Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 750: What is faith?

Before going to the Star City, how could Ye Tianxie think that he would do something in Tianxing City that would make him think of himself, and did not expect that he found the dream feather coat so quickly, and temporarily A seemingly impulsive, seemingly rushing decision.

Stars and his party, just half a day, all his purposes have been reached, unexpected.

After getting along with Meng Yuyi for a long time, Ye Tianxie returned from the Star City and returned to the Lost City. He just appeared in the city. As he expected, the two armed golden guns appeared in the mighty city. In front of him.

With his extremely high sin of 10,500 now, no matter which city he enters, he enters a small village that cannot be small, and will be arrested immediately.

However, Ye Tianxie is destined to be a master who will not be shackled. For other players, the city guard is inviolable and invincible. Dare to squash against the city guard is completely equivalent to finding death, but for Ye Tianxie, even The guards of the center city, he will not have any taboos, the Star has killed more than 300 people, if you really touch his bottom line, the killing here is not wrong.

However, it is obvious that the two guards did not simply arrest him for his extremely low sinful value. There was no seriousness or aggressiveness in his expression. Instead, he said very politely: "Evil heaven, the emperor has something to call, if there is time Please come with us."

It’s really polite, and there’s also a phrase “if you have time”. In the great disaster of the Star City, if it is lost in the mainland, it is already a death sin in the death sin. After Ye Tianxie enters the lost city, he immediately encounters numerous guards to prepare for the killing of the ground, but the situation It was obviously more moderate than he expected.

Ye Tianxie nodded and took the first step and headed for the direction of the palace.

The palace of the lost city.

When Ye Tianxie stepped into the royal study, he immediately smelled a relatively dull breath. His footsteps paused and he stepped in.

As he walked in, the lost emperor sitting in the seat bowed slightly and looked at him. Ye Tianxie stepped forward and said hello: "Emperor, are you looking for me?"

"I am looking for you, do you feel weird?" The lost emperor stood up from the seat. The gentle impression he left with Ye Tianxie was different. At this time, the lost emperor's brow was locked and his face was not good.

Ye Tianxie certainly knows why, and he doesn't care about it: "The emperor, I know that the things in the Star City are really too much. I don't know how the emperor is going to deal with me?"

"Disposal?" The lost emperor said coldly: "If you are a lost citizen of the mainland, you have committed a great crime, enough to be a family of nine, and in your capacity... your current sin, you know if How long have you been detained for the rules of your alien world?"

Ye Tianxie knocked on the chin, more than 10,000 sins, the time of detention is not on an hourly... um, not on a daily basis, but on an annual basis!

And this "year" still only counts online time. As soon as you get on the line, you can only be locked in prison until the whole year. For players who don't really die, this kind of detention is the cruelest. The restrictions of the rules make the players belong to the disadvantaged groups relative to those who are lost in the mainland. The rules of the system give them more protection. The fact that the player kills the front npc in the city is generally not going to happen. Most of them have a lot of strength. And even if there is no fighting ability, as long as it is in the city, the player's first attack has just finished, the city guard will immediately arrest him from the sky.

Can achieve the degree of Ye Tianxie, it is estimated that China will be one of him.

"It doesn't matter, I use gold coins to wash it." In the wild, the sin value will decrease a little every few hours. However, with this huge number of Ye Tianxie, it is not known that it is a monkey year, so the only way is to wash it with gold coins. A little sinful thousand gold coins, more than 10,000 words, is more than 10 million gold coins.

Equal to more than 10 million Huaxia coins!

Ye Tianxie feels distressed... The cost of doing bad things is enormous. More than 10 million! ! If you can save the bribe, how good it is to bribe.

The brow of the lost emperor is more tight, and he sighs: "Evil day, why did you kill so many innocent people, and even regretted repenting?"

"Since it has been done, what is the use of regret?" Ye Tianxie said calmly.

The lost emperor burst into a sigh and sighed and said: "Maybe, you are used to the privilege of the infinite resurrection given to you by the God of Creation, but those who lost the continent, each of them has only one life, you are strong, who It is impossible to deny that the entire Star City is unable to bring you anything... But what you kill is more than three hundred living lives! Do you really have no heart and no evil heart?"

"There is a point." Ye Tianxie said absently.

"Do you look like this?"

"Emperor, when I went to the Star City, I never thought that these things would happen, and I wouldn’t want to kill the people there. I asked them for the debris of the dawn to be rejected, ready to leave, and there, it was a direct mass To the exaggerated team to prepare for the strong robbery, even the whole city was alarmed. I think I can't keep calm at that time." Ye Tianxie said. He couldn't tell the reason for the loss of control, because he didn't even know it for that reason. However, the scene in which Tianxing City was rushing out and preparing to **** him from him did indeed make him angry.

"The lost dawn is something that belongs to the Star City." The lost emperor said.

"But that comes to me. I am not robbed from the Star City, nor are I coming from the road, but someone else gave it to me, what belongs to me, why should I return it to them?" Evil quickly rebutted.

"You don't understand." The lost emperor shook his head helplessly and sighed and said: "The lost dawn is too much for the Star City. It is the instrument of faith throughout the North. In their belief, as long as it is lost. Dawn is safely in the Star City, and the Star City will never have a disaster... In those days, the East China mainland invaded, the Mozu invasion, the whole continent turmoil, but the Star City was safe and sound, they even attributed this to the guardian of the dawn... The broken dawn was broken. I knew that there was a lot of turmoil in the Star City. Later, a piece of the lost dawn was taken away by the original city master. I didn’t know where to go. It caused the riots in the whole city. Now I know the lost. The debris is on you, how can they not **** it."

"Foolish and ridiculous." Ye Tianxie disdainfully sneered.

"Perhaps, in your eyes, they are really ignorant. But..." The eyes of the lost emperor turned to him and said: "Obviously, you don't understand the power of faith. If the faith is deep, you will find it illusory. Even false and ridiculous, but it is because of the existence of faith that can support the prosperity of a nation. Because of the loss of dawn, Tianxing City firmly believes that the lost dawn can bring them permanent stability, so the environment there is cold. Che, but no one will be rebellious, no peace, no war. Faith is often a person, a reason and psychological suggestion that a nation supports its prosperity. The people of the Star City, the roots There is nothing wrong with it."

"They, they did not make a mistake, and I didn't think they did it wrong." Ye Tianxie was not moving, and said plainly: "But I never thought that I was doing wrong. The lost dawn is not them. What does it have to do with me? Even if what they believe is really there, the disappearance of the lost dawn will destroy the entire Star City and what does it do with me?? I just need to know, what I am doing is I want to do it, and what I think is right, it is enough. Why should I care for others."

"You..." The lost emperor was obviously angry, and he said: "Evil day, as far as I know, the Chinese country from which you came from also has its own beliefs - the golden dragon of the five-claw, you have been Claiming to be a descendant of the dragon, if someone has smashed your five-clawed golden dragon, are you not angry? Will not resist?"

"Of course, but what is the relationship between the two?" Ye Tianxie shook his head: "I said that they don't believe in any beliefs, and I don't have a relationship with me. I don't have to care if they care. Things, just need to care about what you want to care about. When I violate their beliefs, they can grab from me, can resist, attack ... but unfortunately, they did not do. If someone comes to invade my China, Feel free, that is their freedom, but the price to pay is not so easy to bear! Besides, oh... my dragon in China symbolizes the nobleness, dignity, strength, wisdom, hard work of our Chinese people. It is a symbol of our spirit, and the lost dawn... It was born from the elf girl who was cruelly executed by the elves, and now it has become their faith. They want to make people forget all the world. Are they stupid and cruel?"

The lost emperor was silent, and there was no rebuttal. Between dusk and dawn is indeed a tragedy that should not happen. It is only because of the love with the foreign people that they are executed, even in the age when the race is extremely important, this is indeed too ruthless and cruel. After the dawn of execution, the elves have never regretted or repented, but instead used the lost dawn that dawned after dawn to be a godsend for generations.

"I said but you, this matter, I have no longer want to pursue it. If you are a person who lost me on the mainland, even if I have a hero badge, I will immediately kill you, but your special status... I can't What will happen to you, if you are irritated, the consequences may be even more terrible.” The lost emperor said very frankly: “I can’t hold this matter, and I understand that you should not be the kind of abuse. Kill innocent people. But one thing, I have to know the answer..."

The lost emperor stared at Ye Tianxie’s eyes, his eyes became several times sharp and gloomy: “Tell me why your body will release magic!!”


It’s the smell of catastrophe...

"You think about it, it is just one of my skills. It is just a skill that can improve my strength in a short time. I, of course, can't be a demon. Otherwise, I am so close. If I am a demon, You have already discovered it. As for why it releases the magic, I don't know." Ye Tianxie said, it is very casual.

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