as easy as playing with the family.

The third level is that twelve hunters have eaten more melamine feed, and after they have been wiped out, a reminder sounds in his ear: "Hey... because you have perfected the abyss perfectly The first three trials of the trial will be sent directly to the trial site of the last level."

At the beginning, when he passed the first three levels without injury, the same sound was heard in the ear... If he remembered correctly, then there were lucky +1, charm +1, and +1 reward.

After the tone, a group of white light wrapped from the sky and wrapped the body of Ye Tianxie. The scene in front of Ye Tianxie suddenly changed, and the green faintness disappeared into a completely white. As a result, the white becomes dim and a new scene appears in front of you. The first thing that comes to mind is a large stone platform nearly one meter high. On the stone platform, it is the 20th-level lord boss Amethyst tiger who was once defeated by him.

The end of the Tianchen City Abyss trial is not renewable, and the boss boss can be regenerated. Ye Tianxie walked over without a slowness. As soon as he approached, he awakened the Amethyst Tiger and roared to him. Ye Tianxie didn't look at it at first glance. He hit the "Dragon Soul Crack" and smashed the past, and the Amethyst Tigers flew far away and directly killed.

The amethyst war tiger died, but there was no sound of the sound, because Ye Tianxie was not coming to the abyss to try. But the stone gate at the rear is automatically opened slowly with the death of Amethyst War Tiger. After Shimen, it is a world of white.

Ye Tianxie stood before the stone gate and did not step in, because it was a space transmission array that blocked the door. If it stepped in, it would be sent back to the novice village. Ye Tianxie lifted the moment of destiny and said to himself: "Only this method must be successful..."

Space power is also a magical power. When he used the magic of fate to seal the magic of printing dreams, she could not use space magic. Then, the space transmission array may be forcibly swallowed up by the devil of fate... unless it is a non-magic type of space transmission that is built and motivated by physical or other forces.

"The Devil of Destiny!"

The orange light on the orange teeth is released and spreads rapidly, spreading to the white plaque behind the stone door. Then, under the influence of orange light, the white world begins to shake, and then begins to fade quickly. disappear.


What he saw was clearly that the space transmission array was being swallowed up and dissipated in the phagocytosis.

It is the power of destiny, as long as it is magical ability... even space magic is also forced to swallow it.

The orange light dissipated, and the white transmission array in front of the eyes disappeared at an extremely fast speed. The stone door inlaid on the stone wall is no longer a white one, but reflects another world. At the same time, a wave of turbulence that caused Ye Tianxie to tremble suddenly came from the front, making his footsteps almost uncontrollable.

This... What is this?

Destiny is what the devil devours is not just a space transmission array, but also a blockade barrier that is also cast by space power. After the barrier was swallowed, the original breath of breath suddenly surged into...

Is this terrible breath that makes people feel shocked, is it that the device of the Holy Ghost is released?

Although he has not seen the sacred device in the population of the blacksmith, but only by this sudden breath, Ye Tianxie has been secretly scared. Because it is too powerful. Generally speaking, if it is a weapon, the stronger it is, the more it will release a sharp gas field that is close to the back and feels like being cut, such as the king of the king's sword. But the breath he felt at this time was no more than a few times better than the grasshopper sword, but it was not a sharp breath, but a bloodthirsty thing that made the heart beat faster.

This kind of breath, only the slaughter of countless creatures, the weapons contaminated with countless blood can be released. And so like the breath of the waves... There is no doubt that only the legendary device of the sacred is released. The mysterious instrument is far behind!

Ye Tianxie is heading forward...just, the oncoming gas field is too strong, and a powerful hand like a huge force is pushing him, so that he has to take several times more than usual. Strength. When he took the stone gate, he saw the dark sword that was inserted in the ground less than a hundred meters in front.

That's right, the distance of 100 meters... still affects such an amazing gas field.

This kind of breath, Ye Tianxie has any reason to suspect that it is a device of sacred destruction. The **** of the gods, the root is not qualified to release such an amazing gas field. And as the blacksmith said, it is a sword, the shape of a sword like the fate of the whole body, the hilt is outside, half of the blade is inserted under the ground. Ye Tianxie walked forward toward the gas field with more and more repulsive power. During the walk, he looked at the strange space after the trial land.

Here, it is indeed the edge of the south of the novice village. Because it is just a hundred meters behind the black sword, it is an endless sea. Obviously, the novice village is actually an independent island, and if there is no guess, there will be a border like this on the far edge... ... No, it is a tougher barrier than the national border, making people unable to enter freely. It is also impossible for people to get out of the novice village through this edge.

Except for the existence of the black sword, the bare ground is not even weeds. Obviously, the power from this dark sword will all impact the original vegetation to death and then to the destruction.

Ye Tianxie walked a distance of 50 meters and was finally forced to stop because it was too powerful and powerful, and he was no longer able to move forward. Even if you stand there, your body is crumbling and you may be pushed back at any time.

That sword... what the **** is going on? Even the device of the Holy Ghost should not release such a strong gas field. The holy sword in the hands of the Holy Sword God of War, the eternal final in the hands of the Abyss knight is also holy, but it has not reached this level...

Is self-protection in an unowned state?

Moreover, why does this sword appear in such a small novice village? What is hidden behind this sword of sacredness?

The following is the advertisement of the evil dragon microblog group (from Taoist):

Sina micro group, sharing happiness anytime, anywhere, the Taoist priests stared at the unopened Sina micro group, and then opened this is the website, go to visit it: qweibo/762513

By the way, the group of masters seems to be the girl that the Taoist priest is chasing... Well, let us come together and wish the Taoist priest... continue to play bachelor.

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