Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 868: Unbeaten faith

In front of him, the Dragons and the 24s have put down their hands and their looks have become incomparable. As a result, they do not have any pressure. Although Ye Tianxie has a very high attack and speed, his life is incomparably weak, and they can defeat him as long as they hit it. At this point, the four dragon lock magic formation, this battle has become a foregone conclusion...but they never thought of it before, they would be forced to launch this lock demon array.

"Evil day, it is over. However, this lock magic array has not been used for thousands of years, and it can be defeated under the four dragon lock magic array, you are defeated."

After the second dragon finished, the body rushed forward, hitting the "claw of the scorpion" and tearing it to the body of Ye Tianxie.

A strong wind rushed to the surface, Ye Tianxie body retire, even if there is no "red wind", his speed is still very fast. The attack of Long Er just started, he has already left the scope of the attack, but obviously, the attack of Long Er has never thought of hitting. When he launched the attack, the hand of Long San behind him was lifted, and his body shined. With a metallic light, when Ye Tianxie noticed the power of his body, Long San’s hand was already on the ground.

"Iron armor... Dragon scales!!"

Armored dragon scales: Iron armor dragon talent stunts, the strength of their own dragon spirits condensed their hands, slammed into the ground, scattered from the underground, numerous power scales cut the ground and air enemies, the scope can be freely controlled around themselves 30 to 200 The range of meters, lasting ten seconds.

The armored dragon scales, the dragon's tricks... is also a miniature version of the dragon soul array that Ye Tianxie encountered before... When the dragon's hand hit the ground, in the eyes of all of them, this is already doomed. The death of Ye Tianxie. Because he is confined to the 100-meter area, he can't get rid of the effect range of the armored dragon scales. Under the dense dragon scales, even if he has the ability to pass the sky, he can't be hurt... and once, Enough to kill him.


With the sound of the first sound cutting, under the calm ground, the black dragon scales like raindrops are flying... These dragon scales are not targeted, they are completely free and scattered, some are vertical, there are The tilt of the first dragon is flying, and the body of Ye Tianxie has already speeded into the air...

"Ah! Big brother, what to do!! It’s a dragon scale!!"

Before I saw it, I knew how embarrassed Ye Tianxie was after entering the dragon scales. All the state blessed, all kinds of rare medicines were eaten, and eventually they were forced back. At this time, it is a dragon scale, how should he deal with it.

Ye Tianxie did not speak, his body stagnated in the air, silently looking at the piece flew to him, the dragon scales magnified in his pupil, his spirit, consciousness, also at this moment, thoroughly concentrated All the spirits are focused on the dragon scales in the line of sight... Gradually, the dragons in the pupils are flying more and more slowly, just like time, flowing slower and slower in his world. ......

999's concentration, a spiritual power that infinitely exceeds the limits of humanity.

His wings of the abundance opened, his body moved, and he went against the scattered dragon scales... The power of this dragon scale could not be compared with the dragon scales he had encountered before. After all, this armored dragon scale The array is a stunt of the dragon two, and the former dragon scale is the defense of the entire dragon, not only has a huge scope, but also has the power of terror. The dragon scales scattered by the armored dragon scales are not as dense as the dragon scales. It seems that even the speed of the dragon scales is not so fast...

The dragon scales are flying, his body is understated on one side. A few dragon scales flew, he controlled his body, passed through the gap, still escaping very casual, a large dragon scale flew, he could not pass, he moved the direction, and shuttled from the other direction. However, a piece of dragon scales passed by, but no one could really touch his body. Everything has become so slow in his eyes...

But in the eyes of the Dragon and the Four, in the eyes of Long Yi, Guangming Dragon God and Long Mo Cliff in the distance, what they saw was a scene that made them completely shocked...

The dragon scales in the sky are like raindrops, as fast as the wind, just like the inverted storm and the stormy sky. This kind of attack mode is about to last for ten seconds. They never believe that someone can be unscathed under such an attack...but In such a storm, what they saw was a shadow in which they quickly shuttled. His speed is almost invisible, and his moving position is even more chaotic. From time to time, from left to right, sometimes several meters, sometimes small shifts, one second, two seconds, three seconds... ... five seconds passed...

Ye Tianxie is always a little life. They see clearly and clearly, and they don’t see any damage on his body... But time is a second, and under the dragon's scale, the body of Ye Tianxie Still fast and very fast. That means... he was not hit once! ! !

Long Er, Long San, Long Si, and Long Wu have completely stunned the past. They all looked at it and completely forgot the attack.

Seven seconds... eight seconds... nine seconds... ten seconds...

The tearing sound stopped, and the dragon's hands, which were exhausted, still pressed on the ground, forgetting to straighten up in the sluggishness. Ye Tianxie’s body stopped in the air, and his eyes were as sharp as the dark night star, looking at the four guardian dragons in a bird's-eye view. The four gods and dragons looked up at Ye Tianxie for a long time.

Ye Tianxie once again brought a huge impact to their spirit. Let them know what is unbelievable. Today, facing Ye Tianxie, the shock they feel is even more than the sum they have suffered in the past 100 years. At this point, I look up at Ye Tianxie... They have an illusion of looking up at the gods... In addition to the legendary **** of the ancients, who else can have such an incredible ability. But such people did it... in front of their eyes, they did it in their sight. Ten seconds of intensive dragon scale attack, did not hurt him at all.

"I am again... I can't believe my eyes." The bright dragon **** spit out a long breath.

"I don't think so... His dragon soul is my own witness to the awakening. After the dragon soul broke, I personally tried his strength, but I never knew that there would be such a horrible thing on his body. Ability... No, this ability is so horrifying that the roots are beyond my imagination and cognition!! Is this the magical power derived from the place called Earth?” .

"But... this should almost let him reach the limit. This time, he is really overdrafting his own mental strength. Perfectly avoiding the attack of the dragon scales, it is harder than hard to fight. Times, the consumption of mental energy is also extremely great."

The light of the Dragon God just fell, and the body of Ye Tianxie floating in the air shook, and then suddenly fell from the air, and when the foot touched the ground, it stood still, and the Shura demon sword stabbed into the ground. Supporting his body did not fall.

"Ah! Big brother, do you have anything!" He shouted in panic.

"Nothing... that is... some dizziness." Ye Tianxie shook his head and replied with a weak voice.

"But, but the big brother looks like it is very weak. Don't fight with them first... Hey, big brother, you still owe me ten lollipops, you can't forget!!"

Ye Tianxie: "@#¥%......"

"Is it so good? Go out and seal them all, then you can defeat them all at once, okay? Hey... Big brother wants to thank you, you only need five jelly." At the time, Ye Tianxie almost heard the sound of her swallowing saliva.

"No... rest assured, I am fine. This is my battle, you can't intervene. And... If you are exposed to the goddess of Xi Yao, I don't know how many people are looking for me, absolutely can't come out." The evil spirits whispered. Then support the brain that is still full of dizziness. Pulled up the Shura demon sword and pointed to the four dragons in front of him. In the world of destiny, spiritual consumption is much more terrible than physical exertion. Because in the world of destiny, the player's physical strength is unlimited, but the mental power is completely equal to the real world... In this world, the spirit is over-consumed, and it will also be dizzy and coma.

Long Er et al. did not take the opportunity to attack. Long Er looked at him and said: "Evil day, you have shocked us once again... but it seems that you have reached the limit and are sealed in the 'Four Dragon Seals', and you have no chance of winning. Stop here, you have proved our strength to us."

"The limit?" Ye Tianxie smiled slightly, his eyes became sharp again: "Our human body can't be compared with the dragon, but our unique advantage is that there is never a limit!! The so-called limit is not the end, but But it’s a level to be broken!!”

Dragon II: "..."

"Do you know one of my titles?" Ye Tianxie said with a narrow eye.


"Unbeaten evil king!! Because as long as it is the challenge I initiated or accepted... I have never lost, never once!! Today, it will not!"


The Shura Demon Sword was re-erected by Ye Tianxie on his chest. His body was already crumbling, only his eyes were sharp and still strong.

Huh, finally put the owed today, go to sleep, scream...]

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