Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 70: "trouble" door-to-door


It’s already big outside, and it’s estimated that time should be around *am. The fruit on the pillow is still asleep, but her sleeping position does not know when it has become a lying posture. The white buttocks were slightly tilted, so that Ye Tianxie could not help but have the urge to poke on it. A small face was squeezed by her on a soft bed, and a long slobber was dragging her mouth.

Ye Tianxie didn't wake her up, and got up lightly, her feet just put into the slippers, and a slamming sound of "咚咚咚" suddenly came, so that his movement could not help but stagnate.



Obviously, the doorbell of Ye Tianxie’s family is broken. As far as whether it is bad or if he deliberately ruined it, only he knows it.

The sound of the door finally disturbed the fruit in the sleep. She opened her eyes and sneaked a few times. She lifted her body with a soft arm and still looked at Ye Tianxie with her sleepy eyes: "Master... seems to have a big voice."

The shallow pink two points appeared in the eyes of Ye Tianxie as her upper body stood up. Ye Tianxie’s eyes turned away from the direction of the voice, and said weakly: “Good people really can’t do it... one The trouble is coming."

"Hey? Trouble? Hey! Lollipop, there is a lollipop taste, and it's a lot better, a lot of lollipops. Wow!" The fruit's sleepiness disappeared without a trace. She suddenly smashed the little quilt on her body. When the body turns, the white skirt is like magic. I don’t know where to fly from neatly on her body. She screams and flies out like the smell... just like the bee smells nectar.

Ye Tianxie took a nap, and then suddenly thought of last night... that was all Sufifi’s 50 lollipops in his bag!

"Master, open the door, have a lollipop, it's a lollipop." The fruit floated around the door and couldn't wait to whisper. Ye Tianxie struggled for a little while, and finally opened the door.

The long-term mess makes the interior of Ye Tianxie's house taste really not very good, so the moment of opening the door, the faint fragrance of the faint scent is also particularly secretive. With the appearance of a beautiful girl, he smiled and looked at him. That smirk is a kind of smug smile.

At the age of ten years old, the skin is snowy and flawless, and the mountains are eye-catching and beautiful. The eyes are like the night stars, the bright blue, the black and gentle hair is like a clear spring, pouring down, the natural scatters Shoulder powder back - it is Sophie. At this time, she was still the dress of Ye Tianxie when she saw her last night, short-sleeved hot pants, showing the slender and beautiful legs and elegant and slim body.

A beautiful girl can easily evoke a man's animal desire and possessiveness. Even Ye Tianxie’s brain flashed a moment to store her desires.

"Heavenly evil, I am coming, welcome me?" Sophie raised her hand and shook it to Ye Tianxie, and there seemed to be no tweaking between the look of a man. Her gaze also began to rush around Ye Tianxie's body to look inside his home, and then...

"Ah!!" Sophie slammed her nose and stepped back as if she had been pushed. Wrinkled her eyebrows and said, "You, you,... how is your family's taste so big... still so messy ...the pigsty is much better than here!"

"Have you been to the pigsty?" Ye Tianxie said stiffly. He naturally knows how chaotic his home is. The quilt never stacks, things never get rid of, and all sorts of messy things are covered, and all kinds of empty bottles and cans are everywhere. But maybe it is a habit, maybe he has no intention to clean up, he has been in this state for a long time, and spent the day and day in such a bad situation. Under the habit, the pungent smell he basically could not feel.

"I... I have of course been there, one hundred times more clean than you! One thousand times! Hello! You live in Tianyuan Community, the most luxurious villa area in Beijing and even China! How are you..."

Ye Tianxie raised his eyebrows and said nothing. "Miss Sue, my home is like this. If you don't enter your eyes, then there is no way. I suggest you still go home, don't try. I ran to a place where my pigsty was not as good."

Ye Tianxie’s words made Su Feifei’s eyebrows jump. She suddenly put her hand on her nose and sneered in the first few steps: “Miss Ben talks and talks! If you want to live in your home, you will live in your house! Your home is really a pigsty, and this lady is doomed! Hey!"

She took the white jade-like long legs and hurriedly walked around Ye Tianxie's body and walked in. It was like entering a home. When she really went in, she realized that Ye Tianxie’s family had become a mess. The scene of “the pigsty is not as good as it is” is just a small corner here.

The put down hand squatted on the nose again, Sophie stunned and looked at the interior of the most luxurious villa, and said nothing for a long time. This much habit of living can make the interior of the junkyard... But the clothes and dresses of the owner of the house are not messy. Even if the nose has already been smashed, the pungent smell of the silky still makes the girl who is a big parent of Dafu almost unable to escape.

Ye Tianxie stood behind her and waited for her reaction with interest. He believes that this first face-to-face, the probability of directly expelling this Sophie is more than 80%...

However, Sophie Fei unfortunately chose the 20%. She turned around and still licked her nose, but her face was a smiley expression: "You really live alone, no woman to help you clean up the room." Her eyebrows bent, God smiled mysteriously. : "So, I am coming!"

Ye Tianxie: "..."

"Lollipop! Lollipop! She has a lollipop! It has apple flavor, lychee flavor, orange flavor, mango flavor... oh! Master, I want to eat, I want to eat! This big Is my sister living in our house? Let her stay well, she has a lot of lollipops on her body!"

The fruit stood on the shoulder of Ye Tianxie, and took a look at his hair. The two big eyes kept looking at the pink bag from Sophie. Because there was a taste of her favorite thing.

Sophie turned and went out, then shouted to the outside: "Hey! You guys will move my things over! Hurry up!"

Looking along the direction of Sophie’s screaming, a super-luxury maglev lady’s car was parked not far away, and four bodyguards dressed in different ages were standing there, eyes were always looking at it, face The expression is surprisingly consistent... I can't help but occasionally smile.

The car was driven to the door, Sufifi opened the door to the maximum, and repeatedly waved: "Hurry up and move in, hurry up! Be careful not to break my collection of crystal dolls, be careful of my goldfish, not let the water spill ......"

Ye Tianxie stood behind Sufifi and said in an extremely weird tone: "Miss Sue, should you pass my consent first? I seem to have never promised to let you move in?"

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