Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 700: Killing God from Hell - Breaking Shura

Ye Tianxie silently thought that from his own body, the green soul should not be enough to feel any threat. But it made a judgment in the short squatting after getting up, and fled in the first time... Ye Tianxie’s heart sank slightly, because the power of the Qing soul is not only far better than the core of the previous four fates. Intelligence is also far superior. In the initial judgment, its intelligence will not fall under itself, and such an opponent is even more terrible than the combination of Huang Yuan and Green Wave. As a result... If you use the disease of catastrophe, you will be in great danger to face this soul after you lose your mind. After all, it is not the brainlessness of Huang Yuan and Green Wave. After losing his mind, even if he is suppressed, he can quickly judge his state and then kill him without too much effort.

And if you use the magical change... that tens of seconds, the root is not enough to defeat the green soul. Moreover, let go of the other, even if you don't die today, if you let the green soul escape today, at the speed of its action, it will be impossible to trap it here.

His heart can't help sinking... The most important reason why people can defeat beasts or monsters that are stronger than themselves is that people's wisdom far exceeds them, but if this advantage no longer exists, then the odds are not many times smaller. .

"And, you have conquered the core of four fates, you should know how much strength the nucleus of fate will become. You are not confused when you face me... Obviously, you must win my grasp. It’s the second reason I have to escape.” Qingling’s voice said coldly. As the core of fate with the power of death sanctions, its voice carries the taste of death.

Ye Tianxie’s heart is stirring, and he feels that even if he exerts the inflammation and magical changes of the disaster, the possibility of destroying this green soul is very small...unless it is obviously impossible unless he can stay awake in the disaster state. His look maintains a kind of victory in the grip, no flustered leisurely, listening to the words of the green soul, the corner of the mouth also evokes a smile: "Sure enough, power is second only to the core of the fifth fate of the blue dragon and the heart, you and the blue It’s a glimpse of the soul, and it’s the same as human thinking. Well, since you are so smart, you should know that you can’t escape the fate of the fate, and you will come back.”

Ye Tianxie extended the moment of destiny... The position inlaid by the Qingshen is an irregular circle. This shape Ye Tianxie has been studied in detail, and finally draws conclusions based on the characteristics of the green soul. This should be the outline of a skull, the edge of the outline, releasing the faint blue light.

"Go back? Have your own body, who wants to go back to the place where there is never freedom." Green Soul replied coldly.

"This is your destiny. You come here because of the fate of the moment. This is your destiny. No matter how you escape, there is no possibility of getting rid of it." Ye Tianxie replied plainly.

"Is it? I haven't planned to go back since I was three years ago. I just didn't expect that I was out of the lost continent, but I was still found by the moment of fate." The wisdom of the Green Soul makes it Knowing that the lost continent is the most insecure place for it, if he appears in the day, he will easily find them and take them back to the fate of the moment, and have the ability to escape the hands of the goddess of Xi Yao. Tianxin. Therefore, it does not stay in the lost continent like other nuclear cores of fate, but does not know how to cross the borders and reach the neighboring continent...

Unexpectedly, in the past three years, it was still brought back under the chance of coincidence... This may be the fate that it cannot be changed.

"So I said, this is your destiny, you can't escape without escape, so you still come back." Ye Tianqi said with a blank expression.

"Destiny? Hee hee..." Green Soul suddenly sneered with disdain: "This is a world named "Destiny" by the creation god. Once, I thought that one of the cores of the power of forever is that I will always be The fate that cannot be changed until one day... Hey, you know, how did we get out of the fate?"

"..." Ye Tianxie's heart was a fierce move. How is the core of fate separated from the fate of fate. This is a question he always wanted to know the answer, but the root could not find the answer. The original tower of destiny was introduced because the magic inside the tower of destiny was too heavy, so that the fate of the moment was overwhelmed and eventually collapsed... purely nonsense! The pinnacle of fate is the unstoppable peak of the world, and even the core of the power of the world. The tower of the seal of fate has never been in trouble for many years, and how it might be so easy to be "overwhelmed." If it is really overwhelmed, then the first thing that will collapse is the tower body... Isn’t the tower body stronger than the power of fate! ? Retiring 10 million steps, even if it is really the fate of the moment is overwhelmed ... at most the fate of the moment, Nima can not give up the core of the seven fate!

At this time, listen to the words of the Qingshen... Do you know the answer from its mouth now? Indeed, knowing the truth of the original, perhaps only the core of the seven fates.

"I can tell you the answer... Let us break away from the fate of the moment, that is, the strongest heart of us... Its power is the fate of the destiny! Yes, it is the destiny... It can kill, sanction, resist everything. The destiny of destiny! The so-called destiny, the so-called truth, the so-called all impossible things, it can reverse, change, subvert, and turn into possible! After a long silence, it is eager to break away from the moment of destiny... It did, it shattered the fate that belonged to it, broke away from the fate of the moment, and also took us out of it. At that time, I also never believed that there is still something in the world that can never be changed. The so-called fate! The so-called 'established destiny', only because the power of resistance is not strong enough, the awareness of resistance is not tough enough... nothing can't be changed!!"

The answer, from the mouth of the Qingshen, to the ears of Ye Tianxie, in the heart.


The nuclear of the strongest seventh destiny... is the reason why the fate of the moment is separated from the tower of destiny, and the nuclear of destiny is separated from the fate of the fate?

It is not the influence of external forces... The only reason is that it is the body of fate! !

This is an answer that Ye Tianxie never expected. The words that Qingshen said also made Ye Tianxie's long-standing speculation in his mind completely subverted.

The reason is actually Tianxin...what is the heart of the day... The ability to sanction the fate, and even the fate can change it, to what extent?

The last kill of the seven fate of fate is "the fate of the destiny." Qingshen didn't lie to him. Tianxin had the ability to sanction fate... even fate can be sanctioned, even the established destiny can change, so magical to the ability to be fearless, the world, what else is it can't Do it! ?

"Heavenly heart... Then you know where Tianxin is now?" Ye Tianxu asked.

"Hey, I know you have to ask this question." The young soul laughed, the mysterious smile, and the voice said low: "I do know where it is... At the beginning, it sent me to the East China continent. This world, only one of me knows where it is now, but I won't tell you. It is where you are, you will never think of, and will never find it! When the heart decides to be free, unless the heart decides to be free, unless It is voluntary, otherwise, there can be no power to let it return to the fate of the moment... even if it is the goddess of the goddess, even the **** of creation can't... you are even less likely."

Ye Tianxie: "..."

Ok? It’s Tianxin’s green soul to go to Dongpu mainland...

Even double-border national borders can be crossed, or help others to cross. Is this heavenly heart really omnipotent?

"Well... some of your words are the same as my confirmation. I am not a person who is willing to be fatal. As long as the power is enough to surpass the person who arranged your destiny, the fate can also be changed." At the moment of destiny, the expression is cold: "But it seems that you are determined to resist. In this case, I can only destroy your spirit and consciousness, and restore your original shape. Although you can have stronger after you leave. Independent power, but only when the nuclear powers of your seven fates are at the forefront of fate, can you cast the power of forbidding everything... Let me see if you have the power to reverse your own destiny in front of me!!"

"Ha ha ha ha!" The green spirit flashed in the blue light, the breath of death came from the air, and the surrounding air was dyed with the death of cyan. "I just fled, I don't want to risk any danger, but you really thought Do you have the power to defeat me... I am not the blood feather, orange tooth, Huang Yuan, green wave that you conquer. If so, I will show you the beautiful... Death Abyss!!"

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