Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 737: another world

Unknown world.

The sky here is white, and there is no trace of the sky that humans already know. At first glance, the first thing that comes to mind is a palace reflecting the majestic Jinmang. The palace is unusually sturdy, up to tens of meters in length and more than a kilometer in length. At first glance, its shape is like the ancient Chinese symbolizing the respect of a country. The palace, but it is more than a few times more luxurious than any palace in history. There was a depressing pressure on the whole palace. Before the palace, there were at least hundreds of people dressed in gold or silver plaques. They held long guns and did not squint. They stood still in their own positions. On the top, the vertical rows of gorgeous gold and silver awns are reflected. If there is a heavy and solemn solemnity filled with the surrounding space, it will be like a big battle.

It is very quiet here, and there is an invisible pressure created by the power that humans cannot understand. Its name - the power of God.

The rushing footsteps broke the silence, a man in a red cloak, a golden armor, and a golden gun, approached the fast and heavy pace and stepped into the palace. This is a middle-aged man who looks like a 40-year-old man. His face is majestic and dignified, and his momentum is as calm as a mountain. He is released with the arrogance of the British martial arts that people dare not look straight into. It is like a battle that has experienced countless wars and bathed countless blood. General. And his dress is also clearly like a general who has just returned from the battlefield.

If a modern person sees this scene, the first reaction is... In front of him, he is filming a costume movie. Such a scene cannot be truly present in modern times. At the same time, modern warfare does not have such things as armor, cloak, and rifle.


The middle-aged man stepped into the palace, and finally, kneeling in front of a golden bead curtain, after the bead curtain, reflected a vague shadow. It’s just the shadow, but it’s a glance, it will feel the heartbeat speeding in the subconscious fear, the throat is like being pinched, and even breathing is extremely difficult... even the releaser The heroic man of great pressure, in front of this figure is also heavily swayed, afraid to lift.

"How?" The person behind the bead curtain slowly said two words, the sound was very slow, and it was introduced into the ear, but it seemed that two big mountains hit the heart and the eardrum.

"Back to the emperor, the army of the Ronaldo has been temporarily repelled. But... they have already opened the passage to the North Gate. If the Beishan Gate cannot be repaired, we will have peace." The middle-aged man's words are heavy. Road.

"How much did you die?" The man behind the bead curtain made a sound.

"There were eighty-seven hundred and thirty-two soldiers, seventy-three, and the deputy king Taiyi was killed. The demon rooks three thousand eight hundred soldiers, thirty-six magical. The passage to the northern gate is opened, pointing to the heart of my heaven The strength of the demon army is unprecedentedly high. In order to be a tenth, our army has a big chaos... Although it is defeated and defeated. The rift of the Tianmen in the north must be completely restored to a thousand years. This millennium will become the key place for the devil to attack us... "The middle-aged man is heavy and his voice is getting heavier."

The figure behind the bead curtain was silent, followed by a stern and dignified voice: "There is less than a month, it is the christening ceremony of the emperor, and nothing can be done. At any cost, strictly guard against it. After the christening ceremony, the emperor Go to see Borne in person and let her block this endless grievance."

"Yes!" The middle-aged man obeyed. Recalling the hard work of the past, he breathed a sigh of relief, and in his mind, reflected the figure of a young man... One, the only person he was deeply impressed in this life...

"If the dragon is still there, he is afraid of the area." After sighing, he could not help but whisper.

"What do you say!?" The middle-aged man's low whispered into the ear of the beaded curtain, his voice instantly became cold, and the surrounding space, like solidification, became extremely repressed.

The middle-aged man knows his own words and quickly bows his head: "On the emperor, the forbidden minister lost his words."

"Hey! Xiaolong is indeed a **** who has been in trouble for a long time. It is also the most feared person of the Luoluo... But you forgot how his power came from? Have you forgotten why Beitianmen was broken? If it is not a dragon, the North Gate will not break, the only channel, the magic Luo is ten times stronger than us, and within the millennium, do not want to break. Compared with his great achievements, he brought to the heavens A bigger disaster!" the majestic voice said sharply.

"The micro-committee knows the mistake, the micro-minister just thought that the dragon had resisted the magical power of the demon. At that time, he regretted that he was so arrogant. So he was unintentional and asked the emperor to make atonement." The middle-aged man bowed his head and said.

The chilly gas field eased down, and there was a long sigh after the bead curtain: "If you are sorry for the pain, who will win over the emperor. But the power of the dragon in the past, you see it with your own eyes, the power is not yet complete. Awakening, it is already powerful, cracking the entire northern Tianmen, if his power awakens, turn into a magical evil, then there will be no power to stop him, everything must be destroyed and destroyed under his hand. No one will forget the hardship of the claws in the distant history. The choice of the year, the emperor is more painful than anyone else, but there is no second choice... As for the fairy and the foam, hehe...the emperor I am so sorry."

"No..." The middle-aged man was frightened. "How can these be the faults of the emperor? They are too stupid... too stupid..."

The middle-aged man's hand is tightly gripped, and then clenched. Even after so many years, every time he thinks, he is already cutting his heart.

The figure behind the beaded curtain waved and sighed and said: "Go, go, stay in the North Gate, and then don't mention the dragon in front of me... By the way, let the Tai will prepare the christening ceremony of the Son of Heaven from now on. Time It’s almost here.”

"Yes! We are retiring."

The middle-aged man got up, respectfully bowed, and after a few steps back, he turned around, and the breath like a mountain was revealed again. He took a heavy footstep and walked out. The pressure of the eyes was deeply complicated.



"I'm going to kill you!!"

The Rakshasa Ghost King is arrogant in anger, and it is extremely easy to be provoked. Usually, no one has the courage to anger the demon king. These days, they are once a day by Ye Tianxie, and the harassment of running once is almost mad.

However, she is so angry that she releases a powerful attack, and she does not think about Ye Tianxie. When Ye Tianxie releases the "Death Sanction - The Soul of Death", he will immediately open the soul of the evil dragon to escape, and he will not forget to stimulate her spirit with various derogatory languages...

Today, it is already the seventh life and death sanction, still not touching o]o. Ye Tianxie is not in a hurry, because it only takes him a few seconds to add an empty magic stone every day. There is time to get back to the city, and even the empty stone is free.

These days, his only task is to level up.

In five days, his rank has risen from 53 to 57. The left-wing army, Sufifi and others have all upgraded to level 55, almost all of them entered the top 20 of the ranking list... one day average level of rise, this Speed, just like dreaming, no one believes when you go out.

Moreover, the process of leveling does not even have to do it by yourself, a ball, so that the ranks of six people sit on the rocket. Now the left-handed army, Murong Qiushui, Situ, and other people look at the ball, it is even more hot than seeing the peerless beauty. Faced with a powerful monster around, they complain that the refresh rate is too slow every day. If they are out of the light, they can be brushed out immediately... One day can be upgraded to a ten-level eight. Now, the ball is a hundred meters around the second, and more time is waiting there.

Just back from the Luocha Ghost King, Ye Tianxie's talker rang, and Ye Tianxie glanced at the promoter, a slight glimpse... Because the other party turned out to be a blood wheel.

He is looking for himself... is it...

Ye Tianxie picked up and asked: "The blood wheel, is there something to find me?"

"Well... it’s about the feathers." The sound of the blood wheel came from there, and the sound was not loud enough to be heard. It turns out that this is a very cautious person.


"I don't know where the feathers are usually, she won't tell anyone... She gave me something in the morning. From that thing, her usual place should be the Star City." Seriously said.

"Star City? How is she going to be there?" Ye Tianxin frowned. Tianxing City is one of the main cities lost in the mainland. It is located in the extreme north of the lost continent. It is far away, the climate is bad, and it is dangerous to go on the way. It is a high-level World of Warcraft territory, which is impossible for players to reach.

"She gave me a few ice-cream grasses that can be used to improve the resistance to freezing resistance. I asked the pharmacist in the Lost City. He said that this grass is only available near the Star City. The feathers will be there. In fact, I don't feel strange. Her heart is quiet and cold, like cold things and cold environment. At the same time...hey, she is also escaping a lot of things, so I will go there and there will be no other players. The place. Evil, if there is time..."

"I understand."

Putting down the talker, Ye Tianxie whispered the name "Star City". This is where he is going to go, for the request of the No. 60001 novice village chief, the mysterious "lost dawn".

I have to go ahead. Ye Tianxie thought silently. The dream of the feathers, he is inexplicably urgent. The reason, even he did not know.

After thinking for a while, he picked up the talker and connected Liu Yuyue. He asked: "Big sister, have you gone to the city of Star City?"

... no doubt, he got a negative answer. At this stage, it is impossible for other players to get there, and it is impossible to have a star back to the city.

"That... help me buy a few retreats from the nearest town of Star City. I have something to go to the Star City."

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