Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 726: The magic star!


The dark storm hit the front of Ye Tianxu and involved his body. Suddenly... The face of Rakshasa’s ghost in the smirk suddenly became stiff. The storm that directly smashed Ye Tianxie could not even bring up his body. Instead, he passed through his body, and Ye Tianxie was linked. Didn't move, the damage was even less... and even the damage figures didn't pop up.

The dark wind was obviously controlled by the Raksha Ghost King so as not to be destroyed here, and it would dissipate directly after passing through his body for three meters. Ye Tianxie casually glanced at the back of himself and grinned: "You Ghost King is so powerful? Frighten children?"

Luosha Ghost Wang's face is a yin, a strange scream in his mouth, and a more intense black mans shot from her hand, in the middle of the chest of the evil spirits. Ye Tianxie stepped back two steps and then stopped. The black man suddenly penetrated his body and shot at the rear. In the fine cracking sound, the thick stone wall was penetrated like a tofu. Shooting the cave, reaching the sky, is offset by the outside light after it is shot very far.

Ye Tianxie is still unharmed.

"No... this is impossible!! Why are you... Don't you, you can actually immunize dark magic!!"

One can be a coincidence, but he can use it to avoid the strange method of absolute avoidance, and this second attack, she is not as casual as the first time, she clearly saw her dark power hit the leaf The body of the evil spirit, not being evaded by him, even wearing the body... However, in addition to taking him back two steps, he did not cause a slight damage to him - even the number of injuries did not.

There is only one possibility of this happening...

This person can immunize dark magic! !

Impossible... this is absolutely impossible! How can there be humans who can immunize dark magic! You know, even the magicians with the strongest darkness can't completely immune the dark magic. Because of the immunization of dark magic, it will only appear in some simple living bodies formed by dark elements, or special creatures that are attached to dark elements. In humans, or from human beings, the roots are not There may be dark magic immunity... even any kind of magic immunity.

"Immune dark magic is very strange? Lost continent can immunize dark magic all over the place. Of course, I don't know too much, it is 3,625. Of course, the lost mainland residents seem to be I don't have this ability, but you have been hiding in this hole for so many years. Shouldn't you know us from different worlds? Hey, we are different from those who lost the continent. Dark magic is the most threatless in our eyes. It’s immune to it, and it’s so strange.” Ye Tianxie’s cozy hands clasped his chest and said leisurely. It seems that there is not one of the Eight Devils of the Mozu, but a dark reptile that has no threat in his eyes.

"You said... You humans in different worlds can immunize dark magic!?" Rakshasa Ghost screamed, her original voice was incomprehensible, screaming, and it was even more audible in the ears, and the whole body was uncomfortable. . How can she not know how many people in different worlds have entered the lost continent and the whole world of destiny? But the player's ability class and the most common lost mainland residents can't compare, how can their devils be put in their eyes, so they have never been to the heart.

"Of course, just say me, stand here for you to play for ten years, and you don't want to hurt my hair. So I said, you, the little devil of this Mozu, don't always keep yourself locked. In the house, when I was fine, I went out and walked around to see the world of flowers and flowers. I didn’t know anything about this basic thing. People know how many people are shameful.” Ye Tianxie said with a look of regret.

"Impossible!! The power of our Mozu is the greatest, the most powerful! How can it be immune! Impossible!!" The devil is easy to impulsive, the female demon is more impulsive, and the female demon is even easier. impulse. The violent demons began to lose their senses. She leaped violently in a horrible three-point scream than the ghost crying. A large group of dark radiance instantly swelled and blasted...

boom! ! ! !

The space around the kilometer instantly becomes dark. Everything in space is ruthlessly swallowed up in the dark, and no matter whether it is life, vegetation, land, or rock, it quickly turns into a dark powder under this terrible dark power.

If viewed from above, the center of the entire despair gorge is completely shrouded by a dark ball that does not have any light. The Rakshasa King has concealed the nest for more than three years, and she was suddenly stunned and turned into a powder. .

The ground was sagged by nearly 100 meters in the rapid devouring. The dark wings behind Ye Tianxie opened and the body remained in place, but the posture changed from standing to floating. He felt the intensity of the dark elements around him and the extremely terrible power he contained. However, in such a terrible center of strength, he did not feel any discomfort, and there was no sense of suffocation... The immunity of the dark forces really reaches the level of "completeness."

"Ghost King, your mother hasn't educated you, don't just destroy things... If your own nest is destroyed, forget it, but it hurts so many flowers, plants and small animals. It shouldn't be..." Suddenly sinking, Ye Tianxie’s eyes are cold, and the moment of destiny is on his chest: “So, be prepared to accept punishment... It’s my turn to attack!!”

The darkness around is still consuming all the things that can be swallowed up. The dark space created by the Rakshasa King is terrible. Even if a master of heaven is covered, it will fall into despair... but it will not cause any Impact.

This kind of horrible power that makes the sacred power of the sacred priests have the ability to destroy the earth and destroy the land, but it can't feel what he is doing... It is really unexpectedly refreshing! The power of Zi Yao Shi is undoubtedly exposed at this moment. If there is no Zimei to send him the Zi Yaoshi, he will not dare to take the initiative to attack her after discovering the existence of the Luosha Ghost King. Instead, he will send him away with the empty magic stone for the first time, but now...

Even the powerful darkness of the swallowed space can't bring Ye Tian's evil to it. On the contrary, even his actions have no effect. The Luosha Ghost King finally panicked... This panic is not because of the fear of Ye Tianxie. Because his power roots cannot pose any threat to her. What she is confused about is that there are people who can really immunize the dark attributes... really exist! !

what does this mean! ?

The demon of the Mozu, in addition to the demon **** that has reached the realm of another magic power, uses all the dark power. To be more precise, it is dark magic. If there is a person who can immunize dark magic, they are equivalent. Was **** with both hands. Because ... they are swallowed up by the forces of darkness, physical attack and magical power can not be compared. As the ghost king said, they have the dark magic of the sub-saint, and the physical attack ability, but even the fairy level can not match, and even with physical attacks, it can only be the simplest physical attack, the power of physical attack. It also comes from the urging of dark magic, and the roots will not have any physical attack skills.

For the Mozu, there are two things that are the most terrible: the first is the legendary sacred sword - El Cidian, this sword is the nemesis of all the devils, just its sacred interest, Can not suppress any random magic, can not resist. The second is the person who can immunize dark magic. But these two kinds of swords of the Holy Ghost were destroyed with the Holy Sword Gods thousands of years ago, and those who immunize the Dark Magic are impossible to exist...

But now, such a person has actually appeared in front of her eyes, and told her that all over the place is his kind of person who can immunize dark magic, how she is not frightened!

"You...must die!!"

The Luosha Ghost King is another screaming scream, and his body is carrying a black shadow to Ye Tianxie. This time, she did not choose to attack with dark magic, but directly with the crutches in her hand to Ye Tianxie. The magic of dark magic has always been attacked with a cane. This picture is enough to make people feel convulsive. The physical attack that Rakshasa Ghost King did not necessarily use for eight hundred years is a threat to Ye Tianxie. ...the oyster movement, the slow, almost difficult wave speed, without any technical content of the arc... If he can be hit by such an attack, it is really the title of "unbeaten evil king", he also I can go to the end and die.

... However, Ye Tianxie really did not escape, not that he can not, but he wants to see, if the strongest magic is forced to use physical attacks, what effect would it be? Of course, the reason why Ye Tianxie dared to try this is that he really did not feel a threat or vigilance from the attack of the Rakshasa Ghost King. Otherwise, he would avoid it directly.


The crutches were squatting on the shoulders of Ye Tianxie.


After all, the devil is the devil, and this tap is quite awkward, although it is simply weak compared to its magical attack ability.

After getting black scorpion, life +100%, physical +10% attribute, his life value has more than doubled, although this damage is not small, but only killed more than 60,000 of his life by two-thirds . Ye Tianxun was completely relieved, and his heart was very comfortable...

The magic attack is ineffective for him.

Physical attack does not say whether it can hit, hit it and can not kill him.

Is this saying...

He became the nemesis of all the devils! ?

At the beginning, even the twelve sages and the goddess of Xi Yao had tried their best to subdue, and the nemesis of the powerful demon with the strength of the sacred dynasty! !

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